Eventful Evening (Closed)




Name: Natalie Smith​

It was a pretty mild day, if not a bit gloomy.

The weather was a tad chilly, as fall was beginning to arise, and I found myself on this Tuesday about to hop into the hot tub in our secluded yard, taking a break from studying so much, as I read throughout my day the various textbooks for my third year courses at the nearby university, here in Manhattan. Though I was beginning to get comfortable, dipping my toes into the welcomingly warm water, my thoughts were abruptly pushed aside as I heard the doorbell ring from the distance.

I glanced around, wondering who it could be, given that I was all alone in our two floor house, as my parents were on a business trip and my younger brother went to work. I gave it a few moments, thinking that maybe it was a mistake, but heard it twice. It seemed familiar - almost as if it was a pattern that I should have grown accustomed to already. Needless to say, that I walked to the door after quickly putting on the nearby pink robe and answered, greeted by a younger man (around the age of eighteen, whereas I’m twenty-three).

Oh right! It was Rick.

“Oh hi Ricky.” I said, calling him by the nickname he basically suggested to me one day, smiling as I leaned against the door. “What are you doing over here? Jack is at work right now.” Though, due to my own warm behavior, I couldn’t help but invite him in. So much for relaxing...
I heard the doorbell echo throughout Jack's house. I was about to turn around and walk away, when I heard the locks being opened. I saw Natalie standing there in a pink robe. “Oh hi Ricky.” I she said, smiling as she leaned against the doorframe. “What are you doing over here? Jack is at work right now.”

I felt disheartened, hearing that Jack was at work, but to my surprise Natalie invited me in. "Thanks Natalie." I said as I walked in and headed for the lounge room, "I was hoping Jack was here, I had a fight with my olds and needed to get out of the house for a while."

Although I had seen Natalie before, and had often joked with Jack about having my wicked way with her, I never thought I would see her parading around the house in a robe, and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. "Do you mind if I just hang out here for a bit Natalie? I really don't want to go home right now?" My eyes running up and Natalie’s robed body, my eyes pausing momentarily where the robe crossed on her chest.
"I was hoping Jack was here, I had a fight with my olds and needed to get out of the house for a while."

Oh darn it. This was about the second time that this has happened, but the first time where I was alone and had to called the shots on this. As Rick went in, I closed and locked the door behind us. He knew the house already, so there was no need to guide him to the lounge. Heck, he even got there before I did.

"Do you mind if I just hang out here for a bit Natalie? I really don't want to go home right now?"
he then added, his eyes going over my body.

I tried not to seem uncomfortable with his eyes looking me over, as I did with every man that oogled me. I was a bit shy in those regards, contrary to my years of being a social butterfly and devout cheerleader. My chest certainly caught his glance, especially as my hefty orbs stretched the material, somewhat.

"Of course you can stay Ricky." I said, giving him a quick comforting hug. "I was about to make some tea. Do you want some?" I asked.
Hearing Natalie say "Of course you can stay Ricky." bought me some comfort, but I was taken aback by the hug Natalie gave me. It wasn't first time she had hugged me, but she was always dressed decently, not in something as personal as robe.

Hearing Natalie say, "I was about to make some tea. Do you want some?" made Ricky realise that he was safe, and made him smile. "I'd love a cup please Natalie, 2 sugars and milk please."

Ricky sat on the lounge as Natalie pottered around the kitchen, when he spied a deck of card on the coffee table. "Hey Natalie, feel like playing some cards for a bit?" I asked, as I picked the cards up and started shuffling them absent mindedly, thinking about how good Natalie looked in that robe.
"I'd love a cup please Natalie, 2 sugars and milk please."
"Okay, I'll be there in a jiffy."

The water was already heated up, and I had our cups of tea ready in about a minute. I carefully made my way to the lounge again, and saw that a deck of cards was ready on the table. Rick was there and with a slight smile, he said:

"Hey Natalie, feel like playing some cards for a bit?"

"Well...okay. Why not?" I replied with a smile before sitting down. "What game are we playing?"
I stopped shuffling the cards, and sat them on the coffee table as I took the cup from Natalie. Smiling, I said "Thanks Natalie."

I took a mouthful of my tea, and sat it on the coffee table as I picked the cards back up and started to shuffle them again. I looked at Natalie, and said "Well, considering it's just the 2 of us, I think poker might be best game. Jack has some chips in his room, unless you want to play strip poker." I laughed briefly at the end of that comment hoping that Natalie would take it as the joke I intended it to be, but half hoping she would accept.
"Well, considering it's just the 2 of us, I think poker might be best game. Jack has some chips in his room, unless you want to play strip poker."

I laughed a bit after drinking a bit of my tea, and responded "Hardly seems fair. I don't even have that much on. So...no way." before giggling a bit. "Let's think of something else then?" I then added, hoping that we could play something else.
I snickered as Natalie said "Hardly seems fair. I don't even have that much on. So...no way." But before I had a chance to a say "I can strip down so we are wearing the same amount of clothing" Natalie had said "Let's think of something else then?"

I felt a little deflated, but nonetheless, I said "What would you like to play Natalie? You choose the game. I'm willing to bet that I'll win no matter what the game."
"What would you like to play Natalie? You choose the game. I'm willing to bet that I'll win no matter what the game."

I thought about it for a second. Table Tennis? Too far, and I didn't even know if it was complete anymore. Darts? Gah, and go to the attic? However, I quickly found a solution; I picked up a piece of paper and a pen from the desk near us and said:

"Tic tac toe. I'm unbeatable at that."
"Tic tac toe. I'm unbeatable at that." Natalie said as I stiffled a laugh.

"OK." I said, "What's the bet?" As I took the pen and paper, and started drawing the grid. "Best of 5, Winner chooses the next game."
"Best of 5, Winner chooses the next game."

