Fiances Sister (Bill525 & BlackTeen)


Literotica Guru
Sep 16, 2011
Bill and his fiance, Jessica, are excited about their trip. They are currently driving to Jessic's parents house to spend the week with her family. This will be the first time since they have gotten engaged that they will be spending significant time with her family, and they hope it will be a time to celebrate.

As they drive, Jessica is talking about how excited she is, she is even excited for seeing her younger sister. "Sophie is going to be jealous, she never thought I would find a guy like you to marry," Jessica said smiling. Bill drove, laughing at the comment. He has only met Sophie a few times, but he has heard enough about her to know she is the bad girl of the family.

As they finally pull into the driveway, Bill sighs, finally at their location he hopes he can relax a bit after the long car ride. He parks the car and gets out with Jessica. Bill is wearing jeans, with a belt and boxers underneath, and a light blue polo shirt. As they exit the car, Bill smiles at Jessica, "Here we are, finally."
Sophia had been mainly kept away from her family's public life for years. Being the "ugly little duckling", she was not the one her parents were proud of.
Jessica was tall and athletic. Sophia was shorter and did less port. But her more gorgeous frame was more shown in sexier clothes. Although the sisters had the same dirty blonde hair, Sophia kept the wilder and longer, and her green eyes seemed more animal than the plain brown of her sister.
Jessica had a good job, a couple of responsibilities, in a high-level company. Sophia was a waitres sin a dirty filthy downtown strip bar.
Jessica had met a few boyfriends that their parents always appreciated and with which she had rather long stories. Sophia's sentimental life had been a series of quick shots and bad guys.
Jessica always dressed with nice stuff and sometimes expensives clothes. Sophia prefered some less appreciated clothes, and her tatoos and piercings were not that much liked by their parents.
Sophia was 4 years younger than her sister and thought that she had a much funnier and happier life. Jess' life might be so boring. And Bill, as nice, gentle and handosme as he was, seemed to be kinda boring. but Sophia had to admit that he was handsome. She even appreciated to see him in swimpants once during a family reunion around the parents' swimming pool and she had to admit that there was something in him.

Now they would have to spend one week all together. With the last things to organize for their wedding. THe rehearsal, and all of that. Sophia had decided to not cause too many problems and had broken her credit card limit on a nice dress. But her +1 had left her, and she would be alone at the wedding (that stupid biker had been caught with too much coke in his bag only two days ago).
Sophia was late. She knew it. He rboss had been hard to let her go, just 2 hours after the time she was supposed to end her hsift. As usual of course. but she knew she was awaited at her parents' house for the evening meal. So she was in her working clothes (the denim mini-shorts and the grey tank top) when she drove her noisy little car in front of the house. And she rang at the door.
As the first day went, Jess and Bill had gotten settled into Jess's parents house. As the evening came along, the family was waiting for Jess's younger sister, Sophia, to get home from work. Bill was in the room that he and Jess will be sharing for the week, while Jess was downstairs helping her mother make the dinner. Jess' father was in the living room watching television.

Bill was laying in the bed, wondering about the week that was coming. He knew the wedding plans had to be finalized, and Jess was excited to have her mother and best friend help her out. But Bill couldnt help but be slightly interested in Jess's younger sister. Sophia had always been a topic Jess did not like to discuss, and for some reason he felt as if she would rather not admit she had a sister.

As he lay in bed, Bill heard a car pull into the driveway. He got up to look out the window and saw Sophia finally arriving. As she stepped out of the car he noticed her denim mini shorts and grey tank, he smiled slightly, knowing that should set Jess off, along with her being late for dinner.
When I opened the door, Jess was of course the first to rush at me and to begin yelling about me being late and what was this clothing and shouldn't I have made an effort.
I sighed. OK ,t his was the way she wanted to start it all, so let's answer in her tone.
I planted myself on my feet, being a bit shorted,a nd not having high heels as she did, I looked her form down, but that didn't diminished my possibilities.

- OK Jess, well it's a shame you have a good job at a high level where you're a boss and could get away when you can. I'm just so sorry for working hard too and not having the same arrangements. I'm so sorry for you who can make the arrangements that you want to. If you're not happy with me being here, just say it and I?ll be gone in a second. I think every damn strip bar in town should be mor epleasant to handle than your boring marriage which will be as standard and basic as your little life pleasures. You just can't scream at me and be such an asshole as soon as I ...

