Family comes first


Really Experienced
May 19, 2013
Name: Ted (Teddy according to his sister, which he hates being called; TR, which is what he prefers because it sounds cool)
Age: 20
Looks: Half long brown hairs, green eyes. About 6 and a half feet, slender figure.

Life sucked. At least that was the way Ted currently thought about it. Life didn’t always suck, but currently it sucked big time. A few weeks ago everything was alright. He had finished his high school, had friends and even a girlfriend. And then his parents had told him they were going to move to a new city.

The company their dad worked for was opening a new branch and he was offered leadership of that. It was a big promotion with a matching salary so after some thought their parents had said yes to it. The children hardly got a say in the matter, they may be old and wise enough for the law but they were raised with the idea ‘Family comes first’. At times Ted doubted his parents would him ever live on his own and his sister had even less chances, being an innocent girl.

Just as things were looking up with his girlfriend, they had spending a good amount of kissing and some stolen touches which made him hope more would follow soon, he had to tell her he was moving away. They had talked about it and they (she) had decided it was best to break up so both of them could continue with their lives. His friends all said they would stay in touch, but everyone knew how that would go in reality… some posts on facebook, perhaps hanging out a few times the next year but then he would mostly be forgotten.

And now their car had just arrived at their ‘new’ house. It wasn’t very new as it was build centuries ago and sadly looked like it hadn’t been maintained in the last 50 years. His mom looked excited as she could see the millions of adjustments she could make on it and how she would ‘restore this place to its former glory’. Ted just sighed as he looked at it. He didn’t know anyone here… life sucked. He watched as the movers brought his stuff inside and just sighed again.
Name: Caprice (Her family calls her Pri)
Age: 18 (Her birthday was a week before the move)
Looks: Almost hip length pale Blond, verging on white, hair. Equally pale skin with a spotless completion. Around 5"10 with dark blue eyes.

Caprice wasn't as upset about moving as Ted. She watched him sigh out of the window as they left their old home, her mouth curling into a contrasting smile of excitement. They had been shown pictures of the new home and it looked amazing. Lots of different rooms and spaces that hadn't been occupied for years. She knew there would be a few old trinkets and artifacts left over from times gone by. Caprice had a streak of her mothers affinity for old property running right the way through her.

She was still young and open to experiencing new things, or 'old' things if you look at it in that way. She was till coming down from the high of turning 18 just a week before they packed up and said there farewells. A new place, a new age and a whole year to do what ever she wanted before she applied for a philosophy course in university.

She didn't really have any ties in the old city, no boyfriend and a handful of forgettable friends. She spent most of her time to herself, she was one of those 'invisible' girls which was strange as she was actually quite attractive, yet a bit socially awkward. She was by no means a weirdo, she just didn't share a lot of the same interests as other girls in her environment. I guess she could be seen as a bit Gothic in the sense that liked to where black, she just didnt have the depressive attitude.

Caprice lived in a shadow but she like that. From her shadow she could watch others, especially her brother Ted. She had been fascinated with him for a lot of her teenage life and it was probably what had prevented her from having any substantial boyfriend. As the car rolled up the drive of the new house her eyes were on him as he sighed.

'You shouldn't sigh so much' She told him quietly as they stood to the side, watching their furniture being hauled into the house. 'This will be be fun' Ted glared daggers at her before walking off into the house. Caprice was left standing alone.
Sadly the inside of the place was not better than the outside, and the place looked even bigger than their previous home had been. Two massive stairways lead to the first floor while the downstairs door would lead to the kitchen and living room. It was the first time Ted was here, only their parents had seen it before.

"Ok, listen you two. The stairs to the second floor are unstable so for the time being we will be only using the bedrooms on the first floor. The master bedroom of course if for your mother and me, but I am sure you two can decide on your rooms without fighting." Dad spoke, a firm hint in his voice that if they did fight they would regret it.

