Fifty Shades of Sadie (closed)


Purveyor of Pleasure
Nov 21, 2001
(OOC) --Gordon “Gordie” Davenport

58 years old, 6’3, weathered but fit and strong, blond hair with tinges of grey, deep blue eyes, large hands, full beard

Ex-Stepfather to Sadie, living happily alone

IC --Gordie stepped out of a steamy shower to the insistent knock at his front door. Annoyed and puzzled by the implied urgency, and wrapped in bathrobe, he opened the door to find Sadie, battered and disheveled.

“Honey, what the hell happened to you? Come in, come in. Are you okay?”

“G-G-G-Greg.” was all she could get out.

“I’ll kill him. I swear I’ll kill him this time.” Gordie had been suspicious of Greg the Slacker from the start. Sadie had stubbornly stayed with him, through job firings, nights in jail, evictions and drunken tirades for over a year now. Gordie had tried his best to talk her out of it as soon as he became certain that a scumbag was all Greg was. Sadly, the chorus of objections had only hardened Sadie’s resolve to prove everyone wrong. But Gordie would not sit idly by while Greg physically abused his stepdaughter. Ever since Gordie and her mother had split and her mother left town, Sadie had been on her own, making one bad choice after another. It was time for intervention.

“Sadie, honey, you can’t go back there. Look at you. You’re a smart and beautiful woman of nineteen, with your whole life ahead of you.” He wrapped his arms around her, and held her until she stopped shivering.
(OOC): Sadie Warren

19 years old, 5'5 average build with curves, brunette hair just past her shoulders and bright green eyes.

Gordie's step-daughter, engaged to her abusive live-in boyfriend Greg.


C'mon, please open the door! Sadie begged in her head and she pounded on Gordie's door once more. His truck was in the driveway, he had to be home. When he finally opened the door, her relief was so overwhelming it was all she could do to stay on her feet.

Once he wrapped his arms around her, she finally felt her brain begin to slow down. Her hands were clutched together in a ball tightly to her chest, still cold from the wind outside.

She mumbled, trying to hold back tears, "I know, I know... It's all just so stupid... He's never... I mean... it was never this bad before..." Honestly Sadie couldn't even remember what had sparked Greg's rage. Before he would just get belligerent, and call her names, rave about how stupid she was, how worthless. She could handle that, but today...

Sadie could still feel where his fingers had grabbed her jaw when he pushed her against the wall to scream at her. Bruises lined her arms, and she knew there would be one on her thigh where he'd use his knee to pin her.

She was so afraid, and she'd never been that afraid before. The first chance she just bolted as fast as she could, leaving her keys behind, her purse, her phone... It was less than 5 miles to Gordie's house, but it felt like it had taken forever, she kept feeling like Greg would pull up behind her any minute and start in again.

She shook her head, her cheek against Gordie's robe, and inhaled deeply. More than anyone in the world, she knew she would be safe here with him. Even when Maggie (she'd long ago stopped calling her "mom") had screwed things up and made his life a living hell, Gordie had always been there for Sadie.

"Please, just promise that you won't do anything bad? Please? I don't want you to get in trouble just because I've been an idiot." Sadie could see how furious Gordie had been when he saw her, saw what Greg had done.
Lit only by the moonlight streaming through the living room windows, Gordie could see the stress and abrasions on Sadie’s face. If not physically beaten, Greg had at least pummeled her emotionally. He approached, wrapping his arms around Sadie, his large hands coming to rest straddling the three inch strip of bare flesh between her blouse and low-slung skirt. The coolness of Sadie’s skin startled Gordie, and the genuine warmth of his hands there seemed to bring Sadie more into the moment. She leaned into him, grateful for his strength.

Gordie gritted his teeth as his fury for Greg’s smallness as a man engulfed him again. “I swear, Sadie, he’s not going to get away with treating you like this. But I won’t do anything stupid. Right now I just want to make sure you’re okay. Come on in, and let’s have a look at those bruises. Do you need something to calm your nerves? I’ve got some wine. I’ve got something stronger if you need it. I think I’ve still got a joint tucked away upstairs if that would help.”

