Falling for a Winchester (closed for deathsknight)


Literotica Guru
Oct 8, 2011
Anna was running, frightened as she looked behind her, trying to outpace her pursuer. Her blood was pumping and the vampire could hear it. He was getting closer with every second. Suddenly, Anna cried out as she tripped, falling to the ground. The vampire grabbed her as a dark van pulled up and dragged her inside, a cloth covered in chloroform over her mouth.

This was the vision Sam Winchester would see, interrupting an argument in the car with his brother Dean.


Anna sighed as she cleaned the tables in the diner, looking at the clock as it slowly moved. She wanted to get home and sleep. Life in a small town was pretty boring. Except she kept having strange dreams about two brothers. But the dreams felt very real to her. A pale tall man entered the diner, and she went to get him a menu, hoping he was the last customer.
"There is just no way that you can ever..."

Dean paused at the look on Sam's face,


Sam finally looked towards him,

"You OK there?"

Sam was still recovering from the effects of the vission, he nodded slightly,

"I'm OK."

Dean stared at him as long as he was allowed,

"It's a vision again isn't it??"

Sam nodded,

"It seems to get stronger as we get closer, perhaps there's some kind of link?"

Dean shrugged,

"You're the one who does the books thing."

There was a few minutes of silence, Sam thinking about the visions and Dean worrying about his brother having visions in the first place.

"I still don't think that a cheeseburger is better than a steakburger."

This of course started the arguement again
Anna smiled as the man paid her, wishing him a good night. She turned to leave when he grabbed her arm and yanked her towards him. "How about a goodnight kiss?" Her eyes widened and she tried to escape his grip, but the man was very strong, and the grip would leave finger shaped bruises in the morning.

John stepped out of the kitchen and his eyes narrowed at the customer. John was the manager and owner of Texas Diner, and he was good friends with all of his employees. The forty year old man grew very angry at the way she was being treated. "Anna, is this man bothering you?"

The vampire looked up and calmly walked to the man while Anna inches towards the door. His hand thrust out suddenly, grabbing John's neck and sinking his teeth in. Anna screamed before running, calling the police. She gave her name and told them John had been murdered. As she described him, the men from the van grabbed her causing her to drop the phone.

She woke up blindfolded, gagged, tied up, and naked on a bed in a cold basement. She pulled at the ropes frantically, terrified as she remembered what happened.

That morning, her roommate was told about the phone call, and began putting up missing posters, trying not to think about the other young, pretty brunettes that had been found dead
Dean and Sam was cruising the street when Sam directed Dean's attention to one of the wanted signs, it had the same picture as the girl they saw. Dean of course was the one to notice the girl posting the signs, a few words later and they had a bit of the tale, a man bit Anna's boss in the neck and allowed him to bleed to death and it seemed that he kidnapped Anna. She shared the same traits and looks as quite a few other girls who went missing in the area.

The two brothers booked into a Motel and Dean left to go hunt for a beer as Sam did his information gathering thing. By the time Dean returned with what little information he had gotten from the bars, Sam was basically pinning down their target.

Two hours later the two brothers was sitting in the car, looking at a huge house, even without the pale moonlight and breeze allowing shadows to be cast over the ground, Dean had to admit that it did look like a scary assed place. But of course their crusade allowed them very little moments of packing up and bailing out, instead they armed themselves and moved slowly in the very same scary shadows towards the house.
Anna had to wait several hours before the door finally opened. She was freezing and there were no blankets on the bed. She whimpered softly hearing footsteps down the stairs and voices approaching. She pulled at the ropes tying her to the bed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

A cold palm covered her breast and lips brushed her ear, whispering softly. "Hello Anna." She squirmed, turning her face away. "It was so naughty of you to run like that. All I wanted was a kiss." Anna cried out sharply as his hand slapped her breast hard. A hand reached between her thighs, and she choked out a sob. Then another hand backhanded her across the face making her scream into the gag.

"Do you like that? I bet you do. How does this feel?" A different voice this time. A finger slipped inside of her making her back arch. She heard a light chuckle above her and a third voice. "Well we haven't had a virgin in here before. I say we keep her here for a while before we kill her."

She began struggling with the ropes terrified. She squeezed her legs shut, her body trembling. She heard movement before crying out from pain. They hat hit her with a riding crop and began striking her again and again, leaving red welts. Her screams echoed off the walls, sobbing as she struggled.
The two brothers slipped into the house through the basement window, using hooded flashlights they searched the basement, it was dusty and clearly unused for years. They moved upstairs slowly opening the basement door and moving into the hallway. They carefully opened and searched every room, the floor rooms was all empty and they made their way up the stairs to the second floor. Voices came from one of the rooms and they slowly moved closer, making sure that there was not anybody or thing lurking in the other rooms, the rooms was used though, which was strange as usually vampires would use the basement or ground floor. They took up position outside the door to the room and listened.
The brothers could hear laughter and muffles screams as they began torturing her, sobs as she tried to move away from the whips, crops, and hands that hit her. "Hold on, I want to see her face." Anna squinted as the blindfold was removed and saw three vampires standing over her.

