feeling in a hopeful mood today


Really Experienced
Dec 21, 2017
Just got done “crafting” a masterful personal ad. And now I am hoping for a sweet wonderful woman to fall for the prey I laid out for her. A woman longing as much as I do, for a reaction from a male stranger, with the potential of turning into love. Or something close to it A bit like Frank Sinatra had described all this in one of his wistful songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwAERaRUsp0

What is so masterful about my ad, you might ask? Nothing at all, other than my honesty. I am not out to offer you anything but my companionship, and even that comes to you only via e-mails. And in order for you to enjoy my mail company, you need a little bit of weirdness inside yourself. The kind of “weird”ness a woman possesses, who enjoys getting propositioned in an “indecent” way by a stranger in the night.

I could have written also that you have to feel at least a little slutty tonight. For in my book, sluttiness is close to godliness. I just love slutty women, most likely because I am a slut myself. But which man is not? Men are expected to have nothing but slutty thoughts on their minds; it’s women who -- when they do -- get admired by men like me.

But of course I am offering you yet another way to look at writing me back: if you like, you can do so out of a yearning for love. Love of the kind that Frank Sinatra describes in his song. So I am available BOTH for your soul & heart, but also for enticing your libido.

OK, and now comes the hardest part for me: patience. In the form of waiting for you to write me, before I post another ad today.
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I love them too, but not with women who mess up even the word love when they write it down. But thank you in any case.

You are such an arrogant asshole. It’s no wonder you need so many usernames. Unfortunately for you, you are the exact same predictable douche in all of them.