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Apr 5, 2021
I really regret losing track of this story, but I can't seem to find it again and would like to reread it.

It's basically a story about two people, neighbors, that have been friends since little kids, growing up together, then the 'teens' arrive, and rather than 'mess up a friendship' he never goes out with her, they drift apart, he wants her, but she's always with another guy when he's single, he's with someone when she's single, etc. They grow up, head in different directions, yes, you've seen that part of the story before.

What really hooked me, was how a relative dies, he comes home again, and she's there, perhaps to attend the funeral, and they talk, she's married, or in a long-term relationship, can't remember which, and they end up drifting apart again, but he's kind of depressed and rudderless, so he stays in the old house (his mother died, I think, maybe his father).. either way, he's living there, and the love of his life's mom is still living across the street, and has known for years how he felt about her daughter. Weirdly, they end up hooking up instead, and there's a lot of sex for a while, until she gets sick... turns out she has cancer, and he was her 'last hurrah' not telling him until it was very late in the game.

And, if iirc, only after her mom dies, do the old friends from birth finally get together, and she's actually grateful he made her mother's last few months better...

I'm sure I got some of the details wrong, but that's the basic gist of it.

any ideas?
I'm sure a lot of more important details may have left my memory by now, but I really hope it rings a bell for someone.