

Literotica Guru
Dec 5, 2001
I suppose if one chooses death, this is a hell of a way to go.

Want to enjoy the ride of your life along with the last ride of your life? That's what Julijonas Urbonas envisions with his Euthanasia Coaster.

The three-minute ride involves a long, slow, climb — nearly a third of a mile long — that lifts one up to a height of more than 1,600 feet, followed by a massive fall and seven strategically sized and placed loops. The final descent and series of loops take all of one minute. But the gravitational force — 10 Gs — from the spinning loops at 223 miles per hour in that single minute is lethal.

According to Urbonas, the "Euthanasia Coaster is a hypothetic euthanasia machine in the form of a roller coaster, engineered to humanely — with elegance and euphoria — take the life of a human being."


How much vomit do you suppose is involved with that? I'd be spewing all over the place, then some poor sucker would have to clean my dead ass up. I suppose at the end it could automatically dump you into an incinerator. That would be tidy.

I keep thinking, what if the guy next to you dies before you do? Then you have to ride next to a corpse for a minute or two. I suppose with all those loops, who the fuck would notice, eh?
I tried to create something like that in Rollercoaster Tycoon once, but nobody would ride it.

I thought that turned out to be an urban legend?

I think the urban legend is that it was already built. It goes back a couple years as a concept. Kinda silly since nobody is going to sink the money and resources into it unless you get a billionaire who wants to go out in style.
It would be easier and cheaper to just plan a vacation to the south side of Chicago. Death will be fast and over with in seconds.
Not quite what the Chili Peppers had in mind when they penned Rollercoaster [of Love].
I tell ya what, I go to Chicago all the time but I won't step foot in Flint, Detroit or East St. Louis. Those places are like the wild west.
42 murders in Chicago in January.

A woman was shot and killed on the entrance ramp to Lake Shore Drive yesterday. LAKE SHORE DRIVE!!! February is picking up right where January left off.

You won't catch me dead in Chicago anytime soon.
42 murders in Chicago in January.

A woman was shot and killed on the entrance ramp to Lake Shore Drive yesterday. LAKE SHORE DRIVE!!! February is picking up right where January left off.

You won't catch me dead in Chicago anytime soon.

The news reported that last week a Chicago woman lost the fourth of her four children to gun violence.

I have to wonder why she didn't move.
I keep thinking, what if the guy next to you dies before you do? Then you have to ride next to a corpse for a minute or two. I suppose with all those loops, who the fuck would notice, eh?

You'd smell it when he shit his pants.
42 murders in Chicago in January.

A woman was shot and killed on the entrance ramp to Lake Shore Drive yesterday. LAKE SHORE DRIVE!!! February is picking up right where January left off.

You won't catch me dead in Chicago anytime soon.

Yeah, that's sorta bad. LSD is usually pretty safe.
The news reported that last week a Chicago woman lost the fourth of her four children to gun violence.

I have to wonder why she didn't move.

Nowhere to go. If you don't have relatives or money what are you gonna do? It's cold in the Midwest. Can't live on the beach like the homeless in Hawaii.
Lot of homeless there but you don't hear about it much. I imagine because they got nothing to complain about.