Fallen Angel


Sep 27, 2012
Arabel stood before good proudly she was not ashamed of what she had done. She had tried to save Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots from being executed. It was not in God's plane for her to live but Arabel could not see her death as anything but a crime itself. When asked if she wanted forgiveness she had said no. Now here she stood awaiting her punishment.

Arabel was distracted and did not hear the sentencing at first but then words started to drift to her, "Banished", "Fallen", and "Forever". She felt a blow in her heart but still she did not plead for mercy, maybe she could do some good elsewhere. Between on second and the next Arabel was falling.

She knew she had to find a mortal near death to over take. She searched far and wide before finding a girl she thought would well suit her purpose.

Analisa Davers was tired of life and her poor excuse of an existence. She was a whore, a cheap whore at that and drug addict. Analisa didn't want to go another night and subject her body to more punishment. Kneeling in an alley way she broke up the coke she had just bought it would be more to OD on if she did it all at once. She broke it all up lined it up and said a quick prayer for forgiveness before snorting it all.

She felt the normal head rush then her heart began pounding harder and faster than it should. She sat back against the brick wall and closed her eyes knowing death was coming for her and she sighed with relief.


Arabel watched and waited until the right moment before falling into the girl's body causing a dim light to appear as Arabel took possession of the human's body. She gasped for air the body arching before darkness descended on them both as the transition happened.
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A group of street thugs passed by the alley Analisa Davers had chosen to die in. They were stoned and drinking whiskey. One of them tried to snatch the fifth they were passing around but got pushed into the alleyway. He stumbled and hunched over, throwing up as the rest of them stopped and laughed at him, calling him a pussy.

He groaned and looked up, wiping at his mouth, seeing Daver's long leg stretched out from behind a dumpster. She twitched as he called out to the others. "Hey... Fuckers! Look at this! Some chicka's back here! Looks like she's passed out!"

"Yeah? Maybe you two pussies should hang out!" One of the others shot back as another came up beside him to look. "No, serious, there's a girl back here!" He said, pointing, waving the rest of them into the alleyway.

They came up to her and all looked down at her as her eyes rolled up and she convulsed. "Bitch is fucked up." One said, nudging her with his foot. "We should get her some help..." The one who threw up said. "Mmm, yeah... Lets have some fun first..." The guy with the fifth said, pushing past the others. He tossed the fifth to another of the boys and started undoing his worn jeans. "Watch the alley." He told them as he got down on one knee and drew Analisa's legs apart.

Up above, on the building overlooking them someone peered down, watching as he loaded a rifle. He took aim at the rapist and was about to shoot when the girl's eyes flew open...
Analisa's eyes flew open the stench of vomit, booze, sweat, and trash asailing her. It only took her an instant to understand what was going on around her and her body seemed to go on auto pilot. The boy between her legs spreading them wider was the first to fall when she rolled her body her platform heel conecting with his head followed with a heel to his throat. The scent of blood now joined with the rest of the stench in the alley.

She quickly jumped to her feet calling on the wind she she sent a board through the chest of another. Next she caused the air pressure to increase crushing the lungs of the next. By then however the final boy was charging her leaving her no time to call on the wind for help much. She waited until he was upon her and side stepped guiding the air to help her push him into the brick wall force the air from his lung and letting no more in. She held him slowly letting him suffercate before she fell to her knees weak and panting for breath.

Someone else was near she knew but she did not know exactly where. She tried looking around but she was focusing on her on breath and energy trying to rise again but not finding any ease in it. She had to get out of this alley to somewhere safe.
Grimmly, the sniper on the roof took aim at the woman. No human could do what she'd just done. He squeezed the trigger and with a small pop she was struck in the shoulder by a tranquilizer dart. The man took his time climbling down from the roof using a fire escape. He hopped down and checked the thugs bodies. Pocketing what money and weapons he found on them in his trench coat the man came up over Analisa as the tranquilizer overpowered her system. He wore a ski mask, but pulled it off. He looked down with hazel eyes and messy red hair, his face slightly freckled. "Vampires..." He growled, shooting her again, to make sure she was out cold.


He sat in a chair at the foot of a bed, cleaning his gun as the girl came to. She was bound to the headboard, hands behind her back, up in a seated position. He looked up as she stirred awake and locked eyes with him. "Mind telling me why you have a heart beat?" He asked coldly.
Analisa opened her colbat blue eyes and stared at the ones at the end of the bed. She knew instantly he was the other she had scensed before. Her black bangs fell into her eyes and she blew them up and out of her eyes. She almost called on the air again but as she stared into his eyes something called to her telling her he wasn't evil like the men in the alley had been.

"Because I'm suppose to." She answered his cold question as if he were an inbecile and began looking around the room. Everything looked so differnt than it use to. She began ignore him trying to make since of her surroundings at what everything was. She knew she was on a bed but it look vastly diffrent than she remebered the items looking. All the styles were diffrent.

