Erotic Wild Hot Nights (Closed to DarkWarrioress)


Horny Stud
Aug 29, 2021
Ish was ready to throw a wild rager this weekend. As it was the rally to come to, jam-packed with Drugs, booze and sex although sex would come leader for the MC Leader. He preferred to get know his person he would spend time with. He was about 5'3, Muscular and menacing since his reputation being an MC lead proceeds him.

He rode up to the clubhouse on one of his own custom choppers. Normally, he would ride on a Harley like usual but tonight was a custom chopper night. He killed the engine, turning it off and got up from the motorcycle. He then took out his steel cigarette case as he would put a cigarette in his mouth, lighting it up and then would take a slow drag followed by an exhale. "Supplies are coming in, that's very good." He said to himself.
If her body language wasn’t enough to go by, her facial expression should have been. Stephanie O’Rourke strode into her office, tossing her briefcase in the chair on the other side of her desk even as she sank into her office chair. She couldn’t afford another loss. Her boss was going to have her ass for this. Why in fuck had she decided to become a defense attorney? She turned her head to stare out of her office window. Her own reflection stared back at her. Green eyes that held disillusionment, long red hair rolled up into a bun at the nape of her neck and her day was far from over. If the rest of day was going to go like her first case of the day, she was going to need a drink…or two… before she headed home for the night.

She wasn‘t going to go all the way across town to her usual bar. No, she needed that drink now and she couldn’t wait. Surely there was something closer by. Looking around her office, she would return tomorrow and pack up in here. Yeah. After her last case of the day, her boss had called her into his office and fired her. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She scrolled down her phone, searching the addresses of bars close by. Ha! There was one. Two blocks over. Steph was a little hesitant but what the fuck. After the day she had, hesitation could go take a flying leap. She did snag up her briefcase. It was more of a habit than anything else.


The taxi pulled up in front of the bar and Steph got out. As she shut the taxicab door and turned, she could hear the loud music from out there. Her eyes narrowed. There were several bikes, motorcycles, parked out front. She twitched her black skirt down. Steph glanced down at herself. Black skirt, black six inch heels, white blouse and a slim fitted black jacket to top it off. Not exactly street wear but fuck it. She needed a shot or several of tequila. She paused long enough to unbutton the top two buttons of blouse before she entered.

Steph squinted into the dim bar room as she let the door close behind her. The noise inside room faded slightly but she didn’t pay attention and strode up to the bar, her heels clicking on the floor as she went. She put her briefcase on the bar top as she slid onto a stool. The barkeep, a rough looking character came down to her end of the bar.

“What can I get ya, lady?”

Steph’s eyes slid from his to the wall behind him.

“Give me a shot of your best tequila and a beer. Keep them coming.”

A moment later the barkeep set a shot glass in front of her followed by a beer. She inclined her head in a silent thank you and tossed back the shot. She pushed the shot glass toward the keep before lifting the beer to her lips. Then and only then, did she look around at her surroundings. Pool tables at one end. Chairs and tables scattered about. Typical bar. The bikers didn’t bother her. Some of them made her feel a little bit nervous, but she didn’t let it show. The bar keeper brought her another shot and picking it up, Steph turned her back to the bar and crossed her legs as she tossed back the second shot. Her skirt rode up her slender short legs slightly. The tequila burned as it slid down her throat. Absentmindedly, she picked up her beer and studied the men at the pool tables. A couple of shots of tequila and a beer so far? She was starting to feel a bit relaxed. Taking her beer, she sauntered over to the closest pool table, watched for a moment then lightly placed a couple of quarters on one of the rails before going back to her seat to wait her turn.
"Boss look, a Civilian Suit." Oz, Ishs' Sgt at Arms said while doing a line of coke off the table. "She's not even a member of the club and civilians come to our slice o'heaven." Oz proceeded to mutter to himself while Ish looked and then said to Oz, reassuring himself. "Ah but, Ozzy this is no ordinary civilian suit. It's a woman." Other than the Sweet Butt and Ol Lady archetypes he sees on a daily basis, he smiled when a regular 9-5 Jane came in the mix.

