Ever impressed by how intellectual the people on Lit are?


Jack Dawkins
Jul 9, 2002
I am. Constantly.

Why do you suppose there are so many intelligent, articulate and witty people on Lit?
Self Selection

First off, you have to have a computer and know enough about navigating on the Internet to get here. Most of my neighbors do not even own a computer.

Literotica is primarily a story site. Anyone who sticks around long enough to discover the bulletin board is usually here because they enjoyed the stories. It's a pleasure to find an active bulletin board, most are not.

Finally, most people won't post unless they're pretty sure of their facts, or are stating their opinion. (Wishful thinking, I know!) So there's a lot of filtering going on.
Hmmm frankly, I believe that as with sexuality and other characteristics, the anonymous nature of lit frees us to think, post thoughts and behave as "intellectuals."

There are many intellects that go unnoticed in our daily life as they are stifled by society's mores and the aura of their environment. Now, really, where in the real world can you go to share thoughts, ideas and opinions?

Unless you are in college, there just seems to be less and less froom for "thinking" in today's society.

Admittedly, I was initially intimidated by the intelligence of the lit's posters when I arrived here. The beauty of lit is that there is room for everyone!

Oh, BTW, I completely agree with chatbug. :)
Marquis said:
I am. Constantly.

Why do you suppose there are so many intelligent, articulate and witty people on Lit?

To the contrary, I am constantly disappointed by all the vacant heads behind the characters posing as intelligent beings.

I think that there are lots of people who "think" they are writers of erotica and that this makes them intelligent.

I believe that what passes for intellect here is fairly thin gruel most of the time.

There is a degree of fluff and silliness to the boards as well. It depends on your board and which threads you follow. Most posters are willing to put the extra time and effort in a post for a more serious thread.

I do not see the correlation between posting on a porn site and intelligence regardless if the thread is considered "serious" or "fluff".

Just because a person posts on a so called serious thread does not mean they have a giant intellect. They may have a giant ego instead.

Re: Re: Ever impressed by how intellectual the people on Lit are?

Lancecastor said:
To the contrary, I am constantly disappointed by all the vacant heads behind the characters posing as intelligent beings.

I think that there are lots of people who "think" they are writers of erotica and that this makes them intelligent.

I believe that what passes for intellect here is fairly thin gruel most of the time.



And the real intellects are few and far between. Their light shines through, however.
and furthermore, fluffing is not necessarily a sign of stupidity. fluff can be fun. so there.
Re: Re: Re: Ever impressed by how intellectual the people on Lit are?

A Desert Rose said:

And the real intellects are few and far between. Their light shines through, however.

Intellect is a highly subjective measure of a person.

If, for example, you live in a rural area where an "educated person" is one who completed cosmotology school, and a well read person has read all of Jude Devereux's works, lit can be very intellectually stimulating.

Furthermore, truly judging someone's character or intellect by their activity on the boards is going to be highly decieving. To truly know someone, I believe you have to experience them in the "real world." Once you see their interaction with the spontaneous stimuli of a living, breathing environment, then, you have a sense for their character and yes, intellect.

Just my two cents....intellectual or not! :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Ever impressed by how intellectual the people on Lit are?

MissTaken said:
Intellect is a highly subjective measure of a person.

If, for example, you live in a rural area where an "educated person" is one who completed cosmotology school, and a well read person has read all of Jude Devereux's works, lit can be very intellectually stimulating.

Furthermore, truly judging someone's character or intellect by their activity on the boards is going to be highly decieving. To truly know someone, I believe you have to experience them in the "real world." Once you see their interaction with the spontaneous stimuli of a living, breathing environment, then, you have a sense for their character and yes, intellect.

Just my two cents....intellectual or not! :D

Exactly, MissT. I wholeheartedly agree. And besides, one man's (or woman's) asshole is another man's (or woman's) prince or princess.

Intellectually speaking...

Speaking of Assholes, like excuses, everybody has one. I don't think people gather together here out of intellectual stimulus, or cliquish security. But they might just be here due to a commonality of interests. That being that they all enjoy in large part a degree of inspirational imagination that makes them want to write, and possibly learn to write better than when they started writing. Of course that's just one writer's opinion.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Truthfully, who, here did not come here because of sex?

If you want to talk about what brings people here, it is sex.

Now, what keeps people here is, sometimes, something else entirely.

MissTaken said:
Truthfully, who, here did not come here because of sex?

If you want to talk about what brings people here, it is sex.

Now, what keeps people here is, sometimes, something else entirely.



I agree with EB and MissT... intellect is very subjective and unless you know a person in all aspects of their life, you cannot judge their level of inteligence (or much else about them, actually).
as an example of the subjectivity of intellect - I grew up in a rather small town in the midwest... I was one of the smartest people in the school system - and that includes some of the teachers too. then I went to college & got My eyes opened to what I could be and how limited I truly was (and still am, although I'm working on it).
as for judging people without knowing them fully, it's always a bad idea. I have made quite a few friends that I never would have if I only looked at what I first saw. first impressions may be important, but in My experience they are always incomplete and usually completely wrong. you have to go beyond what you have seen already and look at what is behind it. and as MissT said, what you see here on the lit boards is entirely deciving, as it is only one aspect of a person's personality.

I hope that My rambing here has been coherent and not just "fairly thin gruel"
aerofreak said:

I hope that My rambing here has been coherent and not just "fairly thin gruel"

Very coherent and a rich, hearty stew!

Thanks for posting.

I'd also add that the nature of this board allows people to -express themselves very differently from face-to-face conversations. It allows those who might be shy to be more proactive in on-line conversations, and also allows for more forethought than an on-line chat...so I think it's natural that most posters would sound a bit more erudite on the Forum, and definitely more 'intellectual' than if you met them on the street...