He pulled her into the light of the dining room, looking carefully for the marks of Greg’s pathetic rage. Even in a situation like this, Sadie was a beauty, carrying her Mom’s fine features with a style Maggie had never possessed. Gordie wanted to kiss all her boos and make them better, just like he had when she was younger. With a sudden flush of discomfort, he realized he’d love to kiss those lips as well. He turned to regain his composure. Now was not the time to be lusting for the unattainable. Now was the time to be the parent Sadie had never had. Focusing on the problem at hand, he turned back with a reassuring smile and took her hands in his. “Tell me what you need, babe. I’m all yours. We’re going to get through this together.”
Sadie allowed herself to relax a little when Gordie promised not to go after Greg, not to do anything rash. Sadie had two big concerns pressing on her mind right now and that was the most pressing when she'd finally made it to his door. She didn't know what she would do if Gordie had immediately run off to confront Greg. One or both would likely end up in jail or worse. Right now, Gordie was all she had, and she couldn't afford things to unfold that way.

The second worry began to surface only after the first was allayed. As her step-father stepped back in the light of the dining room to survey the damage that she had suffered at the hands of her fiance, she felt herself shrink. Her shoulders rounded, and she crossed her hands in front of her stomach, unable to meet his eyes. Her stomach dropped when he turned away. She was right, he was disappointed. He was angry, and probably disgusted at what she'd let happen. Sadie felt tears rise, and hastily wiped them away when he turned back to her.

"Umm, no. No, I think my head is swimming fast enough, but thank you." She took a deep shaky breath and tried to smile. "I'll take a water, or a soda, if you've got any in the fridge?"

Leave it to Gordie to treat her like an adult even when she'd shown herself to be just the opposite. It was one of the things she loved the most about him. He never talked down to her, even when she was a child. He'd been there with hugs and a sincere ear to bend even through the trivial trials of high school. Teachers, friends, boys, he'd heard it all...

It hurt to feel like she was letting him down again. Hurt more than all the bruises in the world.
“Sit down, Honey. Take a load off. Take a few deep breaths. It’ll help.” Gordie gestured to the dining room table that had been his parent’s wedding present from their parents. “Now, Sadie, I’m not going to lecture you about soda, and how it’s going to kill you in the long run, cause you’re a big girl now. More importantly I don’t have any, so it’s not even a possibility. I’ll get you some water, or lemon water, or tea. Whatever. Oh, but first, take some of these.”

Dashing to the kitchen for a moment, he came back with a small plastic bottle of homeopathic remedies, and a tube of something in his other hand. “Arnica. You really need this now. Trust me.” He carefully tipped four small sugary pellets into the cap, and raised the cap to her mouth. He’d done it hundreds of times when she was younger. Sadie took them in, holding them under her tongue. Gordie handed her the bottle. “Take four of these every hour or so. I swear it will help with any areas that have been traumatized. Now let me get a look at where you’re bruised.”

He took her face in his right hand and turned it toward the light as she sat at the table she had once crawled beneath, fabric spread like a skirt, creating her ‘fort’ when she was ten. He “Ooooohed” a few times, gently dabbing arnica gel from his left palm and rubbing it into her tired reddened skin. “That one’s going to require aloe. I’ll get some in a bit. Where else are you bruised, Honey?”

He stared her straight in the eye, and for a moment he was lost. This beautiful creature needed him. And yet, in the vulnerable state she was in, she looked radiant to him, a goddess, who, while not his own flesh and blood, might as well have been. He was the only real dad she’d ever known. Sperm donor ‘dad’ never saw her past the drunken night he laid his seed in Maggie. The string of other drunken boys after that did her no favors either, in a life where she had had to be the adult, while Maggie continued to be Maggie. Gordon Davenport had no kids of his own, but he would have given his life for Sadie, any day, any hour, any second that required it. His love for her was complete and unconditional, and apparently filled with a lust that made him squirm a bit.

He adjusted his pants as subtly as he could, suddenly aware that arousal had altered the dynamics of his crotch. “Holy shit! Get a grip, Gordie!” It was only his own inner voice shouting the words. If it had been Sadie he would have been devastated with embarrassment. “Really, Gordie—she’s your daughter, and she’s nineteen.” Frankly her age didn’t faze him. They were both adults, and younger women always seemed to dig him. But, for God’s sake, isn’t this incest, or something?