Ted wondered how long it would be before his sister got caught on the second floor, she had a habit at going to places where she didn't belong. Without looking at her, he choose one of the stairways and went to the first floor in search for what would become his bedroom.
Caprice stared as Ted sulked off to claim his room. It didn't bother her which one he had, she was sure that both were equally as good and not worth the struggle. Instead, her mind was on the second floor. The mere act of making it forbidden had immediately enticed her. Her mind had already began to paint pictures of the quiet halls and dusty rooms that held so many secrets above her.

After a moment of contemplating how she would sneak her way up the stairs to the second floor she thought it would be best to go and observe the room that had been assigned to her by Ted. She found him in a rather spacious room, sat on his bed looking as if he would fit in with a group of refugees.

'Is this on yours then?' Caprice asked, gazing at the decorations on the wall and the elaborate glass lighting fixture that housed numerous cobwebs. After receiving a positive grunt from Ted she asked the direction to her own room. He told her that way and it seemed simple enough yet she insisted on him showing her the way. A smile played across her lips as she followed close behind her sighing sibling.

He flung the door to her new room open in a dramatic gesture before immediately turning on his heels and retreating down the hall. 'Arnt you going to stay for a bit?' She asked but he ignored her. She brushed his behavior off and entered her new living quarters. It was considerably smaller than Teds room but she still fell in love instantly. Her bedposts were carved into the most interesting shapes and the patterns on the walls gave the room a friendly atmosphere.

Opening the windows reveled a great view onto the spacious garden then had, with a large and extremely old oak tree in the center of the lawn. The window had wooden grids to hold plants on either side of it and they extended from the bottom of the house all the way to the second floor. Caprice could see that the window directly above hers was open and hanging outward slightly. Grabbing distance if someone was to find themselves on the adjacent grid, which was heavily overgrown with ivy. She pulled on the grid a little to test is weight and it seemed to bolted in pretty securely. Giving her doorway to the second floor one last glace she closed her window and left with another sly smirk.
After showing his annoying sister 'her' room, Ted returned to his. He was sure there would be more bedrooms, but these two were the ones he had found first. It would take a while to explore the rest of their new home.

While most of the room could use a firm dusting, the bed actually looked quite decent and he decided to lay down for a moment. Downstairs he could hear the sounds of the movers and his parents, moving furniture and walking around. At times he had the feeling someone was watching him and once he even grumbled that Pri should leave her alone, but when he looked there was no one to be seen. Great the place is already getting to me Ted thought to himself, but of course moving was a bad thing.

Part of him wanted to call Wendy, but of course now she wasn't his girlfriend any more and most likely it would just be awkward to talk with her. Why did they have to move, another month and he would surely have lost his virginity with her.

He sighed again and closed his eyes for a moment.
Caprice was eager to see the second floor and wasn't willing to wait until later. She figured; why not take a look now whilst everyone is preoccupied with moving stuff into the house? A quick trip to the kitchen to grab an unwanted glass of apple juice allowed her to observe her parents, who were heavily involved with shifting tables and chairs from the van and arranging them on the ground floor.

She questioned them innocently, 'What time will tea be ready?' and received a dismissive response from her father as he staggered under the weight of a large armchair supported at the other end by a red faced delivery man. 'Not until everything's been brought inside, honey. Go and fix yourself a snack if you that hungry, were quite busy at the moment.' They heaved the chair into an adjacent room and Caprice darted off up stairs, bubbles of excitement rising within her.

As she passed Teds room she peered in for a moment and watched him sprawling on his bed. She lingered for a fair few seconds, admiring his hair and the way his chest rose and fell softly with every breath. He stirred and she slipped beyond the door frame and continued hastily to her own room.

Once at her window a silence of anticipation gripped her and felt as if it occupied her surrounding space. She opened it and cast her gaze upwards. The window remained as it was, fairly ajar about 2 meters or so above her own. With a sharp intake of breath and a shot of adrenaline, Caprice pulled herself up to stand on the windowsill. Leaning forward she could feel the cool breeze of the garden outside and her sight was met by a considerable drop as she glimpsed at the floor below.

