Explain the use of Tumblr to me.


Apr 10, 2001
It's where you go and share things you find cool with your friends, right?

How is it different from FB, twitter, pinterest, etc.?

There are lots of pictures of naked women, which is always cool.
It's where you go and share things you find cool with your friends, right?

How is it different from FB, twitter, pinterest, etc.?


it's got more boobs than fb
more interesting than twitter
far less knitting and recipes than pinterest
All the social networking media you referenced have become intersectional with each other.

They are similar in some aspects but they are also all very different with different functions.

But Tumblr is AMAZEBALLS for teh pr0n. :nana::catroar::nana::catroar::nana::catroar::caning:
All the social networking media you referenced have become intersectional with each other.

They are similar in some aspects but they are also all very different with different functions.

But Tumblr is AMAZEBALLS for teh pr0n. :nana::catroar::nana::catroar::nana::catroar::caning:

Okay, this I get.

yeah, the pretty pictures. porny, not so porny and other. i get my desktop backgrounds there when i'm bored and can't sleep.

Okay, this I get.


It's even better when you distill them down to their original constructions.

Facebook = social network hub & online personal/family photobook/message center

Twitter = open shared or private instant messaging/blurting (now incorporates 7-second video blurts a la Vine)

Tumblr = online image blog

Pinterest = online image reference center/pinboard

(my words on how I see them, you can get more technical about their functions and purposes with Wiki searches)

Basically all of them deal with image-based social networking. But in slightly different ways. All of them now criss-cross functions and compliment each other instead of working against. And basically you can use any of them as ad-hoc blogs/diaries/notation centers even if you don't fux with images/video.
I do frequent a few pages that I know of, but never found the appeal to become a member for some reason.
Where else can I get lolcats, my little pony porn, and be a part of all these fandoms?
Where else can I get lolcats, my little pony porn, and be a part of all these fandoms?

This, and I can't share women getting their snatches spanked with family on Facebook. I don't think my mom would appreciate seeing those pictures.
Seems like anyone who is somewhat famous online has to have the social media full monty - Facebook page, Twitter account, Tumblr blog, Youtube channel and a merc shop at Spreadshirt. I guess that covers all the bases.

As someone who doesn't have either the time or enough to say to even Tweet, it's all pretty weird to me.

But yeah. Porn.
This, and I can't share women getting their snatches spanked with family on Facebook. I don't think my mom would appreciate seeing those pictures.

Just say the word and I'll smack your snatch anytime.

Oh, you meant of other women....

It's where you go and share things you find cool with your friends, right?

How is it different from FB, twitter, pinterest, etc.?


Explain Tw[Sh]itter to me? That's the one I absolutely don't understand.