He saw the mark, starting at her neck and moving downward, and he followed it with his hand as it slid beneath her collar. “Sadie, please, how far does this go?” For a moment his anger rose again, and Sadie eyes opened wide with fresh fear that this was not going to end well. Gordie saw the change in her demeanor. “It’s okay—I’m cool, Honey. Just show me your boos, and we’ll fix them, one by one, just like the ole days. Sadie, listen to me. This was not your fault. You understand me? Don’t for a minute think that what he did to you is a reflection on you. That’s what he wants you to think. This is the work of a sick sick SICK little boy, who never ever deserved you. You’re a fucking goddess, Sadie. And he’s a sniveling little piece of shit. You are well rid of him. Tomorrow we’ll go get your stuff. Tonight, it’s just you and me, and you have never been safer, or more beautiful, than you are right now.”

Gordie held her up by her chin and kissed her on the forehead, just like when she was ten and scared out of her skin. And he looked her in the eye with his twinkling ocean blue eyes, and smiled a smile an ocean wide.
For a moment Sadie actually wanted to laugh. Only her step-dad would offer her a joint one moment, and then threaten to lecture her about the evils of the chemicals in soda. It was part of what made him so lovable though. In so many ways he was so easy going, so light hearted.

In fact Sadie had always felt a sort of duality when she was around him. On one hand he made her feel very positive, very optimistic, and oftentimes capable when he was around. He made her believe the very best things about herself, when ordinarily she did not. Ordinarily she was more likely to believe the things Maggie and Greg had been telling her for years...

On the other hand, when she felt so safe, when Gordie was taking care of her like this, she also felt her most fragile. Sadie was so used to having to wear her emotional armor just to survive a day with the destructive people who'd surrounded her for so long. When she was with Gordie though she could drop that defense. She could allow herself to be cared for, to be breakable. She was like a baby bird, obediently opening her mouth and accepting the pills Gordie offered, turning at his direction, moving so he could inspect her.

At this point, it felt like a matter of being broken rather than just breakable.

If anyone could put her back together again though...

As Gordie's fingers moved over her skin, administering the arnica where it was needed, Sadie let her eyes close and sighed softly, concentrating on relaxing. She knew she was safe here and she needed to just let things go, let them happen, and move forward. She needed to be present.

She smiled a little to herself, hearing Gordie's words in her own voice in her head saying these things. He'd be proud if he knew, she suspected.

Her green eyes opened at the touch of his lips on her forehead. She studied his face for a moment, looking for any sign that he was holding back his disappointment in her, the disappointment everyone seemed to feel. There wasn't a trace of it, and that realization filled her with hope. Instinctively Sadie wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her face to the side of his neck.

"I love you, Gordie. I don't know what I'd do without you." His arms wrapped around her and she flinched just slightly, feeling the pressure of his embrace over a fresh bruise. Reluctantly she released him when she felt him pull away, knowing he was going to want to continue where he'd left off.

She pulled up the side of her blouse and Gordie saw a red blotch stretching from the bottom of her rib cage and continuing up underneath the pink band of her bra.

Sadie saw the muscles in his jaw ripple, and wasn't sure if it was anger, or something else...
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Gordie’s visceral anger resurfaced as Sadie displayed the massive bruise running up the side of her torso. He turned and quickly left the room, leaving Sadie to only wonder what was running through his mind. She could hear him in the kitchen rummaging in drawers and slamming cabinets, and it occurred to her that he might have a gun hidden somewhere out there. Within minutes he was back. His face was relaxed, and his hands carried a first aid kit, a bowl of water, and a large leaf ripped from an aloe plant, and dripping its magical juice down the front of his shirt.

“We’ll have you fixed up in no time, Sadie. Let’s get your blouse off and get down to business.”” Gordie blushed, realizing how that must sound, and as he fumbled for the right explanation Sadie smiled warmly and began to unbutton her top. Setting his things on the dining room table, Gordie helped her pull her arms out, and she grimaced, her flesh smarting from the contortions. Once she had struggled out of her blouse, Gordie wrung ice water out of a washcloth and laid its cool surface along the length of the contusion. She flinched but then sighed as the cold soothed the angry flesh.