Not allowing time for hesitation to force her to abandon her mission, Caprice extended her nimble fingers to grasp the wooden slats of the grid to her right. Her body swung outwards, as if she had slipped and was falling to the hard floor below, but she pulled herself in and held tight to the grid with both hands. It acted as a climbing frame and she had only to worry about the dense ivy obscuring her view as she carefully stepped her way up the face of the house. Once she was parallel with the second story window she extended her arm once more to grip the frame of the pane hanging lazily out toward her. The grid was a lot less stable at this height and it groaned and cracked as she strained upon it.

A strengthening breeze was an indication that she had spent to much time hanging from such a height on the decaying features of the vintage house, so with a last burst of fear inspired effort she clambered inside the window. Landing with a muffled bump on a dust covered carpet, Caprice found herself in some form of study. Her eyes scaled vast cabinets of books, all of which looked older than even the great oak outside. Caprice's body warmed with another wave of excitement and she timidly took one step forward.
Had the first floor looked like no one had dusted the rooms for 50 years, this study didn't seem to be cleaned for at least a century. But other than a mountain of collected dust and spiderwebs that seemed big enough for a giant spider, everything in the room seemed to be in good condition. The wood of the desk hadn't started to rot nor did the books in the cabinets look like they were about to fall apart.

On the desk was a large book, almost invisible with all the dust. The cover was all black without any title or name of an author. As Caprice opened it she found handwritten letters that were bloodred of colour. The good news was that it all seemed to be English. The bad news was that it all seemed to be made up magic spells. Spells to cause jealousy, arousal, obsession. As she flipped through the pages she even saw a spell that claimed it could bestow a new fetish upon someone. And that was just by quickly glancing through the book that had at least a thousand pages.

On the first floor Ted was awoken by the movers as they brought his stuff into his room. His laptop was one of the first things he grabbed, only to let out another frustrated groan as he saw and realized there was no internet yet. He heard a squeaking sound above him and wondered with a grin if his sister was already on her usual explorations.
Caprice descended to the floor to study the book further. She sat on the sun-faded carpet for a good 15 minutes with the book between her crossed legs. The mysterious book had no indication on it's outer cover as to what it contained yet the majority of the spells inside were related to the nature of sex in one way or another. The magnitude of things some of the spells boosted highly intrigued Caprice. After skimming the entire text she gathered that with a couple of choice favorites she could alter not only her own body to make herself irresistible to others, she could alter the mind and body of whom ever she pleased.

Caprice couldn't help but imagine what life would be like if these spells actually existed in the real world. Her mind raced with wild ideas; she could sleep with celebrities, or blackmail world leaders after seducing them into bed. Hell, she could even become rich by becoming the worlds most satisfying prostitute. Then, she allowed herself to imagine a prospect that had been a fantasy of hers for years. Ted, her beloved and highly coveted brother, would be at her complete disposal. He wouldn't even have to know what he was doing, allowing him to essentially be her own private, living instrument of pleasure.

The excitement gripped her and she was forced to bring herself back to earth, back to the floor of the desolate study and back to the book of fake spells that promised so much, if only authentic. Caprice lightly turned the pages, feeling a little disappointed with the life she lived after painting such a vivid painting for herself. The pages rolled and revealed an interesting, minor spell that she had seen when she was first examining the book. The page was entitled 'Spell of Selective Transportation'. Caprice followed it's description, written in an old, formal phrasing, with her finger;

'Claim the undergarments of your subject for personal use. Removes and transports the items from the body of the subject to the castor at reasonable range. Eye contact with the subject is required during casting for the spell to be successful.' Caprice was amused by the idea of such a means for people to steal underwear. She examined a note at the bottom of the page that read 'Please note: effects castor when used with a mirror.' Caprice giggled a little to herself.

She looked back up at the window and thought about leaving, she was definitely going to take the book with her. Slowly, she rose to her feet and approached the brightness of outside. As she moved a glimmer caught her eye from the opposite wall of the room. Hanging above a small set of dark wooden draws a mirror hung from the wall. She stopped and stared at her self, watching a ridiculous idea form within her mind. Her hands found the page she had left and she glanced at the words that required uttering in order to cast the spell and then back at herself in the mirror.