He would then proceed to walk up to her, sitting in her seat. Just then, he noticed two guys try to take and use the quarters in the rails of the pool table. "Hey guys, that there's my table. You don't wanna make the president angry, now do ya?" Ish said to the two men. They would leave to find another table although the clubhouse was extremely large. He would look at the redhead who was seductively beautiful, as if her looks could kill an outlaw or an iron horse cowboy.

"Hey beautiful. Care if I get next game?" Ish asked her since he saw her put quarters in the game's rail earlier plus seeing the guys try to take her game from her. "You're more than welcome here. The name's Ish, and you are?" He introduced herself to her as he would then ask for whiskey in a glass and a Twisted Tea from the drink person.
Stopping shy of her seat because there was someone in it, she gazed at him a moment then stepped closer to him before reaching in and around to pick up her shot glass and tossing back the tequila. Setting then glass back on the bar top with a little push toward the barkeep, Steph picked up her beer and stepped back to regard this person who had introduced himself as Ish. Her lips quirked slightly but they were quickly covered up by the lip of her beer bottle. She took her time in replying. A quick swig of beer, the bottle was lowered as her green eyes met his.

“Stephanie,” she glanced over her shoulder at the pool table in question, “as for the game, sure. I don’t mind a little competition.”

Since he was sitting on her stool, she slid onto the one beside him. She tossed back the rest of the beer, held it up until she caught the keep’s eye then wiggled it back and forth slightly before setting it down. She turned slightly toward Ish and gave a small nod toward the interior of the bar.

“Your bar? Well, yours and your crew’s?”
Stopping shy of her seat because there was someone in it, she gazed at him a moment then stepped closer to him before reaching in and around to pick up her shot glass and tossing back the tequila. Setting then glass back on the bar top with a little push toward the barkeep, Steph picked up her beer and stepped back to regard this person who had introduced himself as Ish. Her lips quirked slightly but they were quickly covered up by the lip of her beer bottle. She took her time in replying. A quick swig of beer, the bottle was lowered as her green eyes met his.

“Stephanie,” she glanced over her shoulder at the pool table in question, “as for the game, sure. I don’t mind a little competition.”

Since he was sitting on her stool, she slid onto the one beside him. She tossed back the rest of the beer, held it up until she caught the keep’s eye then wiggled it back and forth slightly before setting it down. She turned slightly toward Ish and gave a small nod toward the interior of the bar.

“Your bar? Well, yours and your crew’s?”
"Yes ma'am. But we call it a clubhouse, and this is mine and my gang's clubhouse." He looked at her and then smirked. "You look like you could ice cold kill an outlaw dead in his tracks with your beauty." He checked out her and attire. "Tough day at the office, sweetie?" He was making conversation with the civilian suit woman as he was taking a box out of his pre rolled joints since it was a kinna party.

He would then proceed to put the box back in his bag as he would grab 6 prerolls 3 for him and perhaps 3 for her. He was anxious to play pool with her, maybe something a bit more. "You look a bit rough, wanna go relax and play some pool. Perhaps smoke a joint or two while we play?" Ish smirked at her as the sweet butt behind the bar would freshen her drink up a bit more, she handed Stephanie the glass.
Steph mentally took note. Clubhouse. Right.

“Hey Ish?” She slanted a sideways look in his direction as she gave the barkeep a salute with her tequila shot before downing it and slamming the glass down on the bartop, pushing it toward the keep again, “ Don’t call me ma’am and we’ll get along just fine. That alright with you?”

She watched him take several joints out of a box he had with him. She was hardly a prude and considering the place she was in, it didn’t surprise her.

"You look a bit rough, wanna go relax and play some pool. Perhaps smoke a joint or two while we play?"

Steph laughed lightly.

“You don’t know the half of it and yeah, let’s.”

Steph slipped out of her suit’s jacket and left it on top of her briefcase. Grabbing her beer, she slid from the bar stool and started across the floor to the pool table where she had left her quarters. Ish wasn’t a very tall guy, not that, that mattered any. She wasn’t all that tall herself. She was all of five foot in her stocking feet. What he didn’t have in height, he made up for in muscles. Damn if those didn’t seem to go on forever. Going over the rack nearby, she started checking out the cues, laying them on the table and rolling them across the felt. Once she found one to her liking, she turned to Ish, who had joined her.