She looked down at herself and gave a horrified gasp as she looked at her clothing. Almost everything was exposed the clothing tight and rather uncomfortable she was close to naked. Her eyes jumped back to the man's her voice filled with outrage and power when she spoke. "What is this? Who are you? And what in God's name have you done to me?" She demanded.
"Shut it, monster, I'm the one asking the questions here." The man got up from his chair, knocking it over. He pulled a tazer from his coat pocket, sparking it to life. He came up next to her, kneeling down so that the spark from the tazer was at eye level. "Unless you would like a taste of this..." He threatened. "If you're not a blood sucker, what are you then?" He asked. "A lycan? A ghoul? You laid waste to several guys in that alleyway and I'd like to know how you did it." He switched the tazer off and ran the cold metal head of it along her thigh. "Are you some kind of mage?" He asked, looking into her eyes, trying to put on a hard, cold exterior, but behind his eyes there was hurt and uncertainty.
Arabel hissed at the man's threats and felt her anger began to spark causing her blue eyes flash brighter. "I think you have the roles revered human. If I was a monster you would be the one tied to the bed while I threatened you."

While for the most part she had a love for human's when she called him a human she sneered it like an insult. He didn't seem evil but his threats to do her bodily harm was not something she could let pass either. "If I was a monster you'd be as dead as the evil men in that alley. If protecting myself is crime in this time then this time needs major adjustment."

She relaxed her body but never took her eyes from his hazel ones searching and watching. As she relaxed bits of info spilled into her head enough to know what it was he was threatening her with. "What I am is not something I trust you with but what I am becoming most defenatly concerns you. You see what I am becoming is one mad, offended female."

She looked him up and down and a part of her noticed he was attractive but mostly she was focused on the fact that she was being treated like a prisoner and threatened and it didn't sit well with her at all. He could send her back to the void before she told him anything willingly or useful.
The man flinched away from Arabel when she hissed at him. "Protecting yourself is one thing but you tore through those men in the alley like they were tissue. They didn't stand a chance in hell against you, so I'm willing to risk pissing you off a little if it leads to learning what the hell you are."

He went over to a table where he had laid out all the weapons he had taken off the men who had attacked her. He perused them for a moment, picking a pistol and a big sharp knife. "Now, I'm gonna cut you free, and we're gonna sit here and talk about you, where you come from, how you can do the things I saw you do to those men. And if you come at me..." The man came up to Arabel and pushed her to her side, drawing the knife between her wrists to sever her bindings.

"Or make any quick movements..." He pressed the barrel of the gun to her temple. "I swear I'll empty this mother fucker right into your skull." He nudged her with the gun before stepping back. Picking the chair up off the ground, he sat, straddling the seat, keeping the back of the chair between them. He was also between her and the door. "So, how about it? I've got all the time in the world..."
"I can promise you this, I have been around far longer than you have been alive and I will probably still exsist long after you die. As for the evil men in the alley, do you know how many women they had hurt? Do you know what they planned to do to me? So yes it was self defense for myself and all women. It was kill or be killed." She told him laying there relaxed as if nothing in the world bothered her. She felt no guilt for the deaths she was responsible for and she never would.

"I will be as civil or aggresive as you are like deserves like. " As she talked memories of the human she now possessed started invading her but she kept her face straight not showing any sign of the disoriantation she felt. "So you see all my actions are up to you. I am no real threat to you as long as you remain no real threat to me. It is really as simpkle as that."

She laid her head back against the bed closing her eyes showing she felt no fear of him. Things seemed so very diffrent from the time she remembered it seemed hundreds of years had passed. She forced all the info to the back of her mind and focused on the hostile environment she was in at the moment. "So I guess the question is are you going to play nice?" She asked him.
The man stared at her for a long moment before finally lowering his gun, setting the safety on. He looked down and scratched his head. "I'll play." He replied. "Still don't know what the hell you are, lady, but I'll play. The world's a wicked place, and if you're out to rid it of 'evil men' than maybe we've got something in common." He studdied her face as she laid her head back. "You have power, I saw what you did to the men, and you seem to have a practiced calm about you. Are you some sort of martial artist or yoga master, or something?" He asked her, still trying to figure her out, continuing to stare at her.
Analisa cracked open her stunning colbat blue eyes to look at the man giving him a once over before she answered his inquiry. "Or something." She told him calmly. He was not a bad looking male of the human race and she was slightly suprised by the thought. She didn't say anything about the rest of what he said it was all true after all so why should openly agree seemed like a waste of oxygen to her.