After a long pause she turned to face it head on. She told herself silently that she was being stupid yet she felt oddly compelled, for the sake of her fantasies, to at least try one of the spells. After a deep breath she locked eyes with her reflection and spoke the words in a loud and clear voice.
At first nothing seemed to happen, which wasn't that strange since magic and spells naturally don't work. But then suddenly a tingling sensation started on her body, focussed mostly on her breasts and crotch. After a moment the feeling faded and her bra and panties appeared hanging over her arm, while she could clearly feel them missing on her body.

At the same time Ted woke up from a rather pleasant dream, a bit annoyed that he didn't get to finish the dream. He wasn't sure exactly what had woken him, most likely the sounds from the movers downstairs, but he didn't care much. He tried to remember his dream, hoping to continue it if he closed his eyes again. There had been this beautiful woman in a dress that barely covered anything... Most of the dream quickly faded away but never before had a dream about getting a blowjob had seemed this realistic.
Caprice's immediate reaction was one of shock. Her jaw fell open and she let her underwear fall from her fingers to the floor along with the book, which landed with a heavy thump, sprawled open on the dusty carpet. As if the sudden materialization of underwear identical to her own wasn't proof enough, she checked herself for ultimate validity. Pulling the front of her dress away from her chest she was met with the sight of two pale breasts, unsupported from beneath her clothes.

She couldn't think of how to act. All of the fantasy's and scenarios she had dreamed up before we now actual, factual possibilities. After sinking to the floor to allow her mind to digest the information without passing out the wave of realization hit her like a train. She could barely contain a squeal of excitement as she jumped to her feet, scooped the book into her arms and left through the open window, abandoning her freshly transported underwear in a small pile in the middle of the study.
Ted let out a frustrated sigh as he seemed to be unable to get back to sleep, and more important back to the dream he had been having. Still he could swear he could actually feel saliva around his hardness and he was interested in finding out what would have happened after the blowjob. 'Normally' the girl or woman in his dreams he had sex with was someone he recognized. Either as a girl from his school, his girlfriend or some celebrity from tv but this time the woman hadn't looked like anyone he knew. Not that he cared much about that, blowjobs were blowjobs and dreams were his only experience.

Part of his was very much in the mood to finish the chore with his hand, but the constant sounds in the house were a clear reminder that privacy was something he lacked. So instead he left his room and decided to see what Pri was up to. Right now any company was better than none, although he was sure that soon enough she would say or do something that made him eat those words.

The first place he went to in hopes of finding her was her new bedroom. He wouldn't have been surprised if she was exploring somewhere, but she was actually there he noticed as he entered her room without knocking. Knocking was not something his family was known for, an extra reason Ted had behaved in his room for now. "I see you already collected some dust." He said with a chuckle as Pri's dress indeed had dust stains and green imprints.

"I was wondering if you were interested in exploring the house a bit?" He offered, there was a lot to explore after all, even if they didn't go to the second floor.
Caprice had spent her time, after leaving the forbidden second floor, with her nose buried deep in the pages of the fascinating new spell book she had found. With each spell she studied, a new scenario in which application of said spell would be perfect, materialized in her mind. 20 minutes had past and she had already dreamed up countless plans and traps for unsuspecting victims, warping a lot of her own preexisting fantasies to co-inside with the 'real' world, a world in which she now possessed magical powers. This contradiction made her chuckle and she itched to test out her new found abilities.

One spell that caught her attention was titled simply 'Arousal'. It seemed to have 3 tiers, like 3 different levels of power, to it and each level required a different set of circumstances in order to cast. Although Caprice was eager, she didn't want to get ahead of her self and damage anything, or anyone, so she only poured over the description for tier 1 of the enchantment. It read, 'Induces a strong inner feeling of sexual arousal upon the subject. Unlike higher tier casts, the subject will most likely be able to control their passions, however it will allow for them to admire the castor, or any others in their immediate environment, with a lusty desire.' Caprice liked the sound of this spell intensely. It was the perfect spell for her to begin with as it didn't require a drastic alteration in the persons personality or desires. This appealed to Caprice as, although she was more than willing to try it with more experience, she wasn't truly comfortable with manipulating the mind of others for her sole benefit, it seemed a little selfish.

