Femininity and submissive

Maybe for her that's true, but I would beg to differ. Much to the chagrin of many men we're not in the fifties anymore.

Must be frustrating for women when one of their own comes out slinging this stupidity.

WTF do you know about the 50s?

Women are no different now than then. Wait! Most were married. Bastard children were rare. Welfare really didn't exist. Pill didn't exist. But few were submissive wimps.
WTF do you know about the 50s?

Women are no different now than then. Wait! Most were married. Bastard children were rare. Welfare really didn't exist. Pill didn't exist. But few were submissive wimps.

You paint a beautiful picture JBJ. No welfare and awesome cars....I was born too late. I have two female superiors at work who are quite feminine, yet no where near submissive. I think the submissive female only strokes a guys ego more. Self assured women are damn sexy.
If that she is a graduate of Keswick Christian High School doesn't give you a clue where her fundie ass is coming from, I don't know what will. :rolleyes:
You paint a beautiful picture JBJ. No welfare and awesome cars....I was born too late. I have two female superiors at work who are quite feminine, yet no where near submissive. I think the submissive female only strokes a guys ego more. Self assured women are damn sexy.

Bingo. Its all about the male ego, some men can't get the little head up if the big head isn't being constantly reassured.
WTF do you know about the 50s?

Women are no different now than then. Wait! Most were married. Bastard children were rare. Welfare really didn't exist. Pill didn't exist. But few were submissive wimps.

I read the fifties handbook for wives. Tells it all and I don;t need to have lived it. Everyone of my wife's old Italian uncles are living breathing examples of that knuckle dragging bullshit.

Hell, one of them thinks I'm gay because I let my wife drive when we go into Boston to visit.

I admit to having a copy of it though. I read it to my daughters and told them this is how to never act and if a guy expects it walk away.
You paint a beautiful picture JBJ. No welfare and awesome cars....I was born too late. I have two female superiors at work who are quite feminine, yet no where near submissive. I think the submissive female only strokes a guys ego more. Self assured women are damn sexy.


Some guys prefer submissive women but we must define what we mean, for I know plenty of sexually submissive women who are otherwise fairly competent and self assertive in matters of business, politics, and culture. Some guys are quite comfortable directing and guiding the sex while chilling with the other aspects of a union. My mother was such a woman. She managed everything but the sex. That was her release, so to speak.
I read the fifties handbook for wives. Tells it all and I don;t need to have lived it. Everyone of my wife's old Italian uncles are living breathing examples of that knuckle dragging bullshit.

Hell, one of them thinks I'm gay because I let my wife drive when we go into Boston to visit.

I admit to having a copy of it though. I read it to my daughters and told them this is how to never act and if a guy expects it walk away.

Excuse me for laughing at you. A book!
Excuse me for laughing at you. A book!

The books, TV they all portrayed the "ideal" woman. She cooked, cleaned and raised the kids.

I'd say she fucked, but she didn;t do that. The husbands went and found whores for that and wifey knew it but was a good little girl and never said a word.

YOu think I don't have uncles and family your age James?

This country's views on women back "in the day" would have the approval of any Muslim country of today.

But, whatever, you can delude yourself into thinking how upstanding your generation was.

I'm sure you would think I'm flaming too, especially if we're home and when we have company, I actually get up and get them drinks and even:eek: clear the table.
You paint a beautiful picture JBJ. No welfare and awesome cars....I was born too late. I have two female superiors at work who are quite feminine, yet no where near submissive. I think the submissive female only strokes a guys ego more. Self assured women are damn sexy.

It wasn't wonderful. Illness was almost a death sentence. But you could be poor with dignity, and living was cheap. It cost a dollar for a carload of people to see a movie at the drive-in. Groceries were about $20 for a family of 5. Gas was 20 cents a gallon. Cokes were 6 cents. Stamps 3 cents.
The books, TV they all portrayed the "ideal" woman. She cooked, cleaned and raised the kids.

I'd say she fucked, but she didn;t do that. The husbands went and found whores for that and wifey knew it but was a good little girl and never said a word.

YOu think I don't have uncles and family your age James?

This country's views on women back "in the day" would have the approval of any Muslim country of today.

But, whatever, you can delude yourself into thinking how upstanding your generation was.

I'm sure you would think I'm flaming too, especially if we're home and when we have company, I actually get up and get them drinks and even:eek: clear the table.

I lived in a different world than what you report. Plenty of women worked back then. And plenty of women fucked the milkman.
This idea that Biology Is Destiny is one of the creepiest things about heteronormativity.

Eww, eww, yuck cooties!
The books, TV they all portrayed the "ideal" woman. She cooked, cleaned and raised the kids.

I'd say she fucked, but she didn;t do that. The husbands went and found whores for that and wifey knew it but was a good little girl and never said a word.

YOu think I don't have uncles and family your age James?

This country's views on women back "in the day" would have the approval of any Muslim country of today.

But, whatever, you can delude yourself into thinking how upstanding your generation was.

I'm sure you would think I'm flaming too, especially if we're home and when we have company, I actually get up and get them drinks and even:eek: clear the table.

You don't have a clue. You're talking bout your uncles from the New England area and the women they knew. James is talking about southern women. Two completely different animals.

What you've read and what you've seen on TV is bullshit to real life. That was all stylized and wishful thinking on some network executives part. That is what made it so funny to real people.
I lived in a different world than what you report. Plenty of women worked back then. And plenty of women fucked the milkman.

They had too, their husbands were fucking the whores.

Besides it was never everyone, but what was portrayed was the propaganda of what it was supposed to be. The "ideal" woman was June Cleaver.
Reese is not denying herself to let him call the shots. She's getting what she wants back from him by doing so. So, serving him serves her larger purpose.
Reese is not denying herself to let him call the shots. She's getting what she wants back from him by doing so. So, serving him serves her larger purpose.

"What do Women Want?"

She's getting what she wants and has no apology for it, so who's the fool?

As for fifties women, they may have been less strident, but they used other means to achieve their ends.
"What do Women Want?"

She's getting what she wants and has no apology for it, so who's the fool?

As for fifties women, they may have been less strident, but they used other means to achieve their ends.

Oh, didn't they just!

Does Reece live in Stepford ?
They are starting younger nowadays.


8-year-old follows Tenn. lawmaker around Capitol until he drops welfare bill
My drill instructors were all femininity and not at all submissive. Not even a little bit. My head drill instructor's nickname was barbie doll for crying out loud. And, she was happily married and drove a Mustang GT. I looked up to her and still do. She made me a great Marine without having to sacrifice my power or feminine side.
JBJ, I like you. I have no idea what it was like in the 50's so I won't even try to compare. I just know what I grew up with in the 80's and 90's and most of the women I grew up with chose what they were submissive with and chose where they took the reigns. :)