We were shut down by mum who came towards us and yelled a single "STOP".

Were we still young girls? So obedient? The fact is that everybody shut up when she did so, and we looked at her embarassed.

- Hi mum, I said.

She hugged me and asked us to keep calm, that it was not a problem me being late, and that she would not suffer that kind of attitude in her house, being from jess or from me. She made it very clear.

I greeted everyone. Mum, dad, my littlebrother carl, Jess' bitchy-rich friend, and Bill...
And it was time to seat down for the meal.
I greeted Jess's sister, as the fireworks had finally died down between the two. As we sat down for dinner, I couldnt help but wonder why Sohia seemed so different then her sister. There was something mysterious about her. There was no doubt she was attractive, but something else drew his attention to her. It was something many men are drawn to with Sophia.

As dinner ends, it seems as though the family is getting along. Talk drifts to the wedding, and Jess couldnt be more happy but fill everyone in with all the updates and news about the wedding.

I sit at the table, shaking my head, knowing Jess is in her element talking about the wedding plans. As I look across the table, I see Sophia. My eyes looking her over a bit.
my mind was drifting as my sister began talking about all what she had done. it was strange, how could she be happy with something so usual? If one day I might get wed (but I can't see how and why), I'd probably put on a more wild party, something less classical, probably to the dismay of my family, but isn't a wedding made for the bride and groom before the others?

So I was looking in the distance, absentmindedly. I catched from the ocrner of my eyes Bill's eyes on me. It made me smile. He was wtaching me and not taking part in the conversation as his fiancee was wxplaining everything about their wedding.

I ended up standing up and walking out on the terrace to take some fresh air. I had to change my mind. My glass in hand, I stood there in the moonlight, breathing the night's air and eyes closed.
As you get up from the table and walk out, Jessica watches you. As you leave the room, she shakes her head and says, "She is still as rude as I remember." Your parents try to play down the fact, but Jessica is annoyed, but is more then happy to go back to talking about the wedding with the family.

I smile, getting up and kissing Jessica on the cheek. "I am tired, I am going to go lay down, it was a long trip." Jessica smiles at me, as I thank her parents for dinner, then head out toward the stairs.

As I walk, I see Sohia standing on the terrace. I dont know why, but I head out, smiling. "So, do you always just walk out when your sister is talking?"
Suddeenly Bill was there. And I giggled.

- well, she's speaking of your marriage, so I should better ask you the question.

I turned to face him and smiled.

- You know we both don't go along too well. She's just bothering me again. We all understood that she's the good girl, the prefered one, the one who makes things right. The most loved one. I'm the ugly little duck from the family, the one you're ashamed of. I just prefer to let her speak, I'm done with pretending to listen to her. I just want this all wedding story to be done and return to my life without her.

but I realized I was telling this to the groom. In fact to the handsome groom. I looked him up and down.

- Don't misunderstand me Bill. It's OK if you've found the woman of your life, and that's OK. I just can't understand how one can stay his whole life with her.

I took a step closer to him.

- My sister will be busy in the days to come, and I think she didn't include your presence too much in those affairs that she hadnles well alone. Why don't we spend some time together? I still have to try on my dress and make some errands around before the wedding itself, and I don't like doing things alone.
I smiled while listening to her. She was very blunt, but that doesnt bother me. "Well you know your sister, I left because she is just going over the details that I have heard over and over again." I smile at her, watching her turn to talk to me.

"I have heard from your sister about the black sheep reputation you have, why is that?," I ask smiling at her, noticing how much different she is then Melissa. She seems must more confident, and definitely has a better body.

"Well, I dont see a problem with helping you with some errands, we are going to be family right?," I smile at her.
- jess is the older one, the one our parents took their time with. When I was born, they were busy with her becoming a young girl and me just a baby. It all went that way all life. She ever had everything first, she was the little princess. besides I probably made some encounters and hang with people my parents didn't like much from rather early.

I looked into Bill's eyes.

- Honestly, if one day I have children, I really would not like them to make the same experiences I did at early teenagehood.

I giggled...

- Yes, family.

i sighed.

