February 2020 - "We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here."


Literotica Guru
Jan 10, 2008
The third wave is growing, November 21, 2020

In the beginning, coronavirus existed in the charts, as a short, fat snake, lying close to the dirt
It altered its shape, in new charts of a second wave. It became a heavy shouldered bull
elephant. Now, in November 2020, that little snake of the charts, has become a T-Rex
that lifts its head, roaring. It is devouring lives in small remote towns, and large cities
in America. Healthy, young people.

The start of the spread, because American scientists were cut off from reality by Trump.
His needs and desires came first. He put America in danger, and blinders on doctors.
The ugly truth is that he knew how dangerous it was, and chattered about it on the phone.
He informed and cautioned the people that gave him money, or carried out his orders,
and lied to all of the American losers, dopes, and babies.

(Is it not strange, that Trump is the hero in all of his stories, and the only people that he
considers equals, are murderous, ruthless dictators and tyrants ? He does not respect the
Queen of England - He ran over her authority, and abused her hospitality. He had no
apprecitaion for the fact that she tolerated him, as she had tolerated Idi Amin- duty to
her responsibilities could not be avoided. He returned that, by frightening her. He never
looked to the safety of her ancient, elderly, fragile body. He would not"save her," as
Michelle Obama did, and would not take the responsibility along with the honour of being
in her presence. Trump was busy showing off to the cameras, wearing his "Trump boots,"
and his Trump costume. He stood, and tipped forward like the Tower of Pisa, and could not
negotiate stairs.Mal-ania fulfilled her contract and held his hand, but refused to hold his hand
when he walked on flat surfaces. This may explain Mal-ania's mania to mutilate the Rose
Garden. Her high heels and Trump's high heels made the Rose Garden lawn a likely place
to cause a fractured bone. She replaced nature with a wide, safe, walkway. Even if they
drugged Trump to the gills with sedatives, he could stumble away from the podium, as he
did, recently this week.

February 2020 - "We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here."

Kaleigh McEnamy meant to smear President Obama, for ever letting disease into the U.S.


The same day Kayleigh McEnany offered her comments, after all,
a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official had said the
spread of the virus was “inevitable” and that it would cause
significant disruption.

Trump's latest Paid Liar, Kayleigh, left out 140, 000 people that entered the U.S. from China,
during the period that Trump had declared a travel ban. So, no. Trump did not prevent
coronavirus from coming here.

bodysong comment-

He accomplished something much more impressive. With his lies, Trump convinced some
Americans that coronavirus does not exist. They use their very last breath to deny that
Covid-19 is killing them, when the facts say that all the coronavirus treatments, hospital
equipment, coronavirus specialists, and a ward specializing in Covid-19 treatment kept
them alive, that long. Their systems are flooded with coronavirus, and all the telltale
symtoms are seen. Yet, they deny it on their deathbeds. They blinded themselves about
Trump, and coronavirus. What about their children and grand children, their siblings
cousins, neighbors, lovers ? Did they sacrifice other's lives, so that they could live out
a fantasy, then die inside that fantasy ?
/end bodysong comment