Everyone shut the fuck up and post some goddamn porn

Summery wants some spanking pics posted.

I'm on the phone with her. She forced me to post that.:D
juicylips said:
Summery wants some spanking pics posted.

I'm on the phone with her. She forced me to post that.:D

Tell her I'll force her to do something
I agree

but think that links are a cheap way out.

This is Lexi Leigh's backside.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
What shit taste in porn you losers have.

All that big fake tits, massive 80's hair and more makeup than DCL preparing for panto

I don't see where you are in a position to criticize unless you post some yourself. Sort of like voting- if you didn't vote, where do you get off on complaining?

So, post what you like.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I don't have readily available porn

Contrary to popular belief, I see tonnes of action when I need/want to


She looks more natural than the big porn stars

Fuck knows what she's holding

You sound like an unprepared plaintiff on Judge Judy.