- That feels strange. Well, what about you coming with me tomorrow morning and help me with the dress. The shop had to make some adjustments on it and I have to try it on again. I'll be the bride's sister, I have to dress well. And in the afternoon I'd like to go see a friend, you could come with me, it'll change your mind a bit.
Smiling at Sophia, "I guess I could come tomorrow to the dress shop, that wont be a problem." My eyes looking down at her, she was very attractive, and had a naughty glimmer in her eyes.

"Why would going to see your friend change my mind a bit?," I say to Sophia. My mind wondering what she meant by that comment. "Does my mind need to be changed?"
- Oh you know, all those things about arranging and ppreparing the ceremony, all the worries and your standard life. He's a bit of a crazy person living in a crazy place that could only change your mond and take your worries away for a moment. We'll have fun.

I turned to go back inside.

- I guess it's time we go back there. See you in the morning then?

I went inside, under the reproachfull eyes of the family. I sighed.

- Goodnight everyone...

And I went upstairs to my room.
I get my shower, taking time under the stream of water. Yes in fact Bill was a handsome guy. And he needed some crazyness once in his life. Before getting married and spend the rest of his life in a boring situation. Sophia knew she could give him this. In fact she wondered how far they two could go in crazyness. She thought about it. And her mind went rather far. That made her laugh. He was not that kind of guy. Although... it may be good to go rather far with a handsome guy like this, and in the same way she could hurt her sister a bit. After all Sophia had endured in her life because of jess, it would be time to give her something back.
She was back in her room and went to bed.
When morning came, it was a bright sunny day. Sophia was still in her pyjamas (tiny white shorts and tank top) when she went down for breakfast. He rparents were already gone. there was a note on the table that jess had gone with her friend to arrange something about the flowers. She went to pour herself a coffee and take a slice of bread in the kitchen.
Bill smiled at her, "Yes, I guess I will see you in the morning. Goodnight Sophia." He watched her head back inside, and stood outside for a while longer. He was enjoying the mild night as he thought about how getting to know Sophia may be a good thing, especially since Jessica did not seem to like her very much.

Finally, Bill headed back inside and back to his fiance. He spent some more time with her and her parents talking about the wedding before they both headed upstairs to bed. Bill slept good that night, but found Sophia and her body on his mind.

As he woke up, he found that Jess was gone with her friend. Bill headed to the bathroom and showered, spending a little extra time in the shower enjoying the warm water. Finally he got out and got ready, putting on a pair of jeans, with boxers underneath, a short sleeve polo shirt and a belt. He headed downstairs to the kitchen.

As he walked into the kitchen, he saw Sophia sitting there. He smiled, "Good morning Sophia." As he walked to the refridgerator, he found his eyes on Sophia, as she was wearing a tank top and short white shorts. Her body again had his attention.
- Hi Bill. Had a good sleep?

I followed him with my eyes and kept a smile on my face. Would i really dare to go on with that crazy idea? Would he fall in the trap? Looking at him now in the morning, I wondered how he was udner all those clothes.

- Hope you rested enough because there's a tough day ahead. let me finish this and get dressed.

She leaned a bit towards him with pleading eyes.

- Would you drive? be my "chauffeur" for the day? I'd love that idea. Please...
Bill poured himself some orange juice and smiled at Sophia. "I slept very good, thank you. How did you sleep?" His leaned back against the counter as he sipped his drink, looking at Sophia.

"Today is going to be a tough day? I thought it would be a pretty relaxed day!" he joked with her. As she leaned forward he couldnt help but let his eyes drift to her chest, seeing her breasts pressed against her tank top. "Your chauffeur huh? Thats what you want me to be?"
- If I had said yesterday it was going to be tough, you would have said no. now you cannot turn back form this. Well, not only my chauffeur, but also the bearer of some purchases, and most of all I need your advices on some purchases too. Mostly for the dress, you know.

I finished my coffe and stood up, straining myself, arms extended over my head, knwing how this would make my PJs cling to my body...

- Got to take a shower and dress. Might we leave in something like half an hour?
I watched you stretch. My eyes moving over your body as your PJ's clung to your body. My mind racing at how much different your body is then your sisters.

