Feeling a Little Cocky?


Rebel With a Pause
Apr 15, 2002
Go ahead give it your best shot....

Be cocky... Here it is, a chance to go for it - total cockiness!

Either be a cock yourself or tell of someone else's crowing....
Not really feeling cocky. A new one for me. LOL.
msmuffett66 said:
Go ahead give it your best shot....

Be cocky... Here it is, a chance to go for it - total cockiness!

Either be a cock yourself or tell of someone else's crowing....

no i am sorry i don't have my cock in my hand but you can cum put in yours:p :p
msmuffett66 said:
That's for Manx to know and whoever else want to find out???

Sorry, I just can't keep it in.

I'm feeling a big clitty.

There. I said it.
ProofreadManx said:

You should be "ooo'ing" and "awww'ing" and "moaning" and "groaning"...

Well my hips are grinding, does that count???