There was a small paragraph at the end of the tier 1 section that read, 'Note: weakens the will of the subject for the use of tier 2 and 3 Arousal Enchantments. Requires physical contact with subject during casting, however if cast is successful the subject will have no memory of the spell being used upon them.' Seemed simple enough to Caprice and now she burned with a desire to attempt her first enchantment.

Almost as if on cue, Ted entered her room loudly and without invitation. She was forced to slip the book behind herself, below a pillow. It was a smooth and swift transaction, she was sure his hadn't noticed. To Caprices astonishment he offered her a place on an expedition around the house. She jumped to her feet, enthusiastically accepting his invitation. As they left her room Caprice ran ahead of Ted, overflowing with childish excitement. turning back to face him, she spoke;

'I've already had a little look about. You'll love it here, trust me. There's plenty of hidden treasures and weird secrets.' She turned back and became the leader of their party, her face filled with a smile that hinted towards the cogs of conspiracy that were slowly turning in her mind.
It was no surprise at all to Ted that his sister had already 'had a little look about', it surprised him more that she had actually been in her room when he looked for her. The first floor had many doors and hallways. Some doors were locked, or stuck, while others easily opened. Most rooms that they saw were filled with dust and cobwebs and objects that weren't even modern 50 years ago.

In one of the larger rooms, which seemed to resemble some sort of lounge, there were a couple of paintings on the wall with the image not hidden behind a layer of dust. As Ted watched the first one, he felt his cock grow and twitch as it portrayed the woman he had dreamed of only a moment earlier.

She was rather striking with flaming red hairs and on the painting she was wearing a dress that left half her breasts exposed. Ted even thought he could see some red of her nipples on the painting and his pants really became too tight as flashes of his dream returned to him. Suddenly it dawned to him again where he was and that Pri was watching him. 'Great, his sister could see him drooling and getting a hardon over a painting.'

The other paintings had the woman with a man, most likely her husband; The man alone, who was also a rather striking figure; and the couple with two boys and a girl. Most likely this was the family that had lived here before.
Caprice had led them into numerous rooms that all looked incredibly interesting in their own right but Ted would dismiss each one within minutes with a exaggerated sigh or a sarcastic laugh as he examined an old artifact he labelled as 'useless, even in it's time'. The room they were currently in however, had seemed to enticed Ted as they were spending an extend length of time in it. As Caprice's fingertips glided along the old sofas and cabinets, Ted stood stock-still in the center of the room, staring upward toward a large painting of a woman above an unwelcoming fireplace. It took her a fair few minutes to realize his actions but as she lost interest with an old metallic spinning top she had found in the corner, Caprice noticed her brothers statue like positioning.

Her eye's followed his to dwell upon the painting of the woman. She looked noble and wealthy, with strikingly beautiful features and an equally as striking hair color. What Caprice found the most startling however was the object she held in her left hand. Pressed close to her hip as she posed for the painter, the woman possessed what looked to be the very same book that Caprice had found on the deserted second floor. She couldn't be entirely sure but the shape and lack of decoration on the cover made it hard to doubt the similarity.

This had raised a fair few questions regarding the origins of the mystical text that lay hidden beneath her pillow. It seemed quite clear by the numerous paintings that the red haired woman and her family inhabited the house at some point in time, although the era eluded Caprice. Had the woman been some sort of sorcerer? A witch that had enticed her husband with the use of deviant spells and formed an illicit family on the foundations of her manipulation of his mind?

What ever she was, she had Ted's full attention. His face was blushed when he snapped out of his trace. Daggers were fired from a stern gaze in Caprice's direction as Ted turned away from her, as if to hide something. Caprice would of liked very much to of been the subject of Ted's perception, to be the woman stood in the painting. She had almost forgot that she could, in fact, occupy his attention by the same means of that red haired woman that had existed so many years ago, with the aid of her spells of seduction.

