
might i ask you what the fuck your talking about? merging/absorption? what's that?
Waiting as well...

Anyone care to absorb a nice warm cup of tea while we wait and merge with some homemade, warm from the oven oatmeal cookies?
I once read a weird news story about a lady who thought she had a tumor or something and it turned out to be a pork chop bone. I guess she sat on it and it kind of absorbed into her skin.

I didn't believe the tale or anything... it was just odd.

Your post made me remember that story... thanks. :p
just pet said:
Waiting as well...

Anyone care to absorb a nice warm cup of tea while we wait and merge with some homemade, warm from the oven oatmeal cookies?

I'll take some of that.
Merging - the desire to fuse with a technological object, a desire to be the fetish.
i'm gonna go do some drugs and comeback and see if something comes to me that makes sense. then i'm gonna smash my computer with a hammer.
I'm looking for some stories or links about humming/gargling fetish?

anyone got any ideas?
Prince Romeo said:
Merging - the desire to fuse with a technological object, a desire to be the fetish.

Repeated for those who practice the skim reading/short attention span fetish.
Darlinosity posted this question on my behalf, but since this is not her fantasy, she couldn't answer your questions. She asked me to come here and explain it.

The "merging/absorption" idea is where two people, or beings, whatever, combine. Think about the movie "the blob," where this gelatinous thing gulps down on people as a frame of reference.

But in this case, I'm looking for it happening between people or things, and it be consentual and fun for both. Not snack food.

It's pretty far out, to be honest.

I was just wondering if anybody here knew anything about it, and could show me some websites if they did.
Tyrscull said:

The "merging/absorption" idea is where two people, or beings, whatever, combine. Think about the movie "the blob," where this gelatinous thing gulps down on people as a frame of reference.

But in this case, I'm looking for it happening between people or things, and it be consentual and fun for both.

Good, because we don't go for that non-consentual absorption thing around here.
I remember reading the blue box years and years ago (google groups shows it as being on a.s.stories in 97. Could it have been that long? *sigh* ) and thinking it was quite good for a while.


the D
In a Clive Barker story I once read.. a couple people swallowed each other's feet till they disappeared into each other. Or something like that happened... I dunno. I'm just going off in my own direction here. *L*
Someone is in need of some serious medication here..or maybe they're on it already..
woodcarver said:
I had an ex-wife that merged with my bank account and then absorbed everything that I owned. Is that a fetish?

Only if you got off on it.