f who love group, enter


Aug 26, 2002
How many women out there love group sex? We're talking about run of the mill FFM and MMF stuff. But I want to see how many Lit femmes out there like threesomes and moresomes! MMMF, M+++F The whole works. Gangbangs are special yanno! So respond to this thread ladies. And hell, if you're a guy who likes group and gangbangs. Throw up a post on here too, fans of group sex welcomed.
does it really matter? this thread is for collaborators who like group. but since i'm not the secretive person. I'm a male, a fan of group stuff big time and while I see plenty of males who like group I wanna know how many lit femmes out there love group. Sides the point, males don't shy from posting here. anyone who enjoys group throw it up on this thread!
well. sure my motives are obscure =D heh. people get to know me and they usually see my big picture, the plot. naa. it's just a name folks ;)
I tried to get some group sex started once...but it went nowhere.

People in public elevators can be so snobby.
I too have suffered the same fate before Bob. Not to say that I didn't get some going eventually but it's such a downfall when you try to get the group going and it goes nowhere. However, keep on truckin =D cause lemme tell ya, it's pretty fun.
You know what would be cool?


That would rock
did you read the top of the thread? i suppose not, and the site you're at. but yeah, sure. eh. whatever.