Caprice moved closer to Ted with a silent, yet confidant stride.

'Who do you think she once was?' She spoke softy and eyed Ted's shoulder, willing herself to extend her arm to touch him. 'Maybe a baroness?' Her words grew quieter, gentler as she rehearsed the spell in her mind.

'Must of done something real special to get a house like this.' Apprehension paralyzed her body.
Ted very much hoped Pri hadn't seen the effect the painting had on him and it took him a long moment before he could straighten his thoughts enough to make sense of her words and to answer her. "I don't know, but it is clear they had a lot of money and in earlier times that often meant power as well."

He noticed how close Pri had moved to him. "He looks a bit like me, don't you think." Ted quickly said, nodding towards the painting of the man. Of course the man was a lot more handsome and as Pri glanced at the paintings, her eyes got drawn to the belt around his waist. For some reason an image of the man using that belt to punish her naked ass, flashed in her mind
Funnily enough, the man in the painting did resemble her brother quite a lot. An older, taller, and she dared to think, more sexy version of her sibling who she most passionately adored. She imagined how Ted would be once he reached his early 30's, the age she guessed the husband shown on the wall was. She also envisioned a world in which she was his wife, with fiery red hair and noble status amongst all the people they knew. She looked at the children playing in a separate portrait and pretend that they were her own. More importantly, she felt, was how they came to be conceived. She would have nothing but Ted's company on quiet nights inside their large estate.

But this man, her lover, Ted, was a dominant creature. A vivid scene erupted into motion, almost against Caprices will, within her minds eye. She was naked and bent in the most degrading position for a woman of her wealthy position. The crack of leather was suddenly felt against her bare behind. A thought so clear that even in her physical existence she felt the sensation from beneath her dress. The feeling could be compared to when somebody hurts them self in such a way that you, yourself, cringe at the sight of their misfortune. This was enough to snap her back to reality. She discovered that she had been staring, transfixed upon the various paints as Ted had been moments ago. He was now sat on a moth eaten sofa, looking as bored as he had been when exploring the other rooms. He was also out of arms reach for Caprice, but she made a path to sit beside him on the sofa.

A funny thought lingered in her brain. She would of expected a blow of such magnitude, the one she had imagined she was receiving, to connote feelings of pain or punishment, yet she had subconsciously coupled the forged memory with an emotion of passionate pleasure. Caprice channeled this feeling and, momentarily forgetting her day dream, became focused on her goal once more.

She sat unnecessarily close to Ted in relation to the size of the sofa. 'You can't be bored already?' quizzing him and eying his arm that lay close to her own.
Ted shrugged. "I am not an explorer like you are." He simply said and sighed. It was easy to tell it was not just the exploration that he was upset with. "It just sucks you know." He admitted, although he was not fond of sharing feelings and thoughts. "My friends, Jessica, leaving the place I knew my way around..." Again he shrugged, not really wanting to discuss his feelings with his kid sister.

He turned his head away from her and looked at the paintings again. For a moment there was a surprised look on his face as the woman on the painting was fully naked, but when he blinked his eyes she had her dress on again. He really needed to cum soon, or he would start seeing naked women everywhere.
It was rare for Ted to be opening up to Caprice in such a way. He must of been really hurt by the move now she could attempt to understand why. He had a lot of ties with the old city, his girlfriend, his friends, a lot more than Caprice left behind. She felt deeply sorry for him, finally beginning to understand and empathize with his mood. She also longed to comfort him. The things she could do for him, if he only knew, would make him forget about Jessica in a heartbeat. She could of never of been as adoring and devoted to him as Caprice was. Only a sister, who had grown up with him and spent her entire life by his side, could connect with him on such a level that felt countless times better than any of the friendships he had left behind. All she needed was for him to looked at her though the same passionate goggles she viewed him with.

