Erotic Mood


Really Experienced
Oct 4, 2002
Do you have to be in "the mood" to write erotica? I, apparently, do.

I have been trying to write another erotic story and I'm about a quarter of the way through it. Now, understand, it is a long story but still I started writing it several weeks ago.

My problem is, with the everyone angry about the holidays and family being around bitching at me more and the general increase in stress this time of year brings, I just haven't been in the mood to write erotica.

Since November, my horror novel has seen four new chapters written. My fantasy novel is now three chapters closer to being done and I've written two other short stories. But everytime I sit down to work on my erotic story, I just don't feel like writing it and I turn to something else.

Does this happen to you? Do you think that after the holidays "the mood" will come back?

Is that why they invented Valentines day, to give people a reason to make up after the holidays?

Just wondering.

Good god, if I'm not in the right mood, I can't get anything done. But if I *am* in the right mood I can get out 10,000 erotic words in an afternoon.

The mood, for me, is very picky. Some people tell me they have to be aroused to write, but that isn't my experience. Sometimes I don't want to write erotica for months.

So far, it's always come back.

I'm sure that your mood will come back, maybe after the holidays, maybe when you're high on caffine.

Chicklet said:
Some people tell me they have to be aroused to write, but that isn't my experience. Sometimes I don't want to write erotica for months.

So far, it's always come back.


Yeah, it does come back, but as you say, sometimes it ain't there for a long, long time! It's hard to say why it comes and goes like that.

No, I don't need to be physically aroused to write erotica either--just in a heightened state of awareness, perhaps. It's mostly a mental effect, but the brain is the most important sexual organ anyway! I am definitely more interested in real-life sexual activity when I am writing. I don't know which way the cause and effect goes. They feed on each other. On some occasions my husband will say, "Gee, you must have gotten some good writing done today!" ;-)

I do sympathise BigTexan; I go through periods where the words have to be forced, if indeed they'll come at all and then go through periods of supreme work where 24 hours is not enough in a day to write with.

I have tried forcing myself to write, but it ends up as rubbish bin material. The most common sign that my erotica is going SNAFU is that my characters don't want to fuck. I keep edging round the subject and trying to force them, but they just won't go. Anyone else find this?

The Earl
TheEarl said:
The most common sign that my erotica is going SNAFU is that my characters don't want to fuck. I keep edging round the subject and trying to force them, but they just won't go. Anyone else find this?


Sometimes I'm like 'COME ON, JUST GET TO IT!' and my character is like "She's a bitch, I don't want anything to do with her!" and i'm like "ARGH!!!!!"
Oh, I am so happy to hear it's not just me. I started a story for the Christmas contest but unfortunately arousal around the holidays is nonexsistent for me. With too much to do and all the stress writing erotica just takes a back burner. I actually tried to finish that story today but the mood still eludes me. We'll see what a pint of crown royal and some time alone with hubby do for me around new year;) , maybe I'll get it finished by the end of January.

I'm glad it's not just me, too!

I think in my case it's partly the holiday stress, partly the overtime, partly the usual work schedule conflicts (I only have three nights a week to be in bed with my man, and on one of those I'm so flat-out exhausted from my turnaround day that I usually am no good for anything more than a half-awake smooch), and partly because I smutted myself out writing Constance and have to recharge! ;)

Here's to more nookie in 2003!

In the Mood...or not

I find that I swing in and out of writing mode frequently, and this time of year is especially difficult. It is hard to find the sufficiently long time intervals with no interruptions to take a story through the next scene or chapter without interruption.

When I can only steal a half hour here and there, or the creativity bug hasn't sunk its teeth into me for a while, I turn to editing stories "in the bank".

I find that if I am no good at creating new stuff, it is usually a good time to re-read and polish some of the stuff on the shelf. I always have 4-5 stories in various stages of readiness, and I always find something to improve each time I go over them again, even if I only reread and fix a few words on a few pages.

Plus, it reaquaints me with the characters and the image flow and the story line. Often, I end up inspired to add some new material to the unfinished highway at the end.

Couldn't agree more

I think the holidays keep our focus and attention on things more family oriented, including the "stress" part as you indicated. For's very difficult to get in the so called "mood" when my head isn't in it.

I began writing a prequel to my Ya Ya Dildohood series, tentatively entitled "Maggie". Initially (before the holidays) I was on a pretty good roll. Then WHAM....I suddenly lost the "mood" to continue. I even forced myself to write some more...went back to re-read what I had done, hated it...and edited/cut several pages. It seemed forced.....which is exactly what I had done to it.

Now...I've added a few paragraphs here and there over the past few days. But only when I've been distracted enough to allow my mind to enter back into the story line. If I like what I've considered, I've written it down. And then left it, choosing NOT to force any additional writing unless I'm satisfied with the thought process behind it.

So a way I'm anxious for the holidays to be over with so I can let the creative juices get back to a more normal flow. In the meantime, enjoy your egg-nog and give your mind a chance to refresh from all the partying.

I remain,