Anna was pulled into a sitting position with someone behind her, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Jake, go stand guard. You had the first go with the last one." Jake growled but went to the door, annoyed as they continued beating her, trying to break her before taking her.

As the door opened, the vampire saw the brothers and pushed them inside. The vampires stood, leaving Anna to deal with the threat. Anna turned her head and her eyes widened as she saw Sam and Dean. They were the same brothers from her dreams. It wasn't possible.

"Fucking hunters. Guess we're eating a feast tonight." The vampires circled as Anna looked at Dean, meeting his eyes. Testing her powers, she projected her thoughts into his head.

"Please help me Dean. Please get me out of here." And Dean could hear her voice echoing in his head
The voice in his head distracted Dean enough for one of the vampires to get hold of him, the fangs aiming for his neck gave him enough to contend with and he ignored the voice, something to focus on when they killed off these blood suckers. Sam on the other hand had thrown Holy Water on one vampire and stabbed a wooden stake through the other one's heart and was busy grappling with the burning vampire.

Dean managed to break the hold around his neck and fired four rounds into the chest, driving the vampire away from him, he followed up with a straight punch, he followed up with a final silver pointed round to the head. He looked over at Sam and the other vampire, leveling the pistol he blasted the vamp's head away. Sam paused and dropped the dead vampire, they both paused to look at the naked girl, Dean the first to move to find her clothing. Sam moved over and started to free her,

"Hey are you ok?"
Anna watched as the fight began, realizing they were exactly the same brothers from the dream. She was completely sure of it now. The vampire hissed as the water was thrown on him before Sam plunged the stake into the other's chest. As he fought with the vampire, she saw how strong they were, and knew they would win.

Her eyes went to Dean, and the familiar feelings from the dreams were drawn out. Anna had seen how tough he was in her visions, but she'd also seen a softer side of him, the caring one that did everything to keep his brother safe. She'd already taken a liking to him, but now she knew he was real. As the vampires finally died, she relaxed, looking at Dean as they turned to her.

"Hey are you ok?"

She nodded as he untied her, and she pulled out the gag. "Thank you Sam," she said quietly, trembling against his chest. She hadn't realized she'd used his name and closed her eyes, the tears beginning to dry
Sam frowned,

"How do you know my name?"

Dean stepped closer and hung a coat around her shoulders,

"She spoke in my head, that is the only way that bloodsucker got the jump on me."

Sam helped her close the coat and then stepped back,

"You spoke to Dean?"
"How do you know my name?"

Anna looked up at him, biting her lip nervously, unsure how they would react. "I..." She swallowed, her body trembling as Dean came towards them. Her eyes went up to Dean's as he put his coat around her. He could see the gratitude in her eyes.

"She spoke in my head, that is the only way that bloodsucker got the jump on me."

Anna blushed, looking down as Sam closed the coat around her. "I'm sorry I distracted you," she said quietly.

"You spoke to Dean?"

She nodded, wrapping her arms around herself. "I have dreams, and sometimes they actually happen in real life. I dream about you sometimes. I know what you do and who you are. I don't know why or how it works, but I've seen what you can do. A few days ago, I accidentally spoke inside someone's head."

She tried to stand, but the damage the vampires had inflicted on her body had made her weak, and it hurt to move. She cried out as she fell against Dean's chest. She was covered with bruises, cuts, and marks from the whips and riding crop, and a purple bruise was forming on her cheek
Dean helped her to sit down again,

"That means only one thing Sammy, she has to be one of those demon children."

Sam arched an eyebrow,

"Like me?"

Dean sighed,

"Hey the fact that you have these powers and that it's fueled by having some demon blood in you doesn't make you demons. Stop being such a drama queen."



Dean turned to Anna,

"OK let's start this the right way, who are you?"
Anna held on to Dean for support as he helped her sit back down.

"That means only one thing Sammy, she has to be one of those demon children."

Anna's eyes grew wide, confused and a little scared. She hadn't seen this in her visions before. She didn't know what they were talking about, and she bit her lip nervously.

"Like me?"

Anna looked at Sam, realizing that their powers had something to do with demons. She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself, looking at the brothers.

"Hey the fact that you have these powers and that it's fueled by having some demon blood in you doesn't make you demons. Stop being such a drama queen."

Anna relaxed, her fear fading away. If she wasn't a demon, they didn't have too much to worry about, right?


Anna smiled, remembering her visions of the boys arguing about little things, just the way all siblings do. But the smile was soon gone. She'd never have a sibling or parents to talk to. They were all dead.


Dean turned to Anna,

"OK let's start this the right way, who are you?"

