She goes by many names but the package is generally the same. She is an early 30's, married, well-to-do, urban professional. She has lived a life of privilege since birth--from summer houses, to lavish vacations, to fancy cars, to blingy-bling. She is educated having finished at the top of her class at college and graduate school (either b-school, law school, med school depending on the scene.)
She has generally been a "good girl" with the exception of her college years as even she was not immune to all the temptation around her in the form of frat parties, athletes, even the occasional sorority sister.
Her married life has been nothing short of a dream scenario. She loves her life and her husband very much.
However, there is one thing about her husband that has thrown her for a loop. Turns out, he is infatuated with the thought of her "exploring" with others and encourages it, despite her resistance.
To this day, she has never acted on his wishes but, the thought of it has started to corrupt her mind. She has begun to look at life through different eyes which tend to stray more towards older, mysterious men or even groups of them as she travels around the globe for work. She might even answer an online personal ad from time-to-time to entice herself.
Thoughts on Roleplay
#1: She hates cliche scene ideas. Keep it simple. Two (or more) strangers meeting at a bar is sufficient.
#2: Preferred partners include: older, confident, mysterious men or groups of them. Women are welcome too, sometimes. Most important to remember is not to play hard-to-get, know what you want and how to get it.
#3: She is meant to be played and manipulated. She's meant to regret it in the morning. Make sure to play on the mood of her "self-worth". Degrade her. Make fun of her. Use her.
#4: She loves realism. Body movements. Clothing. Smells. Anything thrown in to enhance the experience.
#5: Mun loves chatting before a scene as it generally makes things better!
Listing of Roleplay Likes (Rabbit Hole)
Favorites: Multiple partners, multiple creampies, "accidental" impregnation, dirty/degrading talk especially social talk behind her back as if she doesn't exist (in the case of a multiple partners scene), lots of cum, semi-clothed sex (feel free to cum on her designer wardrobe), gagging, slapping, hair-pulling, and in some cases punching and kicking (in the heat of passion, or afterwards as a form of humiliation)
Absolute No's: Fantasy stuff, animals, kids, family, excrement, blood
She goes by many names but the package is generally the same. She is an early 30's, married, well-to-do, urban professional. She has lived a life of privilege since birth--from summer houses, to lavish vacations, to fancy cars, to blingy-bling. She is educated having finished at the top of her class at college and graduate school (either b-school, law school, med school depending on the scene.)
She has generally been a "good girl" with the exception of her college years as even she was not immune to all the temptation around her in the form of frat parties, athletes, even the occasional sorority sister.
Her married life has been nothing short of a dream scenario. She loves her life and her husband very much.
However, there is one thing about her husband that has thrown her for a loop. Turns out, he is infatuated with the thought of her "exploring" with others and encourages it, despite her resistance.
To this day, she has never acted on his wishes but, the thought of it has started to corrupt her mind. She has begun to look at life through different eyes which tend to stray more towards older, mysterious men or even groups of them as she travels around the globe for work. She might even answer an online personal ad from time-to-time to entice herself.
Thoughts on Roleplay
#1: She hates cliche scene ideas. Keep it simple. Two (or more) strangers meeting at a bar is sufficient.
#2: Preferred partners include: older, confident, mysterious men or groups of them. Women are welcome too, sometimes. Most important to remember is not to play hard-to-get, know what you want and how to get it.
#3: She is meant to be played and manipulated. She's meant to regret it in the morning. Make sure to play on the mood of her "self-worth". Degrade her. Make fun of her. Use her.
#4: She loves realism. Body movements. Clothing. Smells. Anything thrown in to enhance the experience.
#5: Mun loves chatting before a scene as it generally makes things better!
Listing of Roleplay Likes (Rabbit Hole)
Favorites: Multiple partners, multiple creampies, "accidental" impregnation, dirty/degrading talk especially social talk behind her back as if she doesn't exist (in the case of a multiple partners scene), lots of cum, semi-clothed sex (feel free to cum on her designer wardrobe), gagging, slapping, hair-pulling, and in some cases punching and kicking (in the heat of passion, or afterwards as a form of humiliation)
Absolute No's: Fantasy stuff, animals, kids, family, excrement, blood