Female orgasm - girls what are you feeling?


Literotica Guru
Oct 2, 2012

I've just started posting stories on here under the pseudonym Exquisition. If you've a mind to, you can take a look at my first offering 'Immaculate Conception' which seems to have been pretty well-received.

When I'm writing it's from the male perspective and my own experiences.

I like to inject realism into the narrative and would love to get a better understanding of what's going through a girl's mind and body when she orgasms.

Can you help out?

What's happening physically when you're building up to orgasm? Where's it happening? What's going through your mind? What are you feeling when you orgasm? What are you thinking when you're climaxing?

Would love to hear back from you. Feel free to PM if you prefer to keep it confidential.


I've just started posting stories on here under the pseudonym Exquisition. If you've a mind to, you can take a look at my first offering 'Immaculate Conception' which seems to have been pretty well-received.

When I'm writing it's from the male perspective and my own experiences.

I like to inject realism into the narrative and would love to get a better understanding of what's going through a girl's mind and body when she orgasms.

Can you help out?

What's happening physically when you're building up to orgasm? Where's it happening? What's going through your mind? What are you feeling when you orgasm? What are you thinking when you're climaxing?

Would love to hear back from you. Feel free to PM if you prefer to keep it confidential.


Since the penis is nothing more than a modified clitoris that is changed through hormones during gestation, a woman feels orgasm much in the same way a man does, we just don't ejaculate through the same area as you.

So, use your own experience as a guide.

I like to inject realism into the narrative and would love to get a better understanding of what's going through a girl's mind and body when she orgasms.

What's happening physically when you're building up to orgasm? Where's it happening? What's going through your mind? What are you feeling when you orgasm? What are you thinking when you're climaxing?


If I were you, I 'd search stories submitted by women and "examine" how they describe their orgasms.
My suggestion would be to find a female writer and collaborate with her. You could choose to write the story together, just use some of her ideas, or not use them at all.

It's very difficult to describe what it feels like. Personally, my mind is blank; I have to switch my mind off so I can concentrate on how good it feels.
Thanks for the suggestion BeachMomma. Judging by some curt responses you;d think it was the most unreasonable thing you could possibly ask a girl?

Knowledge is good. :)
It's hard to put to words. My main focus is thoughts and imagery of things that REALLY get to me and turn me on to help with the buildup. I focus on the sensations of what's going on and try not to think. I admit, I have a hard time actually orgasming at times so my experience may not be quite the same as some I guess.

It's like a buildup of energy in the pit of my stomach, almost a frusterating feeling that seems to increase and increase. I WANT more, I NEED more, my being, my self is sucked into that energy as it increases and builds. I have a hard time getting PAST the frusterating part where it almost seems to hang there for ages. Thought escapes me and I just want to get over the buildup to the release. It'll hold there, an intense ball of feeling - energy, lust, pleasure, wantoness, thought. It's like it's climbed up a steep cliff and holds itself over the edge that overlooks the long drop back to the bottom.

I can stay in that state for ages and if I don't make the jump over the edge I get very out of sorts. I can't sit still, I have a huge amount of unsatisfied energy, sleep is impossible and my mind is full of racing thoughts that jumble together and races around. It takes forever for the energy to slowly dissipate if I don't make that jump.

When I DO make the jump over.... My mind is completely focused on sensations. Thought is gone. The energy has built up to the point where I can't sit still. I get shaky with uncontrolled shivers throughout the body. My mind explodes as all the energy bursts inward/outwards into everything. My core being explodes with the energy and waves of it disperses around me. As the energy dissipates and leaves me, shivers that had wracked by body calms and slows down, peace envelopes the mind. Thought is long gone and I feel Zen. I feel completely drained and at peace with everything. Completely calm and that all is right with the world.
All I will say is that sometimes an orgasm is like an explosion. rippling from the inside of the core of me out. Sometimes it's like a sigh and sometimes it's like a dud. It's usually an explosion though.
Thanks for the suggestion BeachMomma. Judging by some curt responses you;d think it was the most unreasonable thing you could possibly ask a girl?

Knowledge is good. :)

A lot of guys come on here looking for detailed descriptions of a sexual nature, solely to wank off. Your post kind of sounds like one of these, hence the "curt responses"

Also, I'm a firm believer in "write what you know" and stories from the guy's point of view are just as good.
A lot of guys come on here looking for detailed descriptions of a sexual nature, solely to wank off. Your post kind of sounds like one of these, hence the "curt responses"

Also, I'm a firm believer in "write what you know" and stories from the guy's point of view are just as good.

If I want to 'wank off' there's plenty of material out there for me. I do write and am being serious. So far, I've had some excellent responses from women who haven't been so quick to take offense.

They have truly opened my eyes. I never knew a woman could have so many 'shades of grey' when it comes to orgasms.