Gordie was aware that Sadie’s piercing green eyes were studying him, and he took a moment to return her gaze. He could still feel the spot where her lips had kissed his forehead. “Sadie. I love you, too, you know? I hope you know that. I hope you know that I would do anything for you. You’re going to be fine. You’re a lot tougher than that prick will ever be.” A tear formed in the corner of his right eye, and he felt more rising from within. He looked away, and wiped his eye as subtly as he could. After rinsing the washcloth and wringing it out, he deftly unhooked Sadie’s bra and let it fall away from her back. He continued then to rinse the upper part of the wound

It was disconcerting. Gordie’s senses were being challenged by a full frontal assault of love and anger and lust and concern. He held in his hands the naked flesh of a woman he loved more than anyone else on Earth. She was hurting from abuse, and yet she seemed to trust him completely to care for her. And she should. And yet, he was beginning to doubt himself. He kissed the side of Sadie’s neck, sending a shiver through her body. He ran his fingers across her left shoulder and down her arm, hypnotized by her flesh. Catching himself drifting off into uncharted territory, he took a deep breath, refocused, and began to clean to open abrasions with a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide. “This might sting a little, Honey.”
Sadie hardly paused at Gordie's instructions to undress for him. Growing up with him had been a little different than most families, some things seemed normal that might not have been normal in other homes. Nudity had never been an issue.

And yet this time seemed different. Of course, Sadie thought, it was probably just her adrenaline still pumping from fleeing Greg. She felt fingers tenderly exploring and tending to her bruises. Then a brush of a hand that seemed to have no purpose.

She froze when she felt warm lips and breath on the side of her neck. Though her mind was still a little jumpy, she felt an almost tangible click of something inside her, like a puzzle piece snapping into place. After so long being in the midst of a broken tangle of emotions, trying to hold together a relationship with an abusive and cruel man-child, trying to force things to be alright, now she found herself with the one person with whom she didn't have to try. Standing in the dining room with Gordie things just felt right without either person doing a single thing.

She hissed softly, drawn out of her momentary pondering by the cold pressure of the wet cottonball. Without thinking she cupped a hand over his and held it still, waiting for her heartbeat to slow for a moment.

"Gordie?" Her voice cracked and was a little louder than she'd intended it to be when she opened her mouth. Sadie's face flushed a little pink, and her next words were soft, almost a whisper. "Really, I'll be fine. I just need some time, I think, more than anything right now..."

Gordie's hands moved to her shoulders and gently pushed and pulled turning her to face him, studying her features as if to measure the truth in her claim. Sadie's hands moved up, her fingers sliding gently around his wrists. They stood there like that, just looking at one another for several moments.

Sadie found she had trouble holding his gaze for very long and instead closed the gap between them. Her hands slid beneath Gordie's robe, skirting his sides to rest on his lower back. She pulled him close, uncaring that her actions had completely loosed the belt that served to hold the robe closed. She only knew that she felt better when he touched her. The warmth of his skin healed her more completely than all the aloe and peroxide ever could.
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He heard her reassuring words. Sadie had always been a ‘take care of business’ kind of woman. Hell, even as a kid she had had to know what the problems were and how to solve them, because Maggie was in no condition to care for a child. Sadie’s childhood was upside down, but Gordie was pretty sure that Sadie’s “Old Soul” presence had saved her from her mother’s demise. He really never spent a lot of time worrying about her.

But at the moment Gordie’s brain had been possessed. From the time he’d opened the door to Sadie, he had felt a powerful sexual desire for her. He could push it to the background. He COULD successfully ignore it. For, he, too, was a take care of business kind of guy. Years ago he had realized that Sadie needed a functional parent in her life, or at least an older brother, a seasoned friend, someone she could count on through everything. And he’d tried his best to be all of those, and more, to Sadie. Gordie couldn’t be prouder of how she had turned out. Kids overlook that, amidst the constant stream of what seems to them like criticism. All their lives, “Don’t do this!” “Why’d you do that?” “You’re so stupid.” But most parents, at the end of a thankless job, are oh so grateful for the adults they’ve raised.

