
Nov 22, 2002
Aint it cool? I always enjoy this time of year.

The sky always seems bluer and crisper.

Thors getting snow, mines not far behind. I like pulling out my fall boots and cozy sweaters.
Very light snow, here.

I'm told that technically, it's still summer until 12:44 p.m. today. And it's just 10:16 AM right now.
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Autumnal love...

Autumn is without a doubt, my favorite season. Fall Festivals, Mabon...the colors, the cool crispness in the air, the leaves as they fall from the trees in a breeze. Pumpkins, straw bales and mums decorating porches and curbs. Driving down the road and seeing the leaves blowing behind my car or the one in front of me... simple pleasures that always bring a smile. :heart:
The only good thing about fall is Halloween.

It last for just a min then boom, freezing weather.
Aint it cool? I always enjoy this time of year.

The sky always seems bluer and crisper.


:cool: Fall is when it's time for the trees to get naked. :)

Also, not to be misconstrued with falling head over heels ;)
falling out, Falstaff or Fallon, entiendes? And don't fall short, por favor.
Its 89 degrees at 5 oclock.

It will stay 90s till end of October.

That's how Florida is.

November will chill down to the 80s, December to the 70s, January 60s, then up we go.

I always pray for temps to stay below 80 till April.
Aint it cool? I always enjoy this time of year.

The sky always seems bluer and crisper.


best time of year

my favourite time

the colours, the mellowness of temperatures, the mists, the aching arcing skies when low cloud doesn't wrap itself around lampost and tree trunks....

love it
Fall is good cause the weather is great! Lots to do, beautiful time of year, BUT, it leads to winter....which can suck
My favorite time of the year even though my allergies give me fits.

Nights are cooler but days still warm. I will not really experience Fall till the end of October. Then it will get chilly enough to make my nipples hard.