Ettiquete ... CaPitaLIzaTION


Sep 29, 2002
So is the I/i capitalization thing typically done online or is that poor manners?
I am old fashioned.

I think that honorifics are used to much. I feel it is only meaningful if the sub belongs to you. However, good manners never goes out of style. Common courtesy works for me.


I think it depends on the two people involved.

Here, we dont' stand on formality and using captilalization is apt to get you a few short words.

We prefer that everyone comes in on equal footing and as it is not a chat room or necessarily a place to hook up, the chat room rules don't apply.

Then, there are some that you may be intimately involved with who enjoy or prefer the deference shown by I/me, You, Her, etc

It depends on you and your partner.

I don't enjoy having to muddle through the typewriter to find the Caps key and unless I am seriously involved with someone who enjoys the deference of the capital letter, I prefer not to use them.

I have seen women who automatically use caps or refer to themselve in the third person. In a general conversation, I find this to be demeaning of their worth as a person. In private, when involved, it is up to the parties involved.

Personally, I find the whole Y/you phenomenon immensely annoying. And as MissT said, we *do* try to consider all entrants to the forum as equals--the honorifics and silly capitilization games tend to undermine that ideal equality by reinstating "scene roles" to some degree.

I would not shed a single tear if that whole online capitalization nonsense were to vanish entirely. But, that's just me.

RisiaSkye said:
Personally, I find the whole Y/you phenomenon immensely annoying. And as MissT said, we *do* try to consider all entrants to the forum as equals--the honorifics and silly capitilization games tend to undermine that ideal equality by reinstating "scene roles" to some degree.

I would not shed a single tear if that whole online capitalization nonsense were to vanish entirely. But, that's just me.


well, we started doing it, because we were often mistaken for subs when we were surfing various places... had to 'slap' a few doms for it. it is kind of a pain, but now I, at least, am pretty used to it - don't really like it, but it's habit. then had a jackass (he was a pain about more than just the capitalization issue) make some comments about it. that's why we were wondering.
In some places, it is good to use the caps thing. I tried the chat room thing for a bit, and it was difficult to tell who was who unless they were ordering someone to their knees!

the only capitilaztion i ever use is when i use He. this is simply because it lets everyone know how He is related to me. rather than saying "the man who fucks me and slaps my ass" i can just use "He" and everybody knows who He is in my life.
bunny bondage said:
the only capitilaztion i ever use is when i use He. this is simply because it lets everyone know how He is related to me. rather than saying "the man who fucks me and slaps my ass" i can just use "He" and everybody knows who He is in my life.
But what about your use of i instead of I, bunny? Is that indication of being sub, or is that just the standard laziness (I assume that's what it is) seen online these days?
Etoile said:
But what about your use of i instead of I, bunny? Is that indication of being sub, or is that just the standard laziness (I assume that's what it is) seen online these days?

i find myself having fallen into that standard laziness and use the lower case i for myself quite often...I tend to switch back and forth, just prefering to type as i please, letting it all come out.

The only time I really use caps would be when I am addressing my Dom...and then it is still a come and go thing which He, fortunately, does not insist i strictly follow.
i do it automatically sometimes because most of my correspondence is with Him, so i tend to fall into that mode. As for the lower case 'i'.... i just do that now out of habit, and laziness.

i have noticed though that when speaking privately with another Dom, not my Master, that if asked, they will general tell me what they prefer. To be honest i think it's can be rather annoying to do when having a general conversation, but as i was learning the D/S dynamic here online, it was important to me not to offend anyone.

Now that i feel comfortab;e around here, i am trying to ease up on such frivolity, but sometimes my mind is so focused on Him, especially when posting about my feelings or thoughts on submission, that i fall into that 'mode.'
I vary back and forth. I've never been required, nor am I currently, to address or refer to my Domme with caps, but words like "Top" "Dom" "Domme" etc just look better to me in uppercase. I don't do it because I think it shows more respect, or to follow any silly online rule, but simply because I think the words look better uppercase. I'm weird.

In the same respect, I HATE seeing my nickname as Serijules. It has always been lowercase, cuz I like it that way...looks more innocent and girly and cutesy <g> However, when people are shortening serijules to Seri, I prefer it in uppercase because Seri is my real first name, so it looks strange to me as just seri. On my website too, most text (except in stories) is punctuated, but not capped in the beginning of a sentance. In the case of my website, it is a style and has nothing to do with honourifics.