Moving close to him, she placed her hand softly on his forearm in an attempt to comfort him. 'I know it's hard right now but we all left things behind that we loved.' Not strictly true in Caprices case but she had to come across as sympathetic towards the pain he felt. 'Things could be different here, better even.' Her gaze went from his face to her own hand, in contact with his body, finally. 'Jessica will fade eventually, these plenty of other fish in the sea.' She gave a quiet chuckle at her use of the cheesy saying, an attempt to cheer him up. 'Besides, I'm always here... if you need me.'
Looking at her hand, Pri also had a very good view of the bulge in his pants, something Ted hoped she wouldn't notice. He was rather oblivious to the feelings and thoughts of his sister and had never given much thought to her looks, touches or teases. Slowly he nodded at her words. "I am sure you are right... but still, it sucks." Truth was that he wasn't sure if his feelings were love for Jessica, or that he had just liked the idea of having a chance to fuck her.

"Shall we continue our exploration?" Ted suggested. There was something off about this room and everything he looked at the paintings he had the feeling something had changed about them. Pri also noted some changes, although her mind wasn't sure if the painting really changed or that she had seen it wrong earlier. But the last time she looked at the painting of the man, it was very visible that he wasn't wearing a belt... while earlier she could have sworn she had seen one.
Caprice noticed a slight mound that had appeared to have grown where Teds crotch was since she had began to comfort him. She wondered if she had already begun to channel the effects of the spell though him by merely touching him, or maybe he shared more of her same sibling-obsession than she thought he might. Either way, he was in a primed position to receive what Caprice had in store for him.

He asked her if she wanted to continue exploring but she declined. 'I want to sit here a little longer. The paintings are so intriguing." And they were. She was semi-curious and thought that the images had changed several times since they had entered the room. However, her mind was per-occupied enough to almost instantly disregard this paranormal phenomenon. After a short pause of extreme silence, through which Caprice mentally prepared herself for what was about to happen, she finally acted. She wanted to be sure the spell would work and in order to guarantee success she felt as if she had to force her body against Teds. Swiftly, she swung her leg over his waist and sat in his lap, straddling his tightening groan, her face inches from his and her hands on either of his shoulders. Before he had time to react she had uttered the spell.

Her eyes were locked with his, observing any changes that happened within him.
"I want to sit here a little longer. The paintings are so intriguing." Pri said and Ted nodded and turned his head once again to the the paintings. He hardly noticed the man at all, but his gaze kept drawn to the woman.. her cleavage... her breasts... her mouth. He felt his cock harden even further as thoughts and fantasies he never had before entered his mind.

He was rather shocked when Pri suddenly took a seat upon his lap. There was no way she could miss what was going on in his pants and he wanted to stammer an apology, but before he could Pri spoke some strange sounding words. Or perhaps his mind was just too busy to make sense of her words. When he opened his mouth to speak, it was a loud moan that escaped him. It felt very good to have his sister on top of him. Her body was soft and her smell was intoxicating him.

"Wha... What are you doing?" He stammered, although he very much wanted her to stay where she was. He knew however that for some reason he was not supposed to have his younger sister sit on his cock.
The uncontrollable moan of pleasure that had left Teds mouth was enough conformation for Caprice, her spell had worked. A devilish smile appeared across her face as she straddled her excited brother. He seemed quite shocked by her actions but his body was already acting upon it's own desires. Ted didn't deem to be aware of it but he was slowly moving his waist below her, subtly grinding his cock against her. She returned this gesture by wiggling her hips back and forward in a rhythmic motion.

Ignoring his question, she lent forward and whispered seductively in his ear. "I'm not wearing underwear.' It was true. Her panties and bra still lay on the carpet of the abandoned second floor. The only thing separating Teds rigid cock from his younger sisters bare pussy was the material of the jeans he was wearing. "How does that make you feel Ted?' He seemed very excited now. She stepped off him backwards, pulling the hem of her dress down as she went to reserve her assets and to tease him into submission. Her smile reformed across her face as she stood before him, wondering how his enchanted mind would deal with her actions. Most of the pleasure for her came from finally being able to behave in this way towards her bother, a fantasy she had been creating for a long time.
The way their bodies moved against each other, really was stimulating and Ted had trouble thinking straight. He had already been very aroused from his earlier dream and the paintings here, but his sister sure wasn't helping things. He nearly bit his tongue when Pri whispered her secret to him and he might have cum in his pants if she hadn't stepped away from him.