"My name is Anna," she said quietly. "I just finished college a few days ago. I'm a psych major." She paused for a moment. "What did you mean when you said I have demon blood in me?"
Dean jerked a finger at his brother,

"Sam here have been given demon blood when he was a baby, that gives him the same powers as you. I'm Dean by the way."

He gave her one his more charming smiles,

"This gangly guy is Sam."

"Dean I'm not gangly."

Dean scoffed,

"You're no Don Juan either."

Sam shook his head and looked about them,

"So any idea why they kidnapped you? First time that we've seen a vampire going to such lengths to kidnap somebody."
"Sam here have been given demon blood when he was a baby, that gives him the same powers as you. I'm Dean by the way."

She was surprised, but looking at that smile, she couldn't help but smile back. He was definitely attractive, in a rugged kind of way. "It's nice to meet you Dean," she smiled up at him, blushing slightly.

"This gangly guy is Sam."

"Dean I'm not gangly."

Dean scoffed,

"You're no Don Juan either."

Anna laughed softly, a sound like little bells ringing. She liked Sam too, but in a different way. Something about Dean made her blush and want to know more about him. Her visions only gave her bits and pieces, not their full story.

"So any idea why they kidnapped you? First time that we've seen a vampire going to such lengths to kidnap somebody."

"I don't know," she said quietly, shaking her head. Anna looked up at Dean, looking into his dark eyes. "They... They've kidnapped others girls before. They wound dead someplace. Maybe it's my powers but I don't know."
Dean shook his head,

"I doubt it, they are bloodsuckers, they wanted your blood and from the looks of things some other things as well. Can you recall anything they said to you?"
"They didn't really say anything important," she said quietly, glancing at the bodies. She took a deep breath, blinking back tears as she thought about what had almost happened to her. They hadn't said anything while she was awake except when they were taunting her.
Picture of Anna:


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Sam have found her clothes and brought them to her, him and Dean ventured aside to give her some privacy to get dressed.

"What do you think Dean?"

Dean glanced at her,

"I think there is more to this, you have any idea?"

Sam shrugged,

"We killed three vampires, from what I saw there's more than just three here, if we let her go, she might get caught by the others. I think we should stay with her until we can be certain we killed them all."

Dean gave Sam a lopsided grin,

"You sure it's not because you would want to talk to her about her powers? You know she spoke to me and that is something you haven't done yet."

Sam gave him a small smirk,

"Perhaps, but her life comes before what I want to know, so we have to look out for her."

Dean nodded and the two of them kept their eyes averted for Anna to finish dressing.
Anna began dressing as the brothers turned their backs. She was grateful for the privacy, finally feeling safe, knowing they were going to keep the vampires off of her back. She buttoned up her red blouse and put on her jeans before standing up.

It hurt to walk, but she was able to, taking slow steps towards the brothers. "Thank you so much. If you hadn't come, I hate to think of what would've happened." Suddenly she gripped Dean's arm, crying out as she clenched her eyes shut.

Five vampires were standing around her and Sam, talking amongst themselves. They both struggled to get free of the ropes, but they were tied tight. She couldn't make out what the vampires were saying, but one opened the door and let a man through. He had bright yellow eyes and was smirking as he walked to Sam.

When the vision ended, she looked at Sam, he heart racing. "Sam... You... They're going to come back. For both of us." Where had Dean been? How did they get separated. She looked up at the older brother, trembling against him.
Sam's brow furrowed, but since she was holding onto Dean's arm, he was the one who felt how hard she had gripped his arm when she had her vision,

"OK then Anna, let's get out of here and then you can tell us what you saw."

Sam nodded and they quickly led the way out of the house, Dean and Sam going back to torch the old house and they drove away, heading for the Motel.

"OK Anna, now is the time to speak up and tell us what you saw."

Sam was the one who turned around to face her, while Dean glanced at her in the rear view mirror.
"OK then Anna, let's get out of here and then you can tell us what you saw."

Anna held on to Dean for support so she could walk faster, climbing into the back of the impala and closing her eyes. She waited in the car as they set the house on fire, burning everything inside, including the bodies. She sat up as they drove off, looking at Sam, worried.

"OK Anna, now is the time to speak up and tell us what you saw."

"Sam and I were tied up in a basement with five vampires. I don't know where you were Dean. I think they were talking about us. Then this guy came in. He had these weird yellow eyes and he came up to Sam. Then the vision ended. Do you know what he is? Have you seen him before?"
The two brothers looked at each other,

"The yellow eyed demon."

Sam nodded,

"Yes, but why the vampires? He's powerful enough to do that on his own."

Dean gave him one of those shit-eating smirks,

"He needed a way to get us here little brother and I think he have done it perfectly."

Sam turned to face Anna,

"The yellow eyed demon is the one who basically gave me my powers, he wanted to raise an army of special children to serve them in the coming war, of course we are still human, but our powers are different from each other, you're the first one we have met who basically has the same power as me."