Felon Sentenced to Prison After Trying to Buy Gun at a Gun Show, Turned in by Dealers


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Imagine that!!! No one checks at gun shows!


Anti gun advocates would have you believe that Reaves would have been able to easily find a gun for sale without a background check at one of those evil gun shows.

However, Reaves was denied by multiple vendors, and several of the vendors actually notified a state trooper working the gun show who took Reaves into custody. Charges were filed after it was found Reaves was a convicted felon.
Doesn't matter....bayonet lugs are just too dangerous...BAN THEM!!!
I can't help but wonder if the vendors would have had the same reaction if the buyer was white.

I think, not

That is because you are stupid. Most dealers hold FFL, they are not going to risk losing it for any one.