Focusing on cleaning Sadie’s wounds had kept Gordie mind conveniently off the thought that she was beautiful, and sexy, and almost naked in front of him. He was doing so well, self consciously well, but erectionless well. He had addressed most of the worst of her wounds, at least the visible parts. He was debating with himself how to ask if there was more, when Sadie took his hands in hers and gave him the most “Please, fuck me.” Look he’d ever seen.

In a flash she had slid her hands beneath his robe and pulled him close. His hands reflexively rested on her hips, and ground zero arose where their molten libidos touched, at the center of the circle their four hands formed. Her hands cupped his ass and drew them even closer together. There was no hiding his desire. While silently embraced in unconditional love, Gordie was erecting mighty testament to his lust, all along the length of Sadie’s half naked abdomen. There was no doubt in his mind that she could feel it. He was not a tiny man. And he knew that she knew EXACTLY what it meant. When finally they had the courage to look one another in the eye, they simultaneously burst into laughter.
Wrapped in Gordie's arms, Sadie had a brief flash of him when she was a young girl. He was the only man... they only person who treated her as someone worthwhile, even when he was dating Maggie, before they even married. Sadie remembered being a little disappointed when Maggie said that she was going to marry Gordie. Sadie, all of 6 years old, confessed that she had wanted to marry him instead. Maggie had sneered, and made a snide comment at the time.

But Maggie had eventually lost him. And now Sadie felt like she had a stronger claim to this man than anyone. Judging by his reaction to her embrace, Gordie felt the same way.

She felt the telltale hardening of his flesh against her. There was a soft voice in the back of her head bleating warnings, what would people say, what would they think, Gordie was a father to her. She quickly squelched that voice, and stole a look up him. It was the strong handsome face of a man, THE man, who would do anything to her. Why on earth should she deny that anymore?

She saw him looking back at her and began to laugh, and with that laughter, any reticence evaporated. She finally knew what she wanted and what she needed, and he was standing here in front of her. She cupped his face in her hands, her thumbs stroking his bearded jaw, and pulled his head down to hers. Her gaze was unafraid. She rested her forehead against his, the soft skin of her stomach warm against the underside of his pulsing cock.

"I want this. I want you." Her voice was husky with emotion. She pressed her hips forward for emphasis, allowing no misinterpretation of her words. Before her step-father could answer she pressed forward again and captured his mouth with hers. A soft moan greeted the gentle pressure of her tongue against his lips. She felt his arms encircle her and lift her from her feet, and she giggled happily amidst breathless kisses.
The swell of emotions that accompanied the rise of lust between them propelled Gordie into an uber pleasant haze of euphoria. He had fantasized this sort of chemistry years ago, when acting on anything would have been entirely a violation of trust. And whenever he had seen Sadie lately he was keenly aware of the full arrival of her womanhood. She fairly oozed sex in her movements. But he had become so good at suppressing it, that surrendering to that fantasy now was surreal. He felt likely he was tripping. And he loved it.

He was both consumed by her kisses while simultaneously breathing her in, body and soul, into his own lungs, where the light exploded and focused a million solar cells of energy, and his own awkward awareness on his now massive erection. It rested comfortably on Sadie’s bare belly as they did a bump and grind between the base of his cock and the top of Sadie’s mound, still separated by two thin layers of fabric. It was a heady moment. Her kisses were divine—her giggles were music—her touch pure magic.

He lifted her by her ass, six inches off the floor and rested her clothed pussy now atop his engorged manhood. The kisses deepened, hands contorting about both faces, like a sculptor’s impassioned vision. Gordie guided her sheathed tunnel along the length of his shaft, and sometimes nuzzled her breasts with his face. Sweat poured from their pores, the smell of sex had begun to fill the room.

