Finally asshats USPS listen to me


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
hello and thank you!

now, that they are starting to slow down the bleeding....they can terminate 33% of their work force and end the ponzi scheme

we must get those in government & union members to PAY their fair share!
I support Saturday delivery. Its a tradition and the post office provides a lot of good jobs for Americans.

The people who hate the postal service want to impose their electronic culture on everyone. Not everyone trusts e-mail, why should they be forced to use it?

I hope the elimination of Saturday delivery is challenged in the courts.
I support Saturday delivery. Its a tradition and the post office provides a lot of good jobs for Americans.

The people who hate the postal service want to impose their electronic culture on everyone. Not everyone trusts e-mail, why should they be forced to use it?

I hope the elimination of Saturday delivery is challenged in the courts.

post office is losing billions each and every year....time to end that welfare
I support Saturday delivery. Its a tradition and the post office provides a lot of good jobs for Americans.

The people who hate the postal service want to impose their electronic culture on everyone. Not everyone trusts e-mail, why should they be forced to use it?

I hope the elimination of Saturday delivery is challenged in the courts.

Saturday delivery will still occur for all packages to all locations and for letters/cards addressed to P.O. boxes. Post offices that are now open on Saturdays will stay open on Saturdays.
I love my postman....If he wasn't married I'd fuck him good....twice on Saturdays :)
Hater of freedom

No, what these asshats here in GB are haters of those with money and THEY want others to pay for his or her way of life.

lets face it, GB left wing is comprised of losers that are too lazy to work and want others to pay. sorry, we need the socialist/liberals to get jobs so that they can PAY their fair share
It's a bummer the USPS won't be delivering regular mail on Saturdays. They're still going to deliver postal packages though, because they profit from it.

What I don't understand about the USPS are their complaints about losing money year after year, but they keep investing in costly equipment and creating hundreds of new stamps. And I know those molding plates ain't cheap. Why not just go with one simple stamp and leave it alone?

Another thing that bothers my is that the USPS is an independent agency supposedly separate from the government, yet it needs Congressional approval?
What I don't understand about the USPS are their complaints about losing money year after year, but they keep investing in costly equipment and creating hundreds of new stamps. And I know those molding plates ain't cheap. Why not just go with one simple stamp and leave it alone?

They're running a multi-billion dollar deficit and you're concerned about a few molding plates? :confused:

Another thing that bothers my is that the USPS is an independent agency supposedly separate from the government, yet it needs Congressional approval?

The USPS is not separate from government.
They're running a multi-billion dollar deficit and you're concerned about a few molding plates? :confused:

The USPS is not separate from government.

Why is it hailed as an independent agency of the US Government, separate from the Federal Gov't, and supposedly in danger of going out of business?

The USPS hasn't received any taxpayer money since the 80s. They're only open during the hours most Americans are working; hence the reason for the mad lunch hour rush and long lines. They're the 3rd largest civilian employer, behind the Federal Gov't and Walmart.
Why is it hailed as an independent agency of the US Government, separate from the Federal Gov't, and supposedly in danger of going out of business?

It's an independent agency of the US government; that doesn't mean it's completely separate from the government.
Why is it hailed as an independent agency of the US Government, separate from the Federal Gov't, and supposedly in danger of going out of business?

The USPS hasn't received any taxpayer money since the 80s. They're only open during the hours most Americans are working; hence the reason for the mad lunch hour rush and long lines. They're the 3rd largest civilian employer, behind the Federal Gov't and Walmart.

Your mistake is thinking ass clown merc knows what's he's talking about;)
It is a independent agency but all profits they make they can't keep by law;)
Your mistake is thinking ass clown merc knows what's he's talking about;)

The last time you and I had a discussion about basic concepts you ended up not knowing what GDP was. You were wrong then and you're wrong now.

It is a independent agency but all profits they make they can't keep by law;)

This statement is wrong in many ways.
post office is losing billions each and every year....time to end that welfare

Because republicans in Congress forced them to. They have to pre-pay billions of dollars woth of health insurance. Jen you know literally nothing. Except how to be a dumbass.
Because republicans in Congress forced them to. They have to pre-pay billions of dollars woth of health insurance. Jen you know literally nothing. Except how to be a dumbass.

I don't know about health insurance but the Feds, dem and rep, forced them to fund the retirement benefits they have already promised to pay. I think this should happen to every company and government in the country. It's easy to make a promise that you know will happen 20 years out and you will be long gone when it has to be paid for.

As for the post office being independent while that is technically true the congress tells them how to run. For instance when they wanted to close hundreds of small unprofitable post offices congress said no. If they were truly independent and run like a free market business this would be seen as an obvious need.
The last time you and I had a discussion about basic concepts you ended up not knowing what GDP was. You were wrong then and you're wrong now.

Gross Domestic Product, which by the way is one of my nicknames for my semen.