I never correct people if they use my nick/name in a way I don't like of course, but I do have my preferences, and as for other words, my choice of upper or lower case is usually simply habit or what I think looks nicest, the hell with proper use of the english language. :) The A/all I/i stuff drives me up a wall though. I don't read posts that use the slash....I just can't get past how choppy it is. I find myself mentally saying "A-All" instead of "all", which annoys me. It sucks when you are annoying yourself.
I dont' think anyone overuses the caps thing here.

Now, for some, they aren't skilled typists, so I do think we see a lot of lower case "I"s. The give away is general that upper and lower case are often skewed with regard to other words.

Other than that, I can only reiterate what I have previously posted.

If caps mean something to you, go ahead and use them. They just may not mean a lot to the rest of us.

To me I find the A/all etc. utter poncery I have no idea why people do it and care less,all I know is its v annoying.Although I am only simple :confused:
As a newbie I find all this A/all O/one stuff confusing and really I think it would dilute respect for my Dom/Domme when I find the One, to use it in such a general way. None of the Dom/Dommes with whom I have PMd or emailed have requested me to use caps, in fact they have all insisted that I shouldn't.
I have to pretty much agree with Bachlum. I don't really care if people do or not capitalise their name or 'I', and I usually assume their finger slipped or they were feeling a little lazy, rather than think them illiterate, but the cap'/lower case is definitely illiteracy; it's not English.
I don't think it's illiterate and it's not the purity of the English language I care so much about.

I think it's just really obsessive. Especially things like A/all. As if, in someone typing "all" I might not realize they are referring to My Divine Dominant Ass and get in a huff.


Can't we just talk to one another without having a cow over who/what we prefer to do in intimate relations with other people?

Cant we just be ourselves and let our fabulous selves carry us along, as dominant as we are, as submissive as we are?

Overweening displays of "respect"

(Ma'am, You, Mistress, Her)

simply make me nervous. I feel like someone's got the spotlight on me.

W/will S/someone P/please F/fucking E/explain W/what T/this I/is\S?
I'm so glad to see support for my view on this. I didn't even have to post the rant I started to write at work today! (The elementary school's PE class just played outside, so I didn't have anything to do...but then the kids started coming over to bug me so I had to stash my palm pilot.) I agree with several of the comments above - it's choppy, obsessive, and annoying. The word "dominant" means dominant, you don't have to capitalize it for me to know that!

One thing that really drove me batty was when I found some graphic sets that included "O/our Contract" and stuff like that. I like collecting these sets (my site is skinned) but I couldn't bring myself to use something with that capitalization scheme built right in.
Re: ???

Croctden said:
W/will S/someone P/please F/fucking E/explain W/what T/this I/is\S?
Heh. Well, some people choose to capitalize words that refer to a dominant, and specifically lowercase words that refer to a submissive. Like this:
i crawled over to Her and kissed Her feet, She looked down at my sorry form and told me to beg Her for forgiveness
But when referring to a group of people among whom there are both tops and bottoms, the tendency is to give BOTH:
A/all the people in the audience just watched U/us, many of T/their mouths agape

Does that help?
We really didn't intend to start a tirade about all of this, we just wondered what y'all thought - a curiosity after having dealt with a few buttheads. As far as I'm concerned, it's a simple matter, not worth getting worked up over, no matter which view you take, especially since we had forgotten that we even started this thread ages and ages ago ...
aerofreak said:
We really didn't intend to start a tirade about all of this, we just wondered what y'all thought - a curiosity after having dealt with a few buttheads. As far as I'm concerned, it's a simple matter, not worth getting worked up over, no matter which view you take, especially since we had forgotten that we even started this thread ages and ages ago ...
I didn't resurrect the thread because of you. I resurrected it because I wanted more discussion on the topic.

This is why I don't do the rooms. I don't do the caps slash nonsense. And then one day, a self styled Gorean Master attempted to call me on the carpet for typoing his name. His tirade started with "Girl, How dare you not CAP My Name?" My response was, "sorry I typoed." He then started the "How dare you speak to Me this way, I am your Superior..." so on and so forth and then it went on to how I refused to call him (anyone really) master or mistress cause the were not my master or mistress; that title was reserved for a person somewhere in the future; I hadn't met D yet..... And then I was a bad slave (I never claimed to be a slave) and a miserable excuse for a subbie.. And I'd never have a Master because I was such a bad person... yadda yadda yadda..... I thought to myself, "What a load of horse puckey!" and never went back.....

So I tend to follow the normal rules of capitalisation; I try to use the persons preference when it comes to names and such. I do tend to miss the caps key sometime, and since I don't always go back to edit sometimes it posts that way.
froggy_day said:
So is the I/i capitalization thing typically done online or is that poor manners?

As far as I am concerned, folks are free to use that convention if they please. I for one do not bother most of the time, cause I would rather type as few words are possible.