In a frightening but calculated move Gordie fell backwards onto the padded seat of an armless dining room chair. Sadie settled quickly and painlessly in his lap. He held her face, staring fully into her eyes. They both just stared, oceans of love passing between them, words quite meaningless. After a few moments, Sadie opened her mouth to speak. Gordie quickly raised a finger to her lips. “Shhhh . . . Don’t talk. Just think. I’m clear what I want Sadie. I’m clear that I’ve wanted this longer than it’s flattering to admit, but I really really need for you to be sure. I can take you on an amazing journey if you’re sure. But I can’t tell you how important it is to ask yourself, now, before we lose our minds, if this, and all its unintended consequences, is what you really really want.”

He was done lecturing. The question had needed to be asked. He rose from the chair, taking Sadie with him, and studied her, standing close together, but no longer touching. Her breasts had an exquisite shape, full and proud. The bra had slipped away as she had slid into his robe, now serving more as a useless cape. Shrugging his shoulders downward, it slid to the floor. He kneeled on it, gently sliding Sadie’s last two garments down her sultry legs, leaning in to inhale the aroma of her arousal. “Mmmmmmmmm.” Was all he added.
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To be honest, his question almost made her laugh. She had never been so sure of anything in her life. The fact that he cared enough to ask it in the first place only reinforced her certainty.

She stepped out of the skirt and panties now pooled at her feet and her fingers brushed through Gordie's hair, caressing him where he knelt before her. She felt free in her nakedness in front of him. The words that he asked for would have failed her had she tried to speak them. Instead, she grabbed his hand, urging him to his feet and turned away from him.

She silently led him down the hall and into his bedroom, and with each step she could feel her heart pounding harder, and the heat between her thighs grow more intense. When Sadie reached the side of the bed, she turned back to Gordie, wrapped her arms around him and kissed him hard.

When the kiss finally broke, she whispered, her lips still brushing his with each word, "This is what I want. Please." She kissed him again, this time lowering herself to the bed and pulling him forward against her, reveling in the weight and warmth of his body. She could hardly stifle a giggle when she felt his cock twitch against her thigh as she sucked on his tongue. His groan told her all she needed to know about his feelings for her.
Unleashed passion can be a very dangerous thing. Rational thought, fear, responsibilities, and above all caution, all give way to the unstoppable forces set in motion by pheromones, biological imperatives, lust, curiosity, and, dare we say, love. All the inhibiting factors we normally live our lives by yield to the moment at hand. That moment had come for Gordie and Sadie, and nothing short of earthquake force could stop it.

His naked flesh slid silently across her own burning skin, his fully engorged cock nestling between her thighs, gently poking at the generously moistened slit it wanted to call home. Their lips and tongues devoured each other until it was hard to tell which parts belonged to whom. Hands probed without restraint in a flurry of exploration. It was mindless, because this was exactly what these bodies were built to do, seek a suitable mate and reproduce. No thinking was involved. Gordie, however, had years before fucked with Mother Nature, having his vasa deferentia snipped by a smug and competent urologist in a twenty five minute procedure that left him at home that night holding a bag of frozen peas on his scrotum. Removing the worries of procreation from sex had truly freed him to enjoy those moments without over thinking them.

Gordie pulled away from a record setting marathon of tongue twisting and lip pulling, focusing instead on Sadie’s luscious breasts, and the nipples that had been calling to him for years through the flimsy and inadequate fashions that Sadie had adopted as her style. He loved how she dressed, but it DID drive him crazy, making it nearly impossible sometimes for him to think of anything other than her hardened nipples pleading through thin layers of fabric for his approval. Now he got to lick them, to suck on them, to pull them with his teeth. He circled the left one with his tongue while his fingers deftly teased the right one into a huge erection of mammalian material.

He would stop occasionally to peer into her eyes, wordless manifestos of love passing between them. He felt like this was perhaps the purpose his life had been building toward, but the feeling lasted only for a moment. Mother Nature was not through with him just now. Sperm or no sperm, she was going to see this mating ritual through to the big bang.

Giving each nipple a farewell for now kiss off, he slid down Sadie’s body, pushing her legs further apart as he went, pressing his throbbing penis between his belly and the bedcovers, and coming to rest with his nose firmly planted at the simmering entrance of her pussy.
Consequences be damned. Sadie wanted this. She'd needed it. It may have been what she'd always needed. She wanted to return every caress, every stroke of his experienced tongue, but his strong hands made it clear that, for now at least, her place was simply to allow him to explore her. It was already apparent that this was going to be a far cry from what had passed for sex with Greg.

