Eumenides <pants> and Perky <ruffles> discuss the seduction of saintpeter

I was kinda hoping for a detailed account of your seduction of Saint Peter. You know, like the thread title.
SaintPeter is a person of the cloth and could not be part of such a yummy entanglement.

Well, OK. Maybe just once.
or not, and you brought us a friend, how thoughtful

SaintPeter said:
I guess SaintPeter is running the camera in Emu's pic.
I was thinking that SaintPeter was playing the part of the crystal dildo.

...let me know when there will be a thread concerning the seduction of Saint Valentine. :D

Many Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.

Being a person of the cloth and a virgin and all of that, I may be missing something here. If SaintPeter is being seduced then why do I only seeing pics of lesbians and no Peter's?
We're teaching St. Peter the art of sex without the Peter. That way he can remain virginally of the cloth.
Eumenides said:
We're teaching St. Peter the art of sex without the Peter. That way he can remain virginally of the cloth.

When do I get my pointy lesbian tongue? Does the pointy lesbian tongue require surgery? Yoga?
Verse 1:
Let's Go,
You dirty Ho!
You don't know where to go.
You don't know how to blow.
And if you knew how to blow,
I'd probably want to go.

You's a ho,
You's a dirty ho,
Wiggy Wiggy

Verse 2:
Your mom's a dirty ho,
She doesn't know how to blow,
And trust me,
I would know!
Because she has a lesbian lov-ah!
And togeth-ah
Theys be Mo and Munch!
They always eat Cap'n crunch.
And their butts smell like
The funky nuts and dirt butts!

(chorus 2 x)

Verse 3:
Then we go to the pound
To get us a dirty hound
Then we's go underground
And eat us some Mounds!
Cause I gotta lose me some pounds.
Cause yous a dirty ho!
Who really doesn't know how to blow!