Covid Mandate Struck Down By Federal Court


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional​

By Jim Hᴏft May. 19, 2024 9:40 pm

In a landmark decision earlier this month, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit delivered a scathing rebuke to the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine, declaring its COVID-19 vaccine mandate unconstitutional.

The 55-page ruling highlighted that the mandate, which excluded religious exemptions, was tainted by “religious animus” and thus violated the First Amendment’s protection of religious liberties.

These individuals had faced severe repercussions, including dismissals and expulsions, for their refusal to comply with the university’s vaccine policies due to their deeply held religious beliefs.

In September 2021, under its controversial policy, the University of Colorado mandated COVID-19 vaccination for all individuals accessing its facilities or participating in its programs, with strictly limited exemptions. Legal challenges were quickly mounted as affected parties claimed that their rights to religious freedom were being infringed upon.

More here:

So it's going to be a bit different this time around.
Another thread you post drivel in because you never leave the house and live here 24/7

it's to the point that i would wonder if he was still breathing if he wasn't the first to respond to every dumb thread.
it's to the point that i would wonder if he was still breathing if he wasn't the first to respond to every dumb thread.
Yes, responding to dumb threads is obviously the issue, rather than creation of said dumb threads. 👍

Maybe you or Phil can make a thread about it.
Yes, responding to dumb threads is obviously the issue, rather than creation of said dumb threads. 👍

Maybe you or Phil can make a thread about it.
the more you respond to their dumb threads, the more you validate said dumb threads. 🤫

logic is hard!
the more you respond to their dumb threads, the more you validate said dumb threads. 🤫

logic is hard!
Responding to a thread doesn't validate anything. Pretending not to notice threads exist also doesn't invalidate anything.

There's a feature you can explore if you wish not to see things I post, if you're interested. I wish you well in your endeavors and, as always, I appreciate your valuable feedback 👍
If he's not posting that means he's run to the fridge feeding his fat face.
Seems you and schism have your wank chain going nicely.

Maybe white_bB or AJ can join. Or maybe you can make another vanity thread....those always turn out well. 👍

Also, I've never been told that 160lbs is fat by any stretch, but keep on it....I'm sure you're right
GatewayPundit is still going? It filed for bankruptcy after being sued into obliteration for telling lies to idiots.
If I start a thread you can always count on these same buttheads to rush to the scene and break wind.
If I start a thread
If you start a thread? Fuck you start a half dozen a day.

I suspect it's your outlet, otherwise all the rage building up inside as you see your dream world crumbling, might cause you to blow up in the real world. Then your sorry ass might just wind up behind bars...
I don't know and I don't care because none of them dealt with this court ruling.
Oh I’m sure you know. You have a tally sheet so you can see how you “owned the libs”

But when it’s gateway or those others lame wanna be news sources, you just keep owning your own futility.

Again, just let me know where and I will get you the contact info for some good reference folks who can help educate you as to what sources are valid and what sources aren’t. You clearly have the not valid side covered.

Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional​

By Jim Hᴏft May. 19, 2024 9:40 pm

In a landmark decision earlier this month, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit delivered a scathing rebuke to the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine, declaring its COVID-19 vaccine mandate unconstitutional.

The 55-page ruling highlighted that the mandate, which excluded religious exemptions, was tainted by “religious animus” and thus violated the First Amendment’s protection of religious liberties.

These individuals had faced severe repercussions, including dismissals and expulsions, for their refusal to comply with the university’s vaccine policies due to their deeply held religious beliefs.

In September 2021, under its controversial policy, the University of Colorado mandated COVID-19 vaccination for all individuals accessing its facilities or participating in its programs, with strictly limited exemptions. Legal challenges were quickly mounted as affected parties claimed that their rights to religious freedom were being infringed upon.

More here:

So it's going to be a bit different this time around.
This article, this ruling pleases me beyond belief ! Due to this action (I hope and pray) it releases a flood gate of litigation against the tyrannical narcissistic evil jackass's that forced people to decide between their lively hoods and their God given principles.... Further more it is my sincere hope that all of these psychopathic tyrants that mandated the experimental "vaccine" are litigated into destitution, I'm a pure blood, we've been demonized, vilified, had our careers destroyed, lost retirement programs, banned from society /shunned ect... our military has been weakened, the loss of good hospital staff just to name a few because of this tyrannical bullshit.... (side note) may the University of Colorado absolutely be financially destroyed (because of their mandated COVID-19 vaccination) with the help of this ruling. Bulldoze the complete campus then convert it to a solar panel farm, at least then it'll be productive..
Oh I’m sure you know. You have a tally sheet so you can see how you “owned the libs”

But when it’s gateway or those others lame wanna be news sources,
So tell us where the article was in error.