The room was filled with the sounds of Sadie's soft panting breaths and little pleading moans. The slightest brush of Gordie's hands on her thighs cued her to spread them wider for him, eagerly accepting each taste and touch. This was uncharted territory for the young woman sprawled across the bed. Greg had never cared for Sadie's pleasure, and as Gordie's tender seeking kisses made their way down to her creamy scented lips now parted in offering, her mind was awash in a haze of lust.

Her lithe body arched forcefully and her fingers curled into his hair as the first touch of her clit, rather than being tentative and teasing, was intense. Gordie's lips wrapped around the sensitive nub and he sucked hard, pulling at the unsuspecting flesh. His blue eyes darked as he watched her body writhe under him and heard her gasp, completely lost to the world.

"Ooh Daddy!"

The words hung in the air and the juxtaposition rang in the back of her mind, somewhere in the recesses where rational thought was still possible. Such complete and unwavering love for this man who was more father than anyone at war with such overwhelming carnal lust for this man who was more lover than anyone.*In her mind, it was what she'd always called him, despite only using his name outloud. She raised her head slightly, seeking those reassuring eyes... needing to know it was alright.
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“ . . . Daddy!” The word cut through Gordie’s awareness like a chain saw, leaving a ragged edge of guilt on the most sexually charged moment of his life. Containing his doubts inside his skull, he continued to lap at her labia with long wet strokes of his tongue, starting at her taint, and running the length of her slit, ending in deft circles around and under the hood of her clitoris. First one side, and then the other. Sadie squirmed, and moaned. He watched her face for signs of her own doubts. When she lifted her head and opened her eyes to peer at him, the windows to her soul were clear, and bright, and more filled with joy than he had ever seen. And he tried his best to radiate through his eyes that all is right with their world. She’d never called him “Daddy”, always “Gordie” or “Gord” or “The Dude”. Incest had such a clinically unpleasant tone to it, and what he was feeling, what she was showing in her face—what they were doing here together had no down side to it. It was pure love, wrapped in unadulterated lust.

His tongue continued its snakelike motions, sometimes probing deep into her drenched pussy, always ending with a clitoral tease. Gordie slipped one finger around the rim of her pulsing vaginal walls, pressing against the heightened nerve endings, massaging the crescent of fibrous flesh that clung to the underside of her pubic bone. This caused her to press almost violently upward at times, thrusting her furry mound hard into his face. He sucked her in, inhaling her fragrant aromas, twisting and teasing the nub at the center of her arousal, while pushing his finger slightly deeper into her tunnel of exquisite darkness. Gently running his extended finger around the rim of her cervix, he then withdrew it, hooking it under her g-spot as he did and literally lifting her off the bed, causing her to gasp for breath and groan in a deep guttural expression sudden pleasure. His tongue now made a slow wide flat journey from the rim of her pussy upward, a slow motion arousal of every nerve in its path, reaching the clitoral hood with such exaggerated slow motion progress that she thought she would burst. A cry left her lips as his tongue relented in comforting circles, around and around the engorged organ as it peeked from its hooded hiding place.

As his finger pulled out it brought with it copious amounts of vaginal excretions, and he drew them downward, across her taint and around the puckered rim of her anus, pressing and teasing at its tight and sensitive mouth. By now his free hand had crept up her belly and was madly circling her right nipple, pinching and pulling in unrelenting intent. Gordie drew more fluid to her anus and continued to loosen its entrance with gentle probing, pressing until it practically sucked his finger in an inch, and then even more. His thumb worked the rim of her pussy, keeping every nerve involved in the symphony of sexual energy that surrounded her being. His tongue was now fully involved in stimulating her clitoris, around and around, pushing it harshly upward, and then releasing it, wagging it side to side, pushing the tip of his tongue far up under the hood, massaging even the back side of her clitoral wonder. Her breath became ragged. Her eyes frequently opened, touching base with Gordie’s bright blue orbs of reassurance. Beneath his belly, nestled amongst the fold of the bedcovers, a pounding pulse reverberated in the raging erection of The Dude. Daddy be damned!
Never in her life had Sadie been so consumed by pleasure. So coccooned in love and lust. Everything felt so new, and so intense. Sadie had been a virgin when she met Greg (despite all the horrible assumptions Maggie was known to throw at her) but he was not attentive, nor was he adventurous in bed.

