face the music!

Re: Re: I guess I qualify

acitore_vuli said:
Loved your tone bluesboy!

Thanks a lot! Believe it or not it took me years to get all the pieces to get what I wanted.
It will only get better when Uncle J gets my custom axe built. The man makes some bad ass instruments.
thanks buddy....i actually tried to copy and paste a pic but it wouldn't work. one of these days i'll work that out. in the mean time, my av's pretty close.

by the way, what do you play and what kind of stuff are you into a-v?
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What Uncle J said

I didnt see a link for you anywhere but would like to listen and know more
Bookmarked and downloading

Nice collection of gear there. If I listed mine its SO short you would chuckle. What I have is decent though.
Re: Bookmarked and downloading

Bluesboy2 said:
Nice collection of gear there. If I listed mine its SO short you would chuckle. What I have is decent though.

The gear is JUST gear. Nothing like a strat straight into a vintage tube amp, maybe a little reverb...that's as good as it gets.
What I use

This is it, no matter the gig: Big apple strat and or 69 ES335 into a digitech 2120 digital processor with 2 12ax7 preamp tubes into an older 2 channel tweed Blues Deluxe with 1-12" speaker.
Thats the whole of it till I get my new guitar. Its being made to be all about blues tone.
Begin chuckling, its a simple rig I know.
Re: What I use

Bluesboy2 said:
This is it, no matter the gig: Big apple strat and or 69 ES335 into a digitech 2120 digital processor with 2 12ax7 preamp tubes into an older 2 channel tweed Blues Deluxe with 1-12" speaker.
Thats the whole of it till I get my new guitar. Its being made to be all about blues tone.
Begin chuckling, its a simple rig I know.

I hear the warm tone you're getting, and I hear the digital effects too. Last year I went totally anolog. old stomp boxes. There is a difference I think, especially with delays, anolog os so smooth. But I think the jury is still out on the other effects.

Off the subject, I'm a big EJ fan. He used a 335 on "Cliffs of Dover", ran it though an old dallas FF, an over drive ped and some old big muff delay. What a sound!
EJ rules

Im from Austin and have actually met him. very nice and extremely introverted guy.
"With you with me" Very very nice. I actually like that sort of stuff. I write pretty pieces also but all anyone wants to hear me play is stuff like on my link.
I will listen to meer as time permits. Dial-up sucks for downloads.
I have respect for you as a player not that it matters. You have taste in my book, but Im VERY old school.
Re: EJ rules

Bluesboy2 said:
Im from Austin and have actually met him. very nice and extremely introverted guy.
"With you with me" Very very nice. I actually like that sort of stuff. I write pretty pieces also but all anyone wants to hear me play is stuff like on my link.
I will listen to meer as time permits. Dial-up sucks for downloads.
I have respect for you as a player not that it matters. You have taste in my book, but Im VERY old school.

Thanks for the compliment BB. Damn I wish i grew up in Austin!
I'm old school too, but it seems that the young folk just wanna hear power chords. How sad. Keep pickin! I'll do the same!

acitore_vuli said:
Thanks for the compliment BB. Damn I wish i grew up in Austin!
I'm old school too, but it seems that the young folk just wanna hear power chords. How sad. Keep pickin! I'll do the same!

They will grow out of it or get bored eventually. There is more to guitar nuainces than tuning to C# and beating hell out of it.
Mind if I send your link to friends?
Re: Bah!

Bluesboy2 said:
They will grow out of it or get bored eventually. There is more to guitar nuainces than tuning to C# and beating hell out of it.
Mind if I send your link to friends?

lol on the #. Not at all, can i do the same?
Kisses to littlekateyes

acitore_vuli said:
lol on the #. Not at all, can i do the same?

You certainly can. The music there is to be used any way you see fit. All I ask is credit for my work. Hopefully I will be able to get some software and a mic to record more. Im very poor at the moment.