
I do, but I am not quite so egotistical yet as to presume anyone is really actually that interested in an actual list of what I get up to at the gym - hell even I am bored just thinking about it, I wouldn't inflict it on you all!
I go rock climbing, running, I walk to work everyday, and I lift weights.
I just recently joined Curves.

I love it because it's all mapped out for me. I go in, warm-up, work out, and cool down...all in 30 minutes. I like having it so structured because when it's left up to me to decide what to do, I tend to talk myself out of working on every part of my body. I'll just go and ride a stationary bike for 20 minutes or something equally lame. With Curves, it's circuit training, so you get a pretty full work-out.
When I up, down, touch the ground, it puts me in the mood....
Up down, touch the ground, In the mood (smack smack) for food.
I am stout round, and I have found, speaking (insert unknown word)
I improve my appitite, when I excersize!

I need to start. I don't do nearly enough.

A friend and I plan to start going to curves soon.

Hopefully, we will. :p
4-5 days a week in the gym. free weights mostly with 15-20 min of cardio....
I do yoga every night plus I'm a mom...I lift 35 and 50 pounds like a feather pillow...and I live on the third floor...I've got more muscles in my legs than I've had in ages.
calypso_21 said:
I do yoga every night plus I'm a mom...I lift 35 and 50 pounds like a feather pillow...and I live on the third floor...I've got more muscles in my legs than I've had in ages.
and it shows quite nicely
I run. I lift. I hate walking for exercise, so I rollerblade with my dog instead. I have an ABENCH, so I do crunches on it. Sometimes I do more, sometimes less. I'm currently in a more phase; track season and the spring road race circuit is quickly upcoming. That means faster workouts on the track--it also means I wake up at 6AM and I get home close to 7PM. Occasionally, I still have night classes after work. I hope to move back to the mountains in the next 6months--then I'll mainly rockclimb, lift, snowboard, and run.
I have a weight thing my husband bought me that I use at night. Plus I do leg lifts, sit ups and other things through out the day. I just started working out again last month
I swim, every day when I can but at least 4 times a week. I do laps for thirty or forty minutes, then play with my son until we're tired.

My cousin also has this old Nordic-Track (sp?) thing that I've started to use. He lives right next door and I find it kind of fun.
sigh said:
I swim, every day when I can but at least 4 times a week. I do laps for thirty or forty minutes, then play with my son until we're tired.

My cousin also has this old Nordic-Track (sp?) thing that I've started to use. He lives right next door and I find it kind of fun.

You forgot the tongue exercises.......:eek: :p
I excercise my fingers typing on the keyboard everyday, and moving the mouse.

And I go to the gym :) Do a 15-20 minute warm up on treadmills/cycling/rowing, and then a full program of weight lifting. I pretty much target every muscle that I can. Do that around 2-3 times a week.
Hmm lemme see,

45 minutes of cardio 3 times a week, Bike ride

Daily:1 hour of calisthenics, B&M's, push-ups and crunches.
Also, One hour of weights before bed.

Off on Weds and Sundays.

Since quitting smoking though I've upped my crunches to prepare for the inevitable weight gain. LOL

30 days Smoke-free!!!!