“Your clubhouse, you break.”

Smoking joints wasn’t her thing usually but then, she had been actively employed and couldn’t afford to have a pee test come back positive. Right now, the way she felt, she hardly gave a flying fuck. She took another drink of her beer and studied Ish some more. Drugs, booze, sex. He more than likely dealt in all three. He and his gang were the people she use to stand for in court. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t seem to keep them out of jail. It hadn’t mattered what she knew for fact, her job was clear. Represent. Well, not any more. Steph leaned against a wall and waited for the boss man to rack ‘em.
Ish would be the one racking the balls as he would. He then heard her say not to call her ma'am. "Well what? You would mind me calling you sweetie or honey?" He smirked at her and then would check her again. "If weed doesn't strike your fancy. Perhaps lines of coke will?" He looked at Stephanie and then would unrack the balls.

Ish would line up for his shot as he would hit the balls gracefully and flawlessly. One of the striped balls went in. "Aw shit, stripes mean bad luck." But normally, he didn't care as he was sparking up a joint and then took a good long hit, passing it to her. "Wanna hit while I do my shot?" He then lined up for his next shot, hitting one of his striped balls in. "Wow, two for two." He was going for 3 for 3, but then ended up scratching the cue ball. "Fuck.. well it's your turn, sweetie."
"Well what? You would mind me calling you sweetie or honey?"

She gave a small unladylike snort.

“How about calling me, Stephanie or even Steph if you like. You can keep your sweetie and honey.”

She took the joint from him and looked at it then took a long toke, holding it before exhaling toward the ceiling.

“I draw the line at the weed.”

"Fuck.. well it's your turn, sweetie."

She wanted to tell him what he could do with his sweetie but considering she was on his turf, she thought better of it. She knew nothing of him or his gang. Instead, she passed him back the joint and went up to the pool table. After studying where the balls lay on the table, she slowly bent over it, set her cue and sent a solid into the top right pocket. The cue ball rolled back and lined up with another of her balls. Slowly she moved around the table, studying the balls and where her shot after this one could be. Slowly she leaned over the table again, suddenly aware that some of Ish’s gang were staring at her upturned ass. Now she was aware of her high heels, her ass in the air as she leaned over. Fuck. Maybe it was just the drinks she had consumed that made her feel this way, but she doubted it. Steph inhaled and slowly blew it out, eyed her shot and took it. The ball bounced off a rail, hit her ball but missed the pocket. She stood upright, walked back to where Ish was standing.

“Your turn....sweetie.”
Ish looked at her and heard her call him sweetie so he chuckled at that sentiment to get ready for his shot. "So umm what do I get if I win?" He asked her since he wasn't the type to go home empty handed but he lived at the clubhouse mainly as he would hit two stripes in the upper and lower right side pockets as he then smirked at her. "I must say, you do have a very nice ass."

Ish smirked and chuckled at his remark and chalked up his stick again. He would then take a hit from his joint as he would then focus and hit the other stripe to make it 3 for 3. He knew things were cooking now when he does business on the table. As he was gonna go for his 4th stripe, he would scratch the cue ball again. He walked up to her, staring at her ass as he would walk back to where they would be standing. "Your turn again..... Stephanie."
"So umm what do I get if I win?"

She arched a brow.

“Funny, I didn’t realize we were betting on the game.”

She watched him shoot and when he scratched, she walked up to the table and palmed the cue ball as she contemplated her next shot.

“And my ass is none of your business.”

She set the cue ball on the table and took her shot. Another solid went in. The cue ball rolled and stopped. Steph chewed on her lower lip in concentration or trying to. To be honest, she kinda liked how her name rolled off his lips. This time, she had to get a little lower. Being short kind of played on her side but it made her skirt tight against her thighs. With a soft sigh of frustration, she stood upright, hiked her skirt a bit and then bent her knees, her eyes focusing on the balls before her. There was a crack as the cue ball slammed into her ball and bounced off one, then another rail before it rounded the side pocket and bounced away. Dammit! She went back to where Ish was standing and held out her hand for the joint.