"So are we going to untie me? By the way could I get some real clothes here? I would much perfer to be covered and looking more decent than I am at the moment." She paused for a moment cocking her head in regards to him. "By the way do you have a name? Or I am just suppose to refer to you as 'Hey Jailer'?" She asked and then closed her eyes back so she would not have to focus on what he looked like.
The man paused and turned to look at Analisa with a critical eye then. "I'll say, you're something." He agreed, cracking a smile. At her request to be untied, he arched an eyebrow. "I already untied your hands, I think you can undo your legs from there, I'd really rather not give you the chance to knock me out... I don't have anything in your size, but feel free to look through my suit case. One of the men you killed had a nice trench coat, I've already got one, so if you want a trophy, you can have it. I brought it with me. They had some weapons, you can have your pick of those as well. I've got plenty."

He paused for a long moment, considering her request to learn his name, smirking at her. "Its stupid... Lindsey... My mom was kind of a hippy, thought she was a natural witch, she was really into Fleetwood Mac. What's your name?"
Analisa ignored his question as she sat up and bent over to untie her legs. Her fingers were tingling so it took a few moments. When she was fully freed she gracefully rose from the bed and streched arching her back. SHe looked around for the after mentioned suitcase and trench coat. Heading to them on not so steady legs in the uncomfortable high heels she finally looked over her shoulder at him her head cocked to the side as she studdied him for a moment.

"Analisa," She told him. "and no cute story behind the name."

She continued on her way to the suit case and pulled out a shirt that by itself would cover far more than what she was wearing and slipped it over her head then the trench coat she was pretty sure his pants would be far to big on her. After all she only stood about 5'5" and was thin as a bean pole only her generous breast would have kept her from the insult.

As she dressed she felt both the memories and knowledge come together so she had a better understanding of what was going on with her and the time she was in. She also got the knowledge that the wolrd was a much more dangerous place than it use to be.
"You sure you can take care of yourself out there? I mean, I know you can, I've seen what you can do... But between the bad guys and the cops, the odds are against you, kid. Maybe you could do to have someone watching your back?" Lindsay asked. "I mean, if I could take you down after what you did..." He said with a slight smirk.

He got up and looked her over still smiling. "Those jeans look rediculous on you... Here, try these, you can synch them in." He pulled out a pair off black martial arts pants with flaming blue chinese dragons running along each leg. "They'll still be kind of loose on you, but at least you won't look quite as foolish."
She listened to the man talk and had the childish earge to stick her tongue out at him. She took the pants he handed her and with the long t-shirt covering her she made away with the uncomfortable and barely there clothes she had worn. She dropped them to the floor and then slipped on the pants he had handed over slipping them on. They were loose but comfortable and the soft fabic felt delightful against her skin. Finally dressed she decided to answer him.

"I am as old as time exsisting one one form or another since God created the earth. Yes I can take care of myself but wouldn't mind having someone to help with security but why would I trust the man who had me tied to bed, calling me a monster, and threatening me with bodily harm not so long ago?" She asked in an aluring voice letting the other in her come out so he could feel the power and allure. "I think that would make me a fool. Do you take me for a fool?"

She sat back down on the edge of the bed awaiting his answer.
Lindsey arched an eyebrow and smirked at Analisa's mention of god but didn't say anything. "You'd be smart not to trust me, but the simple fact that I was able to get the jump on you like I did suggests that I'd be more valuable as an ally than an enemy, doesn't it?" He asked with a smile, his eyes dipping to appreciate the allure of her. It wasn't just in her flesh, it was the way she moved, in the subtle nuances of her voice. He suddenly felt a creeping rush of desire for her.

He rose from his seat and closed his eyes, weary of the sudden change in his feelings toward her. He shook his head slightly, and blinked his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted to draw closer to her. Like a moth to a flame...
Analisa watched him wearily as he rose and stepped closer to her. "I suppose you could but it wasn't I who made the call of friend or foe. That Lindsey is were the issue lies. You attack me and now claim an ........... allegince of sort. Tell me how could I trust how could you prove yourself to me after all, I well had the power to attack since I woke but yet I didn't and when I was weak you did attack. So tell me how would prove worth of my trust?" She asked her voice almost sounding like tiny church bells as she spoke and began walking around him.

She wasn't looking for an exit so much as taking stock of him. She wanted a better look at what might well be the first to pledge allegince to her. She could use the strength it was true but she was far from power hungry she wanted to help people and she needed strength to do that. She would not allow a weak or evil person to pledge allegince to her.
"I don't know, you tell me... What would it take to prove myself?" He asked her the pit of his stomach trembling as she circled him. He wanted to argue, to defend his actions but her voice filled his mind and he couldn't concentrate, couldn't pull the words together to explain his actions, he just felt shame for having attacked her. "I'm one of the good guys, I'm just trying to hold back the tide of darkness looming in the night..." He whispered weakly, the trembling in the pit of his stomach spreading through the rest of his body.