"Fine." I replied, as he drew the grid "But Ricky, I'm not any good at picking a good wager. Could you pick? I mean, I chose the game."
"But Ricky, I'm not any good at picking a good wager. Could you pick? I mean, I chose the game."

I drew the first grid and put a circle in the grid, and said "Well Natalie, if I win, you have to do whatever I ask, and if I win, I wil do whatever you ask." I said as smile crossed my face.

I handed Natalie the pen back and watched her robe as she leaned forward to make her mark, I couldnt help but look down the robe, and get lost in the thoughts of what they would feel like, or what her nipples would feel like in my teeth.
"Well Natalie, if I win, you have to do whatever I ask, and if I win, I wil do whatever you ask." he said with a smirk

"I agree!" I said, naively "Let's do this."

And in a playful demeanor, I drew my X on the top left portion of the grid. I was so sure that I was going to win - and so sure that he didn't actually mean what he did.
I took the pen from Natalie and playfully studied the grid, as if planning a strategic attack, then put my circle in the grid on the corner diagonal from my last circle, making a not so obvious attempt at winning, because my next move would undoubtedly give me 2 ways to win. With a smug grin I handed the pen back to Natalie.
I thought that he was just playing, when he put that circle on that corner. It was, I thought, his way of letting me win. But I decided to play along and make a bad move (or at least, I thought he made a bad move) and placed my X right next to my own - which was blatantly useless, given the fact that his circle was blocking my straight line anyway.

I grinned and passed the pen back to him.
I took the pen off Natalie, smiled, and didn't hesitate to secure the first game.

"That's the first game Natalie. Are you sure you don't want to concede defeat now?" I said as I laughed.

I drew the next grid up and handed Natalie the pen, "You can go first this game. Unless you want to play something different."

I took a mouthful off tea after handing Natalie the pen. "Hey Natalie, you know I never realised that you have a gorgeous smile."
Damn it! I couldn't believe...

"You can go first this game. Unless you want to play something different."

I thought about it - rock, paper, scissors! The most easy game ever right? Sure, it seemed pretty unpredictable, but I figured that I could read Rick pretty easily.

"Hey Natalie, you know I never realised that you have a gorgeous smile."

And so I did, thanking him "That's so sweet, thank you!" before continuing "Okay, let's play one game of rock, paper, scissors...Ready?"

Good old rock. I'd win this one for sure.
"Okay, let's play one game of rock, paper, scissors...Ready?"

"Sure... One... Two... Three" I said smiling.

I went paper, and covered Natalie's Rock. "I win." I said smiling.

"You could save yourself from any further embaressment Natalie, and just take your robe off now." I said, even though I had only won 2 games. As I said this, I let go of Natalie's hand, and lightly ran a finger down from the base of her neck, to where the robe crossed.
God, my fist seemed so small compared to his hand...

"I win." he said with a grin, as I replied "No fair!"

"You could save yourself from any further embaressment Natalie, and just take your robe off now." he added, as I gasped, feeling his finger run from my neck. I stuttered as I said "W-Wait, one more game. One last round of rock, paper, scissors...?"

I'd try rock again...let's see how that goes.
"W-Wait, one more game. One last round of rock, paper, scissors...?"

"OK" I said, already planning on going paper again as I figured Natalie would go rock, in an attamept to head me off. "But you know if you lose that is three games to me, so you have to do whatever I ask. And it starts with removing your robe. One... Two... Three..."

"Ha! Paper wins. Take your robe off please Natalie." I said nice and calmly, trying to hide my excitement. Playfully going to undo the thin, flimsy tie that held the robe at her waist.
God...come on...come on...

"Ha! Paper wins. Take your robe off please Natalie."

And that said, my heart leaped. He was serious about this? God, and while I was lost in my thoughts, his hands were already ready to do it for me. I said "Okay..." quietly, as I began to undo my robe, with his help, when it dropped. Of course, I knew that his eyes would feast on the fact that I was wearing a yellow, two piece, swimsuit...showcasing those round breasts that he liked seeing so much.
I watched in awe as Natalie lowered her robe. I was speachless how perfect her skin was, how large her breasts were.

"WOW!" was all I could manage, until I managed to regain my composure. When I regained my compoure, I continued, "You are more beautiful than I imagined Natalie. I'd love to see you naked."

Before Natalie had a chance to process what I had said, I reached up with both hands, and pulled the tiny triangles of fabric down exposing both her nipples.
I think that his look, and stunned behavior, got me a little embarrassed, or something along those lines. Mainly because I was blushing a bit, and actually smiling. Well, that is until I heard him say:

"You are more beautiful than I imagined Natalie. I'd love to see you naked."

Bold on his part - I tried to reply, though instead gasped as I felt his hands on my bikini top...before he pulled the fabric down enough for both my nipples to pop out free. "W-What are you doing?!" I asked in shock, though simply stayed there.
"W-What are you doing?!" Natalie asked in shock, though she simply stood still.

"I'm claiming my prize. I won, and now you have to do what I ask." I said cooly.

I gently ran my palms over Natalie's nipples, and said "Please undress for me Natalie. You can undress for me, or I can undress you, the choice is yours." I said firmly, giving her a firm yet playful slap on the ass.
"I'm claiming my prize. I won, and now you have to do what I ask."

"But we were just playing-" I replied, before gasping as I felt his rough palms over my nipples. He seemed to have been serious about it all, as he continued:

"Please undress for me Natalie. You can undress for me, or I can undress you, the choice is yours." before slapping my firm behind. I looked at him and said that "I can't undress for you." in a defiant tone. In reality, although I wouldn't tell him this, I somehow enjoyed the thought of him undressing me...