Every one say it "Happy Valentines Day my Love"s


Oct 8, 2002
The one day of the year to be proud of the woman, girl , lady, female or male you are with or miss. (yes I'm A Man) Tell them you love them! I did, it was the best thing I ever did!
Every One stand up tell the person you are dreaming about, Care about, or love how you feel!
I did she left me six months ago, The day I said I love you, was the best day of my life the, rest I can live with at least I told her.

You do the same. To every one else HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

If youy need a challenge this is a challenge, If you need some one to push you I'm pushing, Just tell HIM or HER, you will be happier when you do.


I miss my Beautiful :heart:
you win the prize for posting the 50th valentines day thread today. Wanna hear about your FAAAAAAABULOUS prizes?
Re: Remember the USS Maine

LordLucan74 said:
The USS Maine exploded this day in 1898.

I believe that this day is also the anniversary of the St. Valentine's Day Massacare.... I could be wrong about the date though ;)
Every One has those who matters TELL THEM

I was Happy, Those are the days I will embrace, the rest (pardon my french) Fuck it. ATITiUDE CHECK (old Joke)

Some one will get it.