“You’re up, Boss Man.”
Ish passed her the joint and then would line up to make his shot. The balls were scattered and two stripes would be in his line of pocket as one stripe would be on a few inches from the left side pocket and the other was near the upper left corner pocket. He smirked and then made his shot, sinking the two stripes in flawlessly. "Hmmm the 8 ball is left. And I'll make my wager here and now. If I win the game, I want to enjoy your company for the evening, hell maybe the weekend. I don't have an Ol lady or sweet but coming to spend time with me mostly, so I'm free game."

He smirked as he saw her call her Boss Man like if she was at home. Ish then turned to her and asked, "Well what if you win? What would you want from me?" He asked her as he was curious cause he secretly liked her. Just then, trying to hit the 8 ball but only to miss it. He looked and then thought to himself, "Fuckin shit... Well, your go.......Stephanie." He walked over to where she was.
She considered his wager. What did she know about him after all.

“I’ll tell you what, Ish. I don’t know you from Adam but if you win, I’ll give you the first part of the wager and you can have my company for the evening. The weekend’s a stretch but we’ll see.”

Steph studied the table. She had two balls left and the eight ball. She watched him take his shot. The whole time she held her breath. He missed. Her pent up breath came out in a soft whoosh. She stepped up to the table, chalked her tip as she studied the table. Walking away from him to the other end of the table.

“As for what I want…. I’m not sure yet. I reserve the right to choose later.”

Without waiting for a reply she bent over the table and felt her skirt ride up the back of her thighs but stopped short of exposing her ass. Steph took her time. She was very aware of the fact that her blouse gapped just enough to present him with a shadowy glimpse of the swell of her breasts.

The cue ball travelled with speed down to the opposite end of table. The balls cracked. One of hers spun and sank into the corner pocket like a rocket. Her other ball spun out of the way toward the side pocket. The cue ball not far behind. Once again, she reached for the chalk and idly chalked the tip of her cue as she moved to opposite side rail. Leaning over again, she lined up her shot and let fly. Her ball pinged around at the side pocket before it fell in. The game was far from over. She had yet to sink the eight ball. Steph started to chew on her bottom lip again as she thought about how to do this. One rail and the eight ball in the corner pocket down by her. She lined up her shot and watched the eight ball hit the top rail and zing down the table to the lower right pocket. She held her breath. The ball clipped the lip of the pocket and bounced out. Damn!

“Your shot, Ish.”
Ish would then chalk up his stick and then began to line up for his shot. He then would sink in the 8 ball in the side pocket and smiled. "Well looks like you're in my hands for this evening." He smiled at her since he won. "You're a good player, Stephanie."

He would then look at her when she said Adam. "Well honestly, I don't know anyone by the name of Adam." Ish smiled and looked at her a bit more and then said to her. "Well, Stephanie. What would you like to do now?" He asked her smirking a bit.
"Well looks like you're in my hands for this evening."

She looked him up and down once then turned to put her cue away. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this yet.

“Thank you. I owe it to my dad. We use to play all the time.”

She started to say something to his not knowing anyone named Adam but thought better of it. Instead, she walked b ack to where her belongings were and slid onto the barstool again. She motioned for the barkeep to bring her another tequila and beer as she mulled over Ish’s question. She knew what she was about to say then thought otherwise.

“You know, Big Guy,” she tipped the shot glass up, feeling the tequila burn down her throat, “you won the bet. What do you want to do now? Anything going on around here this weekend?”

She knew the first part was a loaded question but she wanted to see what he was thinking. Then again, what does every man think about? She gave a small snort of derision. Never judge a book by its cover.
"Well, I actually would like to get to know you, Steph." Ish smiled at her as he would take a hit of his joint and passed it over to her. "Plus if anything, I know a wild party is supposed to happen tonight it's just in the works and is supposed to be ongoing until Sunday going into Monday at Midnight through 3 AM, so it's gonna be fuckin fun." He smiled at her when he said that.

