Federal appeals court strikes down Obama air pollution rule


Literotica Guru
Jun 20, 2011
Well, this is good and bad. Good news is that the courts are finally stopping the terrorist known as the obama

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit overturned one of the Obama administration’s hallmark air-quality rules Tuesday, ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency had overstepped its authority in curbing pollution from power plants too sharply.

The 2 to 1 ruling by the appeals court represents a major victory for utilities and business groups, who fought the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule on the grounds that it was costly, burdensome and arbitrary. Environmentalists, who had hailed the rule as a major improvement over a Bush-era regulation, bemoaned the decision as a blow to public health

You mean the terrorist Corporate America

Obam is an Amerian hero, the corporations are the true terrorists. But I can forgive your mistake.
Obam is an Amerian hero, the corporations are the true terrorists. But I can forgive your mistake.

why are you a horrible person? clearly you are high on drugs and not sharing them! why you so selfish?

obama is a self centered, power monger, terrorist, piece of shit. the quicker you wake up to the truth, the quicker we can fix America
Obama is a great American!!

Compared to the likes of the great puppet Ronal Regan, Obama is the best thing that has happened to America. I ould vote for a communist before I'd vote for an ignorant republican.

Obama rocks!!
Compared to the likes of the great puppet Ronal Regan, Obama is the best thing that has happened to America. I ould vote for a communist before I'd vote for an ignorant republican.

Obama rocks!!

guess you must be a consumer of the welfare. long life carpet baggers!
Compared to the likes of the great puppet Ronal Regan, Obama is the best thing that has happened to America. I ould vote for a communist before I'd vote for an ignorant republican.

Obama rocks!!

what has obama made "better"?

he has lied!

more people are on welfare thanks to the obama
obama blew through billions with his failed stimulus
obama has not done a thing to improve the economy
Obam is an Amerian hero, the corporations are the true terrorists. But I can forgive your mistake.

Compared to the likes of the great puppet Ronal Regan, Obama is the best thing that has happened to America. I ould vote for a communist before I'd vote for an ignorant republican.

Obama rocks!!

Obama is a pinko communist in a blackman suit. He has been using the EPA as his own personal storm troops to dismantle the US corporate structure, even though he takes huge sums of money from them in donations to his campaign fund.

The only thing Obama rocks is himself. He is a self centered, egotistical...wait some else just said all that.

Obama is an asshole.
And he's my hero!!

My only problem with Obama is that is isn't LIBERAL ENOUGH!!

He is by far a better American than John Wayne.

He is the most honest president we've had since JimmyCarter and Gerald Ford.

He is for the American citizens; not the corporate empires with their mercernary forces.

I would love it if he empowered the EPA as the strongest agency in the US Govt.!

It the retard Republicans take the White House it will be the being of the modern Dark Ages.

Have a nice day!! I love this.
My only problem with Obama is that is isn't LIBERAL ENOUGH!!

He is by far a better American than John Wayne.

He is the most honest president we've had since JimmyCarter and Gerald Ford.

He is for the American citizens; not the corporate empires with their mercernary forces.

I would love it if he empowered the EPA as the strongest agency in the US Govt.!

It the retard Republicans take the White House it will be the being of the modern Dark Ages.

Have a nice day!! I love this.

holy crap! you are drunk on the jim jones juice! awesome

you are not qualified to vote. please turn in your man card
Can't turn in my voter's card

I can't turn in my voter's card. I passed the reading and writting test, although the nice conservatives at the voter registration office insist on calling it a 'redding 'n wraighting' test but what can you expect in a conservative state?

Got my man card when I retired from the USN as a deep sea diver, it's a permanent card.

Actually I'm pulling your leg. I don't like any of them and would love to see a viable third party.

I'd like to see a party that is progressively social and economically conservative.

I don't trust the government nor the corporations, they have all fucked with me one way or the other.

I did have fun tweaking ya though.
I can't turn in my voter's card. I passed the reading and writting test, although the nice conservatives at the voter registration office insist on calling it a 'redding 'n wraighting' test but what can you expect in a conservative state?

Got my man card when I retired from the USN as a deep sea diver, it's a permanent card.

Actually I'm pulling your leg. I don't like any of them and would love to see a viable third party.

I'd like to see a party that is progressively social and economically conservative.

I don't trust the government nor the corporations, they have all fucked with me one way or the other.

I did have fun tweaking ya though.
How about a new internal American revolution, all within our borders?
I'm voting for Obama..

Obama is the least corrupt, therefore he has my vote. Our government is corrupt from top to bottom and has been for a long while.

The oil, coal, insurance and pharmaceutical corporations are the worst of the offenders.

We need an honest canidate that does not answer to Wall Street. Unfortunantely Obama is the closest we have and I am not happy with that.

BUT!! I will not support any canidate that is against abortion or gay marriage. That is no ones business but that indivduals! Certainly not the governments!
Obama is the least corrupt, therefore he has my vote. Our government is corrupt from top to bottom and has been for a long while.

The oil, coal, insurance and pharmaceutical corporations are the worst of the offenders.

We need an honest canidate that does not answer to Wall Street. Unfortunantely Obama is the closest we have and I am not happy with that.

BUT!! I will not support any canidate that is against abortion or gay marriage. That is no ones business but that indivduals! Certainly not the governments!
Are they worse than AARP, NRA and AIPAC?
Obama is the least corrupt, therefore he has my vote. Our government is corrupt from top to bottom and has been for a long while.

The oil, coal, insurance and pharmaceutical corporations are the worst of the offenders.

We need an honest canidate that does not answer to Wall Street. Unfortunantely Obama is the closest we have and I am not happy with that.

BUT!! I will not support any canidate that is against abortion or gay marriage. That is no ones business but that indivduals! Certainly not the governments!

Please obama is more corrupt than Bush ever was, open your eyes
It's called BOHICA

Hey NeverEndingMe, nice to hear from an intelligent person with an opposite view point.

No matter who wins it's BOHICA for the average citizen.

Bend Over Here It Comes Again.

If Obama wins you will be lied to, kissed softly in the ear and butt fucked.

If Romney wins you will be lied to, the corporations will lie to you and then you will be butt fucked.

Obama will be willing to pay for the lubricant and condoms.

Romney will want you to pay for the lubricant and condoms AND drop to your knees to thank an invisible deity for the privilage of being butt fucked.

No matter who wins, the citizens will pay:(
Americans politically unsophisticated enough to be fooled by Obama's Marxism the first time around are more than willing to risk the economic and democratic future of the country over a pollution law. It is about time that a court puts the brakes on Obama's march of socialism across the nation.
Americans politically unsophisticated enough to be fooled by Obama's Marxism the first time around are more than willing to risk the economic and democratic future of the country over a pollution law. It is about time that a court puts the brakes on Obama's march of socialism across the nation.
Americans politically...

You lost me there.