Erotic pics and stuff in monochrome and colour

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Contrary to the northern hemisphere, the weather here in Oz has been warm to hot ..........:devil::D


That's one way of cooling down, fanning your fanny.
Contrary to the northern hemisphere, the weather here in Oz has been warm to hot ..........:devil::D


You've certainly raised my local temperature with that clip! Let me know of you need a cool tongue to soothe that overheated area ... :devil:
You have the sexiest legs I've ever seen sweetheart. And what's in between them is even more beautiful. I could look at you for eternity my Goddess....🌹🌹🌹
Well done are too clever...and i don't know how u keep ur hands off V....Doug
How have I not spent more time checking out your thread? Shame on me!

:) ... happy to have you around then, PA.

I, too, have been remiss! A beautiful woman, with a sexy mind is a wonderful thing!

Thanks very much, Mike. :)

Love to see you working off your excess calories V&R keep it up, but i must say your looking as goid as always

Many thanks, Aon .. and very happy to oblige ...

miss your posts and hope you are both doing well... heath

We're really well thanks, heath.

and such an ingenious way to beat the heat... or maybe less clothing perhaps... love that gif... and you two are contributing to global warming with your hot pics and videos... the right way for global warming...

Yes, less clothing is certainly the best solution, Heath .. followed by a jump in the ocean.

I found myself leaning to the left to try and take a peek!

Haha ... I can just picture that, ISI. :cool:

Whoa .... very hot indeed... :devil

:) ... it didn't cool me down enough unfortunately, Frm.

What a great way to show off your sexy legs

Thanks very much, Gn. x

Very localised heating and swells here.
Got matters in hand.

And I hear that it's more than warm enough where you are already! Ooops. :D

That's one way of cooling down, fanning your fanny.

Haha ... now that's a great title for gif Todge!

Funny, but it feels a little warmer here suddenly!!

Ah good .. maybe I've managed to transfer some excess, Scot.

You've certainly raised my local temperature with that clip! Let me know of you need a cool tongue to soothe that overheated area ... :devil

I've never come across a cool tongue, but it does sound like a wonderful thing.

You're such a tease, and still the hottest woman on the internet, even in the dead of winter.

Thank you, Ron. We've been seeing stories on our news about your terrible winter. Hope it warms up soon for you.

It's cold here but I'm gonna put my PC outside and melt the snow the same way you are melting my heart.

:cattail: .. what a wonderful compliment, Tbear ... xx

Nice to know your concentrating on your hottest feature, in all it's nuances.

Hehehe ... I do make it a bit of a priority, I admit. :rolleyes::)

You have the sexiest legs I've ever seen sweetheart. And what's in between them is even more beautiful. I could look at you for eternity my Goddess....

Thanks so much, Crewdog.

Getting rather warm here also sexy lady!

Oh good, just what I was wanting .. thanks Ghostee.

It's clearly hot there in at least a couple of ways
Happy New Year Vanessa and Richard!

And a very Happy New Year to you too Fddb.

Richard another great gif of your way sexy wife's legs and her bush !

Thanks very much from me too, Panda.

Well done are too clever...and i don't know how u keep ur hands off V....Doug

I try to encourage him not to keep them off for too long!
Thank you, Doug.
Contrary to the northern hemisphere, the weather here in Oz has been warm to hot ..........:devil::D


My neighbor resembles you so closely and is a teasingly conservative dresser who often wears sundresses, when weather permits. I now know how she looks under her dress. Many thanks, Venessa. ;)
Contrary to the northern hemisphere, the weather here in Oz has been warm to hot ..........:devil::D


So HOT and sexy! LOL...I can't stop coming back to this post. :devil: are simply lovely and sexy!:rose::rose::kiss:
miss the posts

bump and wish there was more to see and hear from both of you... even cooling off some more...
Hello All,

Have been a bit busy of late. We've found a place down at the coast and are in the final stages of the purchase. No plans to move; simply a getaway at this stage.

Noticed over the past week or so that the sun is starting it's journey north....autumn is just a few weeks away. It doesn't start to cool down here until May/April; even then, it's still very pleasant.

Lit never seems to change: the layout, the number of participants and visitors.......which is a good thing. It must be one the most popular erotic sites on the net. We've been posting here, off and on, since 2009. It doesn't seem like nine years. :eek:



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Hello All,

Have been a bit busy of late. We've found a place down at the coast and are in the final stages of the purchase. No plans to move; simply a getaway at this stage.

Noticed over the past week or so that the sun is starting it's journey north....autumn is just a few weeks away. It doesn't start to cool down here until May/April; even then, it's still very pleasant.

Lit never seems to change: the layout, the number of participants and visitors.......which is a good thing. It must be one the most popular erotic sites on the net. We've been posting here, off and on, since 2009. It doesn't seem like nine years. :eek:


This is a highly erotic photo
And you two are still original and hot as hell!!! I for one am glad you guys are still here.
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