Estevie, SexyGirl, and others who check in on my site.


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
I am trying to make things easier for people who like my artwork, and like to see the new stuff coming out, but that have had to stop in unknowing if the site has been updated to see if there is anything new.

Now, those of you who like the art and want to know when new shit comes out can get on the mailing list I've set up, instead of having to guess.

Just send a blank email with "Join Mailing list" in the subject line to I'll start with an update in a week or two, when I have pretty much everyone from here who wants on the list, on it.

Otherwise, they'll be issued based on when about three to four new pieces are added.

I'd really like to thank all of you who've supported my venture and to those of you who take the time to look at the work in appreciation, and to those of you (you know who you are) who are supporting me by commissioning work and buying art.

I really appreciate all the help and advice I've gotten here. It has made all the difference in the world.

Thank you. :rose:
I haven't seen any of your artwork, but best of luck and keep up the good work.
Nice artwork Starhippie;)

do you have any plans on self portraits of your tits?
Angel, I couldn't resist using it as an av. It is so nice. I hung it up so it wouldn't be fucked with by the pets and it looks so nice.

:kiss: :rose: :kiss:

I can't wait for you to see it, because the photo does it NO justice.

Tap out, Thank you for the encouragement. If you want to see some artwork, I can spam a link to you. :D
give a look. ;)

Heavy, my tits are.... well, pissed at Hanns today. No painting of them at least today. They are in protest.
Hehe I get to look at it now though. Well, til I get it ;)
Thank you for your interest someplace. :rose:

I have a few majorly large ones going and a few smaller ones, so I am happy to say that the first update will be bountiful.
thanks star fish ... i'll do just that ... its a good idea ... will it be full of maybe not just finished pieces but give us idea's of what you're working on ?
sexy-girl said:
thanks star fish ... i'll do just that ... its a good idea ... will it be full of maybe not just finished pieces but give us idea's of what you're working on ?

I'd like to do that, and can. It is actually very interesting to see things as they are being created, in phases, and how they change and transform through the painting process. There is a lot to it, so it is neat to show it all.

I would love to set up 'Works In Progress' pages or something like that.

That is a good idea, and thank you. I will try to include that as part of the mailings. :D

im always amazed at how creative people form their ideas and how they create ... thats part of the beauty not just the finished piece
That is so cool sexygirl. It is nice to know that there are others who appreciate the work involved and the process.

Often, if people don't appreciate that, they can't appreciate the final piece for what it really is. But, if they don't naturally appreciate it fully, and they can see the process, they may gain an appreciation because they see what all goes into it.

It may also be helpful to others who are interested in trying to paint for themselves.

Starfish said:
littlekateyes, that is what I had to say about your AV!



Thank you. You are damn good. Going to be showing people your web site if that is ok?
Starfish said:

I have a few majorly large ones going and a few smaller ones, so I am happy to say that the first update will be bountiful.

Your tits? Cool!

Starfish said:
It is nice to know that there are others who appreciate the work involved and the process.

My wife has started herself and the garage on fire several times doing her art. It really makes me appreciate... well, lots of things. ;)

I'll send you mail right now!! :)

I haven't been to check for anything new in forever. :(

But you know I love your work! I really should pick one to buy! I need something for my kitchen and an original by fishy would be perfect!!!!! :)
I had to run to school all evening, but I'll try to answer these questions.

Okay, Hi svenmn, I do commissions for sure. I am currently working with two clients. And I actually really enjoy doing them. I like working with people, so it is cool to have a change of pace from just doing studio work of my own accord.
I have information tucked away on my site about it, but I am going to make a section on the main index to explain it better.

As of after this weekend, I'll be adding pay pal to my site, so I am happy about that happening for the convienience of everyone.

Dreamer, I am regretfully going to be unable to commit to a gallery exhibit until late next Spring, early summer. I am going to have to have surgery, so I doubt that I can work on getting all of the pieces I want to exhibit ready to be exhibited, with my being in school until March, when I finally fucking graduate. Surgery is going to be right after that, and that will lay me up for 6 weeks, and then I'll be able to get everything done and ready, but I plan on finalizing an opening in a gallery long before then. Preferably by the end of January I'll know when my first exhibition will be and where.

Storm, you should talk to dave. He worked for Flagg Fire for like four years, being the only dude who actually made the fire extinguishers for their entire US operation. If you have a Flagg Fire fire extinguisher, my husband made it.

bknight, I have been a painter for 11 years. I started really going at it in 1992, but staved off for a bit in late 1996, but was back at it by 98 and have been going on and on since then. I am trying hard to make it a business without taking away from the purpose it served me while I was not professional.

Estevie, You are a sweetie. You should wait a while and see what comes out over the next month or two. ;) I have some good work coming up, but it is sort of taking longer because I have commissions, but I am about to start painting when I log out of here tonight....

So, later ya'll and have a good night.