While just then he was motioning to a Sweet Butt to hand him his usual order of drinks, she nodded then asked Ish. "Do you want me to break out the white uncut pure too?" She asked him. "Not now, Mae. It's not even ongoing right now, save it for the wild party." The 5'1 Sweet Butt had jet Black hair, curvy in all the right places and wore a leather skirt with high heeled ankle boots, with a rock band Tshirt. He then turned back to Stephanie. "So, Stephanie. Tell me about yourself." He smiled at her big.
"Well, I actually would like to get to know you, Steph."

He got points for that one. She took the joint between her thumb and forefinger, taking a nice hit off it before she passed it back. A dark haired curvy chick stepped into their budding conversation for a moment. Steph gave her the once over before turning her attention back to Ish.

"So, Stephanie. Tell me about yourself."

Steph shrugged, “Not a lot to tell really.”

She played with her beer bottle as she talked.

“I got fired today. Guess that’s why I’m here at all. I didn’t want to drag my ass all the way to the bar I usually frequent. I needed a few drinks to relax and forget.”

She turned to look at Ish, her elbows leaning on the bar, fingers dangling her beer bottle.

“That party you mentioned, might be a little too wild for me. I’ve had to be pretty straight-laced these last few years. Let’s see, what else can I tell you. I’m single. Didn’t have time for a boyfriend really. Work was constantly on my ass. Not much else to tell ya. Tell me about you.”

She took a swig from the lip of the beer bottle and gazed him with her light green eyes, curiosity lacing their depths.
"Well, I can tell you're a bit concerned but if you like, I'd love to see that party animal you keep locked inside of you. Heck, you might have a bit of an outlaw biker in you." Ish smirked at her as he would then get the joint passed back to him. He proceeded to take a good long hit and then exhaled. "Single eh? Well bet ya waiting for someone to ride into your life now since you got canned." He looked into her eyes with his brown eyes wondering her curiousity laced in her deep eyes.

"Honestly, it's close to the weekend. If you like, I might find ya a gig on Monday." Ish smiled at her, he may not look it but the outlaw was a businessman of sorts. "In addition to being an MC President, I run a business myself so it's a shock and surprise too." He looked at her and then passed her the joint.
She gave a sharp inhale of breath. Her? A party animal? An outlaw biker? How long had been since she was a “party animal”? Not since her college days. Then she laughed out loud.

“Waiting for someone?”

She took back the joint. Stared at it for a long moment before she set it to her lips and inhaled deeply. She offered it back to him and exhaled. Slowly. Then shook her head.

“I’m not waiting for anyone.”

That was the truth. She had never waited for anyone in her life. She had always been busy. Always had her eyes on her goals. Men came and they went, unable to cope with her busy, demanding schedule. Now, she felt like a fish out of water. For the first time in a long time, she felt lost. What did she want to do with her life now? Everything she had thought she wanted in life was now called into question.

“I’m a lawyer. I got fired because I’ve lost more cases than I’ve won. I’m beginning to think I need a change of pace for a while. What’s an MC President?”
"Motorcycle Club. Although, there are some reasons that people believe we're a 1% club for obvious reasons but I believe we're not. As for the president question, Motorcycle Club President. Think like leader of the world or a unit." Ish said smiling at her, he was actually slowly warm up to her. "But for real." He handed her a business card with his name, and everything on it. It says "Roseblazer Business Productions." He was smiling big and looked at Stephanie.

"And honestly, I'd love to meet the girl who partied in college. Even if it's just for the weekend or tonight even." Ish said to her smiling a bit more and big as well. "Don't worry, I'm a good person to work for. If you need anything, anything. I'm there for you."
She grinned.

“Yeah. I was a whole different girl back then and thank you. Right now, I don’t know what I need except, for now, I need a few more drinks, maybe even get higher. Then I need to go home and sleep this crap off.”

She had taken his card, looked it over and tucked it into her blouse or rather into her bra. She pulled her briefcase over, opened it and took out one of her own cards.

“Here you go. Here’s one of my cards. If you ever find yourself in need of a lawyer, my rates are reasonable.” She grinned at him as she closed up her briefcase again.

