Evil pigs.


Come What May
Jun 20, 2000
You don't know me, the way you really should.
Don't call me baby.
You've got some nerve and baby, that will never do,
you know I don't belong to you.
Don't call me baby.

I do want someone to call.

Evil pigs I tell you.. they're after my sour cream.
sunstruck's brain is cottege cheese.

I'm not that type of girl.
Never: I can sit for over 32 hour in front of a computer writing a paper that will ultamately earn me a c-
Never: Oh, and i play a mean diablo.
Never: My brain is sour cream right now, sorry.
sunstruck: lol
sunstruck: my husband is addicted to Diablo
sunstruck: 32 hours of paper will do that
sunstruck: what's it on?
Never: I turned it in this noon.
Never: It was a philo paper.
Never: It didn't real take anywhere near 32 hour.. but I didn't sleep last night.
sunstruck: why not?
Never: Because I was working on my paper.
sunstruck: Oh! you made it sound
sunstruck: oh never mind
sunstruck: lol
sunstruck: apparently my brain is cottage cheese
Never: What did I make it sound like?
sunstruck: O
Never: ?
sunstruck: I'd say nevermind again, but that doesnt work with you
Never: No.. it doesn't.
sunstruck: I thought you said the paper didn't take that long but you'd been up for 32 hours
Never: Let me think.. I got up yesterday at 8:30.. and it
Never: it's 3:52 pm right now.
Never: How long is that?
Never: 24 + 9?
sunstruck: lol
Never: Howlong is that?
sunstruck: math not your thing?
Never: I got an A on my last quiz..
sunstruck: 35
Never: See.. I told you.
sunstruck: No
sunstruck: lol 33
sunstruck: whoops!
Never: Make up your mind...
Never: Okay, see, that's more than 32.
sunstruck: this is why I went for the lit and history degrees
Never: So you were right.
Angel, you have not now nor never been an evil pig.

Dinner is at 5:00 - if I fall asleep now I'll miss dinner and then I';; be hungry at 12:00 and that won't be good.
Food, something or another. There's always hot stuff and veggetarian, and sandwiches, and special latin combo or something. And ice cream. It's nothing wonderful but I like eating foor more than I like not eating food.
Hello glamorilla. This is rare, we usually don't talk. How's you?
I am not delirious. I have nice shit pooring into my ears and I'm on a thread with my friends.
delirious is fun but we're going to have to do something something about the shit darling...

Jello poem.

All girls should jiggle a little
Some jiggle alot
But the best girls that jiggle
jiggle 'round me.
Which one do I get to sleep with? The NeverGlam or the GlamNever?

I'm bettin' neither.
Never said:
Jello poem.

All girls should jiggle a little
Some jiggle alot
But the best girls that jiggle
jiggle 'round me.

still trying to follow your logic.. remember.. I'm not at full operating speed at the moment.
I usually am, just not right now.

So, you're saying I get to sleep with sunstruck if I give you my body?
personally i think youshould jst sleep with sunstruck...

that angel's doing a good job of being adorable too.

remember to jiggle back a little.