He looked... well clearly stared... at her, for one of the first times seeing her really as a woman and not just as his sister. Most likely his mind would have been able to deal with her spell, but the spell in combination with her teasing actions pushed things over the line. "I want you" He admitted as he kept staring at her. When the spell wore off he would regret saying that, but right now he was too aroused to feel guilt about his words.
Ted declared his lust for Caprice and it sounded like music to her ears. Finally, he could see from her perspective. There was nothing she wanted more than to take everything her brother was willing to give her right there on the faded carpet, yet she knew that in order for her fantasy-turned-reality to be absolutely perfect she must have a little self restraint, for the sake of both of them.

'I know, I feel it too' She locked eyes with him. 'And you can have me.' With her gaze fixed with his, she slowly lowered the straps of her black dress. They slipped off her shoulders silently and the vary air around them anticipated her next move. Her hands found the top of the dress, which clung to her pale skin quite tightly. Everything in the house seemed to come to a momentary stop, the sound of the movers shifting furniture downstairs became muted and the sun streaming through the window dimmed, inflicting a darker, more elusive atmosphere upon the environment.

The soft cotton was pealed down, inch by inch, until it bundled above her hips. Caprice stood in the low light, her white flesh almost glowing as her bare chest, made visible to the desperately aroused Ted, quivered slightly with each breath. She had small, spotless breasts with dark pink nipples that stood to attention in the cool air. Her body was pure and immaculate, her dark blue eyes still looking unwaveringly at her tempted brother.

'But we can't though.' That sentence devastated her more than him. 'Not now. Not with everyone downstairs.' She lent close to him as her voice cracked a little in desperation. 'But soon.' They were face to face a horizontal matchstick couldn't fit in the gap between their lips and Caprice was in control. 'This will be yours' Her mouth was at his ear once more as her naked chest hovered inches above his body. Ted took one agitated breath and twitched a little.

She straighten up and pulled her dress back up over her body, retracting the forbidden fruit from her hungry sibling. Turning to look at the paintings hung all over the walls again, she felt as if the position of the eyes of the husband had shifted. It seemed like a stereotypical paranoid thought that had roots somewhere in an awful jump-scare horror movie yet the numerous double takes the paintings were causing her to make was certainly sending a shiver down her spine. She wanted to leave this room and so addressed Ted, who seemed to be calming down a little as his eyes began to wander over the paintings for the first time since she had jumped into his lap. The spell must have only been effective for a short amount of time.

'If were going to do this Ted we need to be somewhere hidden, somewhere nobodies going to accidentally stubble across us.' Her eyes glance up towards the ceiling and the corner of her mouth twisted into a smirk. 'I know the way to a perfect place. Come to my room... late, if you're still feeling down.' The door creaked a little as she made to leave the room. Her devilish smile was the last thing Ted saw as she left him alone in the room. The sun was restored to is previous brightness as soon as she had exited.
Ted's mouth was slightly ajar as he watched his sister slowly undress herself. There indeed wasn't much covering her body, and yet it made all the difference as she exposed her breasts for him. The very sight of her breasts was arousing him even more than the spell had done, but the spell made sure that he didn't care about the simple fact she was his sister.

The lust seemed to have him paralysed however as he made no effort to undress himself. He was too busy to stare at her body and to remember every inch of her body. His cock was painfully hard in his pants and desperately wanted to be free. Before he could act on that desire, his sister spoke and ruined all his wishes... for now at least.

Part of him felt happy even when his sister covered herself up again. She was right that now and here was not the place, and his eyes too glanced over the paintings that seemed to watch them. Slowly it also started to dawn on him again that she was his sister. The shock of what almost had happened, made him nearly miss the invitation to her room.

When she left the room, the spell wore off completely and his mind even started to doubt if the interaction between them had really happened or that he was imagining things. With a massive bulge in his pants, and some difficulty walking, he too left the room.

Before he managed to reach his own room again, their parents summoned him and Pri for a simple supper.