He sat on the edge of the bed and lowered his head, planting his hands beside himself as he leaned forward. "I'm sorry I attacked you... I just..." Again, he wanted to explain away his actions, but something stopped him. "I'm sorry..." He sighed, looking up with glossy eyes.
She watched him and listened to the sincerity of his words. She wanted to trust him but he had attacked her while she was at her lowest. Then again through the memories she knew how scary the world could be and slightly symphatized with him. As he sat on the edge of the bed she stood before him.

She was on the shorter side of the height scale so he didn't really have to look up much to meet her eyes. Seeing his glossy eyes and how upset he was she thought about an answer that would be good for both of them. "I will let you stay by my side and we will work on the trust thing. If I wake upagain to find you have attacked me I will not be so forgiving again." She said calmly before sitting beside him.
Lindsey's heart filled with happiness as Analisa calmly sat next to him accepting his help. He didn't understand his own feelings, where were they comming from? Why so suddenly. He struggled with the thoughts for a moment. "You and me, against the darkness...?" He asked, grinning. "I've lost alot, I don't think I'd risk pissing you off again, not while there's evil to slay. I'll get your back, thats a promise."
Analisa smiled at Lindsey and reached over to him with gentleness her small pale hand lightly caressing his cheek. As soon as their skin touched she felt heat move from her fingertips into him as a bit of strength filled her. The sensation filled her with pride and a scense of being more complete. As she thought about it she decided she wanted to save the females from that were forced onto the street.

"We have a mission young Lindsey. Our first priority however is to secure two buildings, one for our head quarters, and one for house for the ladies in the street forced to sell their bodies just to live. You see my dear while we push the evil away we must also help redeem those without hope." She told him never taking her hand from his cheek.
Lindsey considered the logistics and costs of procuring the two buildings she required and slowly began to nodd. "How soon would you need them?" He asked simply, with a slight grin. "I know of some prime real estate thats just what you're looking for, but it's going to take some... Agressive negotionation with the current owners before they're willing to sell, I think." His slight grin turned into a mischevious smirk. "Bunch of vamps using a warehouse as a private bloodbank. They've been tricking some of the local streetwalkers into 'donating' for drugs. It's sickening..."
She considered what he was saying cocking her head slightly as she moved her hand from his face. "As soon as possible would be best. As for these creatures and what they are doing, it is not acceptable." She told him with a powerful voice that showed her anger over females beung misused in such a way.
Lindsey nodded and smiled wickedly, he'd been casing the place from a distance for a very long time, conscious of his own inadequesy to handle an entire warehouse of such powerful beings on his own. It had been the source of more than one sleepless night, knowing that the place existed and he couldn't do anything about it, other than stand back and watch. If he had, it would be tantemount to just throwing his life away, as he knew he simply couldn't handle a brood of vampires all on his own. Every scenario he'd played out in his head always ended with him dead and cost the lives of at least one innocent. That was simply unacceptable...

But now... He suddenly had someone else in this strange young woman who spoke and acted with an unnerving wisdom far beyond her youthful beauty. She posessed power, the kind of power needed to handle the supernatural that he could not. "They are vampires... Fast, strong and very hard to kill." Lindsey cautioned her, giving her the paltry details he's been able to scrape together on his own. "I fought one, stupidly depending on all the myths at the time... Heh, you should have seen me, wearing ropes of garlic, holding a hand mirror and a wooden stake as weapons. I even had a dumpster full of hidden water baloons down an alleyway that I was trying to lure the blood sucking horror down, just to get cornered..."

"I got this..." He leaned forward and exposed the back of his neck which was scared all to shit. "The damn thing lept on my back and tried to eat through my neck. Heh, the only reason I made it was because I threw us back into that open dumpster into that heaping pile of holy water baloons, the last thing I actually expected to work."

He shook his head and chuckled, leaning back, and propping himself up on his hands. "So, mirrors and garlic don't work, crosses don't seem to, at least not for me. But holy water, sunlight, fire and stakes through the heart do..." His eyes went dark and he took on a brooding look. "You have no idea how hard it is to drive a stake into someone's heart... But it works, thank god... There's almost no rhyme or reason to what works and what doesn't."
When he exposed the marks on his neck to her she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on his scare. It was quick and light almost like a mother kissing her chil's booboo and then she was sitting back listening as he finished talking. In her head she could think of a logical reason why each thing worked but didn't want t tell huim he was being a fountain of information at the moment and information was far and wide what she needed most at the moment.

A shiver raced down her spine as more memories of her host floated to the service very violent memories that only re-enforced her idea about help these woman.She wanted to act quickly but she had learned the mistake of that centuries before. "This warehouse you spoeak of would you concider it a a spot for head quarters or housing for the women? What do you think would be a good location for the other?" She asked in melodic voice.

She wasn't comfortable going into battle not until she had more strength and she needed more and stronger believers so she would have the energy and power for what Lindsay was suggesting.