“So, Ish… what do you produce? Or do I want to know?”

She killed her bottle of beer and signaled the barkeep for another. She came in a taxi, she was going to need one going home tonight for sure.
"Two things, Stephanie. One, I'm an Accountant for business and the second one is Adult Entertainment." Ish said to her bluntly as he would then take and have Mae get another glass of Tequila for Stephanie. "Beer's not gonna cut it, you want to clear your brain the most with tequila." He smiled at her.

Just then, Ish persuaded her if he would then want to take her home tonight. "So why dontcha stick around and party with us? I'll take ya home tonight." He smiled at her then looked at her and tapped his fingers. "And also we can talk more about Monday. That's when I'll be in the office."
She nearly choked on her beer.

“You’re an accountant? I’m sorry. I don’t mean to offend. It’s just that I just never thought you’d tell me you were an accountant,” she grinned playfully, “ now the adult entertainment part I can see.”

Another shot of tequila appeared in front of her.

"Beer's not gonna cut it, you want to clear your brain the most with tequila."

She laughed and raised the shot glass to her lips, tossing back her head. Her eyes closed as the heat of the alcohol slid down her throat. She pursed her lips, blowing out. The heat hit her belly and her brain fogged slightly. Setting the shot glass on the bar top, she shook her head slightly.

“Yeah. No. Tequila definitely does not clear my brain.”

She slanted her head slightly to one side as she regarded him a long moment.

"So why dontcha stick around and party with us? I'll take ya home tonight."

“I don’t know…. I think I’ve had enough to drink, Ish but I’d be happy to talk about Monday with you.”

She pushed the shot glass to one side and reached for her beer bottle and looked at him with suspicion laced with humor.

“Are you trying to get me drunk, Ish?”
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"Drunk? No. Just wanting to help you forget about today. But yes we do need to talk about Monday most definitely." Ish said smiling at her and then would drink his coke and rum. "Let's just say, 9 AM sound good?" He would clearly change the subject to Monday.

"And yes, I am accountant. We handle the big accounts. Adult Entertainment is also my second endeavor. You're looking at a Magazine mogul and film actor, producer and director." He smiled at her, then looked at her focusing on her. Smiling a bit more too.
She had to wonder what kind of an accountant he was. She wasn’t stupid. She could probably guess. As for the Adult Entertainment, she would bet it was porn. She might not live in his world but for the past five years she had dealt with it. There was no telling what kind of accounting he did but given her experience, it could be drugs or guns maybe even hot motorcycle parts. Who knew. It was none of her business and the less she knew, the better.

“Well, I appreciate that and nine am sounds good. I gather the address is on your card? So, how did you get into motorcycles?”

She grinned as she took another swig of her beer and crossed her legs.

“And please tell me you own a Harley.”

Against her better judgement, which at this point was slightly compromised, she was starting to like Ish. He could shoot pool. He wasn’t hard on the eyes and she liked it when he grinned and he hadn’t thrown her out of the clubhouse when she had first come in. She wasn‘t one of them. She was just some skirt off the street. He could also hold his liquor and his smoke. It might not be much, but, it wasn’t bad either.

Setting the bottle of beer on the bar, she reached up and pulled the pins from her hair, ruffling the red mass as it fell to her shoulders. She gave a little sigh of pleasure. Letting her hair down felt so good and that slight headache that had been developing was fading. It might have been the beer or the tequila or even the smoke but in any case, it felt good to release it. She tossed the pins into her briefcase.
Ish coughed and then said. "I own 3 Harleys. A Street Glide, Sportster and a Harley Trike. But tonight, I'm riding my custom Big Dog chopper, suped up to Harley Earthshaking results." He said to her grinning at her while he was looking at her and then explained to her about getting into motorcycles.

"I got into motorcycles when I was 18. It was a freedom, it was a weekend retreat. Mainly riding on Fridays and Saturdays. Now I ride on Thursdays thru Sundays but I do take the motorcycle almost everyday but if I'm going to the office, I take my own limo with my driver." He smiled at her and then became a bit happy seeing her hair go down. "Steph, you're so beautiful." He would tell her, smirking.