ever fantasized about someone from your past?


Literotica Guru
Jul 26, 2002
there's this one guy who was probably the sexiest, most handsome guy I'd ever met...and better yet, we were HS sweethearts.

for some unknown reason he's been in all my thoughts recently...does this happen to you?
Yup. My ex-fiance's birthday is coming up.. and though I don't fantasize about him sexually, I do think about him a lot lately.

I do think about exes now and again, but I often think of the ones I wanted and never had...


His name was Brad.
Yeah, I think about the bitch every once in a while in a good way, when the bed seems empty and huggin the pillow and enough to get me to sleep.
Heck yeah. I have this one fantasy where there's enough of 'em to fill the detention hall...


Nevermind. *blush*
I have a fantasy about a guy in high school who never even talked to me. He walked like the world was his, and like he had the biggest cock known to man. I really would have liked to have found out.

This is stupid really, since I'm married and have a child. But ironically enough, I was walking down the street today, past an ex-boyfriend's neighborhood... and I couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if I'd have stayed with him. :confused:

I took his virginity. :devil: If I wanted, I could've turned him in to my personal sex slave... or something. Wow. I was stupid. :eek:
I have found that ex-spouses make for good fantasy material.;)
Are you kidding?

They all parade in front of my closed eyes at some point or another. :)
Fantasize about every female....

To me, every one was an unusual sexual experience in different catagories.
One that stands out is an old gf from high school. I looked her up when I was home on leave several years ago. She was recently separated from her husband for divorce. We drank and talked at her place until the wee hours, and I was too tipsy to drive. I crashed out on her couch like a gentleman, and fell asleep. A short time later, I awoke to her sucking my cock! We started some heavy foreplay and ended up on the floor. She said that we shouldn't do this, as her kids slept a room away. We were panting heavy, and I stopped to honor her wishes. There was a pause and she said, "Aw fuck it!" and jumped on my cock. It was some real good fucking, but we had to stop when morning came before the kids got up. It still occupys my mind at times, and my cock remembers her too! :D
I have, but I don't anymore. Haven't waxed nostalgic over an ex for at least 1.5 years.
Honestly I think everyone has those thoughts from time to time

I mean the fact that you had a relationship with them to begin with means that more than likely you had good times with them and you cared for them more than the average denzien of the earth.

For good or bad every person you meet and have a relationship with is a permanent part of your life.
Oh hell yeah. Then again, I have a habit of ending up on good terms with my exes, so it's not that big of a jump, particularly if the friendly ex was good in bed.

Then there's the fantasy I've had since 10th grade about making my high school French teacher forget how to speak multiple languages... I think he thought that I wasn't paying attention to him when I couldn't tell him a word he just said :D He wins the award for the all time longest unrequited crush, 13 years and STILL counting.
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I think about my ex-g/f only inasmuch as she was a bit sexually closed-minded with me, and she's admitted to being much more open with her new boyfriend . . . so occasionally I think about what it would be like to lure her out of her relationship and make her do all the things she never did when we were going out.

I'd never do it of course, but since I didn't get those naughty acts when we were a couple, I have no qualms about thinking about them now that we're not.