The onslaught of feelings radiating from her center was enough to make tears stream from her eyes and each gasp was nearly a sob. Her fingers found a home tangled in Gordie's hair, urging him closer, guiding him to the places that made her cry out for him. Soon her heels were on his back and she felt her limbs tensing around him.

Sadie was uncontrollable as her orgasm shook her. Every muscle winding tighter and tighter until a single flick of Gordie's tongue sent her spiraling through time. Her convulsions were almost alarming, and she rode them for what seemed like minutes as Gordie continued to tease and torment her, building her still higher.

"Oh FUCK, Gordie, please!"

Her clit pulsed in painful jolts, and yet she wasn't sure if she was begging him to stop, or to push her further.
Gordie had noticed her tears, heard her sobs, felt her heightened emotions pushing through the muscles of her body. He also knew that her hands and legs, and feet, and thighs were all urging him onward, and so he did not hesitate, and even though he might have teased her mercilessly as she approached climax, he didn’t. The wave pulsed through her body, her eyes closing, her chin quivering, her breaths irregular and gasping. He took her wave and pushed it deeper, his tongue relentless in putting the maximum pressure to her now throbbing clitoris, his tongue wide and flat, uplifting the nub from below, barely moving, but always pressing it upward, until his tongue slid just beyond the dense bundle of nerves, and a flood of released tension broke her down.

As she convulsed he reapplied the broad tongue just below her clitoris and pushed it subtly, forcefully upward. She gasped, he held. She exhaled, his tongue pressed onward, one orgasmic rush pushing into another, until she reflexively pulled away, her pussy overwhelmed, her consciousness altered, her pulse frighteningly fast. Sadie opened her eyes, and gazed at this man she’d known for so long. Gordie met her gaze, lifting his face covered in her juices and climbing slowly up the bed. He kissed her belly, licked her navel, while his hands advanced to her nipples, engaging them in circular play. Soon his lips and his still hungry tongue were on her nipples as well, alternating from left to right, and back again, licking and nipping and twisted and pulling, doubling their size in seconds. Gordie’s hands massaged the remainder of Sadie’s breasts, young and unself-conscious breasts that had never been treated to such attention.

Their eyes continued to devour each other. Gordie could see the hunger in her mouth, and he brought his to hers, crawling finally between her legs and resting his fully engorged cock at the mouth of her still radiating pussy. The kisses were as intense as before but now entwined with more emotion, not to mention copious tastes of her orgasmic fluids. He nestled his body into hers, positioning his hardened manhood along the full wet length of her slit. He was a hot and hard presence there, but he wasn’t ready to enter her yet. He wanted more of her mouth, and he attacked it with total abandon. When briefly he was sated by her luscious lips and curious tongue, he pulled back slightly, looked her steadily in her eyes, and mouthed the words “You. Are. Incredible.”
Sadie found she had no words with which to answer him, and instead kissed him again. Long slow luxurious kisses which melted into one another filled the space between them. She felt his length pressed to her still throbbing sex. God she wanted him.

Her movements were no longer frantic or frenzied, but still driven by intense desire. Sadie's arms and legs wrapped tightly around Gordie's body, and she began to move against him. Her hips rolled, sliding the soft swollen lips of her sated pussy up and down the length of his shaft. Their bodie's found a natural rhythm, bodies rocking, breaths matched. Her lips traveled along his shoulder, tasting the sweat of his skin, teasing him with exploratory nips and bites, sucking the indentations left by her teeth.

Each groan and gasp she pulled from him was like a trophy won, and she became bolder with each one. Her fingers splayed across his back curled, dragging her nails lightly over him, making him arch into her, pressing harder against her clit.

Finally her own teasing did her in and she couldn't take it anymore. She cupped his whiskered face in her hands, breathing huskily, "Please, Gordie..." Her eyes were wide and clear, and her request unmistakable.