"Yeah, a half an hour sounds good..... I am already all set, but I guess I can wait for you," I said smiling at you. Part of my mind picturing you in the shower, with water running over your body.
It was a few minutes less than half an hour later that Sophia came back down to the kitchen and found Bill waiting. She had taken a shower, and put a little bit of make up. She was now wearing a pair of tight jeans with a little thin white top and Converse shoes, her wild hair in a loose bun. She had her bag and sunglasses.

- Ready to go Bill...

She offered him her arm.

- First stop, the clothes shop for my dress. I'm so excited to see if they did well with the last adjustments. You know, it will be more or less the first time I'll wear something so stylish and so ... how could we say ? "womanish"? I make a real effort for my sister here, but I'm not sure she appreciates it. Maybe you will...

She giggled and moved on with Bill towards the door, outside and the car.
Bill smiled as he took her arm, leading her to the car. He opened the door for her, then got in the drivers seat. He began to drive, thinking about what he had gotten himself in to. As he was driving, he looked over at Sophia, "So, do you and your sister fight a lot?"

As he pulled into the parking lot of the dress shop, Bill smiled. "So I will be the first person to see you in this dress? I feel honored!" He followed Sophia into the shop wondering what dress she picked out.
Sophia explained loosely why she and her sister didn't fight a lot, and ti was mostly because they didn't see each other a lot. There had always been some kind of very difficult relation between them. And Sophia prefered to avoid conflictual encounters.

- Yes, the first one of the persons at the wedding. I need another advice than those from the shop employees.

They entered the shop, which was the kind of classical and expensive shop Sophia wasn't used to. The sales assistant greated her by her name and she introduced Bill as a friend. The sales assistant gave her a little smile before asking if she was ready for her dress.

- Of course, I hope it'll fit well this time.

She giggles. never had she bought a dress where she could make it adjusted to her appearance.
The sales assistant invited Bill to sit in an armchair a moment, offering him a coffee, before going with Sophia into a changing cabin.

The sales assistant helped Sophia into the new dress, arranged her hair justa little bit ot get more suited, and both came after a couple of minutes.

- So Bill, what do you think of this?

Bill followed Sohia into the shop. He greeted the shop employee, and declined when she offered him coffee. He sat in the chair, wondering what Sophia would come out in. He knew the dress had to be approved by Jessica, so the dress had to be somewhat conservative.

As the door opened and he saw Sophia, Bill's eyes got wider. Sophia looked amazing in the dress. "You look amazing," he said while looking her over. He felt his eyes moving over her body, taking in how good she looked in the dress.
Bill's eyes comforted Sophia in her plan. She sent him her seducing and teasing smile and wink, taking a kinda suggestive pose, and she turned around slowly.
Ths sales assistant began buzzing around, taking closer looks and mumbling some words about some little changings that had to be done.

- OK then, said Sophia. If you have to, just let's take it off. I can wait while you do those latest arrangements.

The sales assistant's eyes darted to Bill, but Sophia shrugged, and she began unzipping the dress. Sophia was standing a bit further in the hops, but in Bill's plain sight, in front of a large mirror. As the material of the dress moved down, Sophia crossed her arms against her breasts to hide them and she was soon standing there in only her pinky lacy boyshorts panties. She looked back over her shoulder at Bill.

- So you really think it fits me well?
As Sophia told the sales assistant to take the dress off, Bill felt a little weird. He watched the material of the dress fall off her body. As she stood there with her arms over her breasts, and her pink lacy boyshorts on, Bill felt his eyes moving over her. His mind racing at how sexy her body was.

"The dress fit you incredible," he said softly, but his eyes were focused on the sexy pink boyshorts that she was wearing, his mind racing with thoughts of how good her body was.
- You know I even followed the color dresscode my sister wished for her closest friends, maid of honour, and of course me.

She was still standing facing the mirror, her back towards him, her arms over her bare breasts. She smiled at him in the mirror.

- it's not too much? is it adequate? What do you think?
Bill was still looking her over, his mind racing. He couldnt believe how incredibly sexy his fiances sister was. "Too much? No it is perfect," he said softly, still looking her over. "You are going to look great...... lets hope you dont take too much attention off your sister." He smiled at his comment, still looking her over as he sat in the chair.

Part of his mind started to drift, imagining the assistant leaving and him being alone with her like this. He knew it was wrong, he shouldnt have thoughts like this.