Eyes are the windows to the soul... And some people have some damn pretty windows

Damn I see I'm not the first to observe this - oh well

So they are all female, mostly kinky (i.e. gagged and cannot talk) and beautiful...

my dear would you like to come and sit on my couch and we can talk about how you get arroused:caning:

also I'm going to disagree slightly with some of your images -

I'll re post this here - the eyes here are framed with glasses, and the lady in question is fully clothed but the allure - drawn in to the possibilities; no?
So they are all female, mostly kinky (i.e. gagged and cannot talk) and beautiful...

my dear would you like to come and sit on my couch and we can talk about how you get arroused:caning:

You don't have to be kinky to have beautiful eyes. Smiles help too. :)
Case in point:


And I think you've worked out how I get aroused. :devil: