Ever had a profound self-discovery...

Every once in a while that happens to me. Usually something out of the blue, unexpected and surprising. After much thought and sometimes work, I get a handle on it and then incorporate it into my life. (If I can)
sidney328 said:
that you're just not sure what the fuck to do with or even how to think about it or even what it's supposed to mean?
Yup sure have and how I handled it was went to sleep thinking about it woke up and kinda knew the direction I wanted to go with it. :nana:
sidney328 said:
i was thinking on relationships and dating and men
i usually end up really not liking men i date, to the point of almost loathing, if we have sex...especially if they really like me (still trying to figure out why i do this)
but for the first time in my life, i've "seen" someone for a little over 2 years...and not ended up disliking him like the others,in fact, i ended up falling quite in love with him, in a way i never loved anyone
we've played but not had intercourse
from the beginning the whole relationship caught me by surprise and confused me, the chemistry was/is extraordinarily intense, and i never understood (and still don't) why my feelings became so intense over him
the ironic part is we can't be together...well...ironic to me perhaps because i just don't get it..
don't most people like someone after sex and fall in love with people they can be with?
i know i am backwards on a lot of things, but this is extreme psychological dyslexia, lol

Goodness. *comfort*
Here's the thing.

The parts of you that descide if you want to or don't want to be with someone have no idea that you either can or can't. They all assume you can. Basically, you're fine. Just unlucky.
sidney328 said:

i usually end up really not liking men i date, to the point of almost loathing, if we have sex...especially if they really like me (still trying to figure out why i do this)

but for the first time in my life, i've "seen" someone for a little over 2 years... the ironic part is we can't be together

Two ways of doing the same thing to yourself.....

1. Pick guys you know you'll crash & burn with to avoid relationship;

2. Pick a guy you "can't" have...to avoid relationship.

Once you figure out why you're afraid of, don't want or don't "derserve" a relationship, you'll be well on your way.

It's not Them. It's you.

Maybe a bag of pot would help.

Don't forget to keep a pen and paper nearby for the epiphanies.

sidney328 said:
cracking up
here's the thing...it's the first time i don't want to avoid being in one

Yes, I read that the first time...but you say you can't have him.

Getting into "wrong" relationships always ends the same way, right?

If your profound self discovery is you're realizing that you repeat patterns of getting into relationships that are doomed from the outset...well, that's a good start. You're on to something.

If that's what I'm hearing you say.