

School Bus Slut!
Sep 9, 2001

Favorite actor: Tim Roth, Gary Oldham, Robert Carlyle, Ewan McGregor, Ed Harris Kevin Spacey John Turturro Sean Penn.

Favorite Actress: None decent enough at the moment.

Favorite Movie: can't remember the name it stars ed harris and sean penn and its irish my fav at moment.

Favorite TV shows: Quantam Leap, Queer as Folk(the Canadian version) Six Feet Under and the Soprano's.

Favorite singers: Freddie Mercury, Poe, David Usher, Beth Hart.

Film or theatrical role for the opposite sex I would most like to play:

Person I would choose to play me in a movie: Sandra bullock

What would I title my autiobiography: Cousin IT

If I could only keep one appliance it would be: doesn't use appliances' enough to pick just one.

currently reading: Nothing

favorite book: My Freddie Mercury box set which has the big ass book

favorite food: a well cooked steak a nice plate of spagetti.

favorite comfort food: twix chocolate bars

favorite item of clothing: My Ole' baseball jersey and my only pair of blue jeans'

nobody knows I can: do the dance steps to madonna's blond ambition tour yeah eh......

I can imitate:

If I had one wish: to be LOVed by 1 man in particular

first thing I do when I wake up in the morning: go back to sleep

Last thing I do before I go to bed:

Best quality: loyalty to the death

worst quality: patients don't have much

biggest regret: absoutely NO REGRETS

Something that makes me see red: bicycles' right in front of me in rush hr traffic

If I could live anywhere, it would be: London

Celebrity often mistaken for:

What I dislike most about my apperance: My hair that won't do ANYTHING DAMMIT

Greatest loves: my LOVER

Quality I like most in a mate: big soulful eyes

My Epitaph: "Just one year of LOVE, is better than a lifetime alone"
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Avery_Chisholm said:
Favorite actor: Robert Carlisle ''Looking After Jo Jo''

Favorite Actress: Jane Hollock ''Bubbles''

Favorite Movie: N/A

Favorite TV shows: Cookery shows

Favorite singers: N/A

Film or theatrical role for the opposite sex I would most like to play: Miniemouse

Person I would choose to play me in a movie: Michael J Fox

What would I title my autiobiography: CV does Dallas

If I could only keep one appliance it would be: Tin openner

currently reading: Your thread

favorite book: Bibliography in the Bible

favorite food: Gum

favorite comfort food: Mum's beef stroganov

favorite item of clothing: Socks

nobody knows I can: vote

I can imitate: I can imitate:

If I had one wish: I wouldn't be trying so hard to come up with an answer

first thing I do when I wake up in the morning: Open my eyes

Last thing I do before I go to bed: I sing ''Ahhhhi'm sticking with you. Coz' Ahhhhi'm made out of glue.''

Best quality: 45% proof

worst quality: Makes you silly, emotional. etc.

biggest regret: Is that I started answering your thread.

Something that makes me see red: Traffic lights

If I could live anywhere, it would be: Somewhere with air

Celebrity often mistaken for: Shit, Booboo. Shit.

What I dislike most about my apperance: None

Greatest loves: A certain Italian

Quality I like most in a mate: Two tits and a cunt

My Epitaph: You are standing on me.
OK, I'll play.

Favorite actor: I don’t have one. I do adore a few though; Boggie, Brendan Freiser(sp?), Oh That guy that played Wolverine in The X-Men –he’s hot.

Favorite Actress: Don’t have one either. There are some I’m more willing to go see than others, but other than that…

Favorite Movie: Casa Blanca

Favorite TV shows: A Different World. I’d never miss it when it was out. I love Everybody Loves Raymond.

Favorite singers: Billie Holliday, Reba, Brad Paisley, Shakira, Thalia, Peggy Lee….

Film or theatrical role of the opposite sex I would most like to play: Hamlet. I was Horatio once.

Person I would choose to play me in a movie: I don’t know Sandra Bullock?

What would I title my autobiography: “Yeah She’s bossy, But She’s ok”

If I could only keep one appliance it would be: Toaster?

currently reading: Just finished The newest Nora Roberts… something about a royal family.

favorite book: I can’t chose just one. They’re each loved for different reasons.

favorite food: Asian, Italian, Mexican…

favorite comfort food: Reese’s pieces.

favorite item of clothing:[/c] A pair of old work-out shorts that have this huge rip on the back.

I can imitate: People’s rhythm of speaking.

If I had one wish: I’d probably waste it.

first thing I do when I wake up in the morning: Depends on what day it is. Usually I just lay there for a few more minutes.

Last thing I do before I go to bed: sigh

Best quality: loyalty

worst quality: stubbornness

biggest regret: I don’t have any. Everything happens for a reason.

Something that makes me see red: prejudice

If I could live anywhere, it would be: In the country where all there is is green.

Celebrity often mistaken for: none

What I dislike most about my apperance: My ghetto butt.

Greatest loves: Books, music, computer. People? I don’t know.

Quality I like most in a mate: Honesty

My Epitaph: “Yeah She was bossy, But She was ok”