Gemma is a 26 year old British Military Police Officer posted abroad, she gets split off from her unit and captured by insurgents.
they interrogate her , torture her and rape her.
lucy xx
Yuri had left on his patrol in order to locate the enemy troop's main area of movement. He was asked to scout ahead. Unexpectedly, after he left, he heard what sounded like a vehicle in disrepair approaching him on the road. he ducked into the bushes and waited.
He saw the humvee come to a stop, finally giving out. Out jumped two solders, a man and a woman. As they began work on their ride, Yuri decided that he could gain some influence with his commanding officers by bringing one back. He snuck out of cover, silently came up behind the enemy, and knocked out the man with his rifle. "Don't move, bitch" he said, putting hid barrel into the small of her back.
Gemma saw Bob go down and turned quickly bringing her SA80 up and off safety in one fluid motion, she saw him on the ground but before she could get a bead she was felt the barrel of a gun in her back....she dropped her rifle and turned slowly around her hands in the air and found herself looking straight down the barrel of an AK47 and a very determined looking chap holding it.
"Hey we dont want any trouble" she said authoritatively
Yuri forced the soldier up against the hood of the car and searched her thoroughly for weapons. after he had disarmed her, he thought that he should go over her once more. he slowly ran his hand over her ass, then forced it through her legs and toyed with her inner thighs and pussy. After he made sure to fondle her breasts, he tied her hands behind her back. It was getting dark, and he was the only one at the outpost, which was closer than the main base. he marched his captive there, thinking it would be a fun night.