Us guys have 2 - weak ones and strong ones. Both last for about 5-10 seconds for the most part.

Maybe I could have structured the question a little more scientifically for the easily offended / cynics?

Who knows....

But then this is a thread within a "How to" board on an erotic/sex forum. Go figure.
I agree with LoversKitten, we are wary of posting something as specific and detailed as how we experience an orgasm. You are obviously looking for ways to describe something that you can't experience but the other guys who are going to be reading this thread will be sending unsolicited messages to the women who share.

It's not that we don't want to share with you, it may be that we don't want to share with the masses.

As a writer myself, I hope that you've had some great PMs that were able to help you understand how to describe an orgasm from the female perspective.
That's strange. I haven't seen any "curt" responses.

This thread has been extraordinarily polite, actually.

I think if anyone's easily offended, it's you, OP.
Satin - I can see why you would have that impression in this thread. Was referring to a second post i put up in another forum which didn't go down too well...

Actually responses have been excellent in general & appreciated.
Satin - I can see why you would have that impression in this thread. Was referring to a second post i put up in another forum which didn't go down too well...

Actually responses have been excellent in general & appreciated.

Okay. Perhaps next time you should make it a point to include that information, since it's pertinent to the topic at hand.

We only see what's going on in one thread at a time, you know. By and large, we don't follow posters from thread to thread, so there's no way to know that your other thread wasn't going as well. :)
haven't you heard? it's just like the best sneeze you've ever had.

anytime i read something medical about orgasm they compare it to sneezing.

can't think of a better/simpler way to describe it.

then again do men and women experience sneezing the same? shoot. i might have to pay more attention next time, so i can be of more assistance.
haven't you heard? it's just like the best sneeze you've ever had.

anytime i read something medical about orgasm they compare it to sneezing.

can't think of a better/simpler way to describe it.

then again do men and women experience sneezing the same? shoot. i might have to pay more attention next time, so i can be of more assistance.
Sneezes that take a long time to build up are really awesome. I call them headgasms. :D
Satin - understood. Still getting the hang of things.....

Headgasm....interesting. Must be the mother of all sneezes when it's a full-on orgasm :)
It's a very intimate thing to talk about your own orgasm to a stranger. :) That said, it's been at least a week - where are the fruits of this endeavour? ;)
Ahh GrrlFriday, good things come to those who prolong the sweet agony of anticipation ;)

I have had some fantastic responses (thank you to those who have - you know who you are), and I'm not ashamed to admit I had NO idea, the complexity of a woman's orgasm.

So, despite all the trolling efforts by many people advising me to take out books on how to find a woman's clitoris etc. etc. etc. I think it was well-worth asking the question. After all, isn't it through communication that we learn?

Some of the responses were fairly self-evident but others not obvious at all.

There are non-events that some responders didn't class as an orgasm at all. Just a total absence of climax;
There are quick, weak ones that leave the recipient unsatiated;
Intense, needy, animalistic, urgent ones;
Ones that build and build and build and go on (these seem the most 'selfish', private and personal) - nothing else matters except that the partner 'keeps on doing what (s)he is doing and doesn't 'fuck up' the moment.

For most, the orgasm begins with the mind, the mind and thoughts processes acting as a trigger. Nothing gets to happen unless it starts here.

In the throes of orgasm, for most there is absence of thought, just vague shadows as the intense feeling takes over.

For most, waves of energy radiate out for the epicentre - the vulva (clit) - registering in the extremities as tingling; fingers squeeze tightly (for some this is intense enough to leave marks/welts on the palms, that are only noticed later), toes curl up.

Other things

It is hard to have an orgasm standing up - certainly for one lovely lady who took the time to respond.

In addition to all that, the need for and intensity of the orgasm very much depends on where she is in her cycle - lots of responders mentioned this.

Those are some of the salient generalities.

There's a lot more subltety in the responses I haven't elecited so there is a lot more - there was actually a great response, mostly in private, for most responders this was a very personal thing to do - so I'd like to thank you for taking the time and trouble to provide a little window on your world.
So, despite all the trolling efforts by many people advising me to take out books on how to find a woman's clitoris etc. etc. etc. I think it was well-worth asking the question. After all, isn't it through communication that we learn?

Um... those weren't trolling efforts, those were trying to be helpful, while not divulging something of themselves the responders found too intimate for a stranger. If you can't see how they could have been helpful, I'm a bit disappointed - that if you were a serious student of the female orgasm, you would widen your net past the Literotican women of 2012.
GrrlFriday, I was referring to the same post I put up on the General Board that got ripped to shreds mostly by blokes.

SatinDesire pulled me up thinking simialr - see the earlier response.
So why do you keep on referring to your General Board thread in such a confusing way?