Exclamation points are not manly


King Taint Kicker
Feb 3, 2003
I find myself rarely using them.

This sentence looks really fucking dumb with an exclamation point!

There is nothing I want to emphasize enough to make me break the man code and use some lame ass exclamation point.

I question the sanity of anyone who uses multiple ones. Even worse are the people who feel the need to type multiple question marks.

This does not look good????? Not it doesn't!!!!

I hate you for polluting the world with terribleness.
Multiple exclamation points are a terribly bad habit of mine.... I do apologize :)
terry pratchett

'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.' -- in Eric

Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind. -- in Reaper Man

'And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.' -- in Maskerade

CITY'S BIGGEST CAKE MIX-UP!! [...] 'Lose the second exclamation mark,' he said. 'Otherwise I think it's perfect.' -- William de Worde in The Truth

It goes 'baa!' It is a sheep! [...] That! Is!! Not!!! My!!!! COW!!!!! -- in Thud!

How about all caps on a word (not the whole sentence) for emphasis? I sometimes do that even though I'm allowed to use exclamation points because of x chromosomes.
'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.' -- in Eric

Five exclamation marks, the sure sign of an insane mind. -- in Reaper Man

'And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.' -- in Maskerade

CITY'S BIGGEST CAKE MIX-UP!! [...] 'Lose the second exclamation mark,' he said. 'Otherwise I think it's perfect.' -- William de Worde in The Truth

It goes 'baa!' It is a sheep! [...] That! Is!! Not!!! My!!!! COW!!!!! -- in Thud!


It goes "Buggrit, millennium hand and shrimp!" It's Foul ole Ron, that is not my cow.
I find myself rarely using them.

This sentence looks really fucking dumb with an exclamation point!

There is nothing I want to emphasize enough to make me break the man code and use some lame ass exclamation point.

I question the sanity of anyone who uses multiple ones. Even worse are the people who feel the need to type multiple question marks.

This does not look good????? Not it doesn't!!!!

I hate you for polluting the world with terribleness.


As you can see, the use of exclamation points is dependent on context.

As for the use of multiple ones....!!!
I find myself rarely using them.

This sentence looks really fucking dumb with an exclamation point!

There is nothing I want to emphasize enough to make me break the man code and use some lame ass exclamation point.

I question the sanity of anyone who uses multiple ones. Even worse are the people who feel the need to type multiple question marks.

This does not look good????? Not it doesn't!!!!

I hate you for polluting the world with terribleness.
Real men use ellipses. Forget exclamation marks. Ellipses show how thoughtful and intelligent they really are, or it at least makes me think their penises are big.

Doesn't look too manly, you're right.

The poor guys needs someone to draw him a bulge.