Erotic Fantasies with Magic/Sci-Fi Themes


Really Experienced
Mar 6, 2013
While I totally understand the appeal of setting your erotic fantasy in a realistic or semi-realistic setting. People like to imagine a fantasy could happen - even when deep down they know it probably shouldn’t. Sometimes, the appeal of a fantasy is going really outside the realm of possible. If you’re going to dream, dream big.

Thought I’d create a thread for people to share a fantasy that explores themes With magic or science-fiction. Magic can basically do anything, and science-fiction can be used to basically be magic with rules.
I am a long time fan of Star Trek and a few other science fiction shows as well. So my naughty fantasy has always been to have sex with an alien race if not a few of them.
To start things off. I have a detailed mom-son fantasy to summarize that’s based on Back to the Future.

College guy worked for a genius who’s invented time travel. For his entire life, his kind mother has suffered with chronic pain from a car accident when she was 19yo. He get’s the police records and goes back in time to save her from the accident. She hitchhiked and got a ride from a drunk who hit a pole.

He steals a car and drives along this barely used road to be the one to pick her up. Stunned seeing how his mother is dressed slutty and how flirty she is.
Unknown to the son. The truth is his mother was a big slut in her youth. The accident wasn’t drunk driving. She was giving the driver a blowjob. Hit the pole pulling over to fuck her. He was rich and married. Better to lie about being drunk than his wife learn the truth. Been paying mother‘s medical bills for years for her silence.

Gets a blowjob from his young mother and pulls over to fuck her in the car. His mother is wild and they have an intense, wet fuck. Cums inside her, because she says she’s on the pill.

He makes sure Mom gets home safely and returns to his own time. Mom’s life is very different now. She’s now a popular pornstar, who owns her own production company. In some of the POV porn she’s made. The sound of the male actor sounds like his own. Biggest surprise is he now has an older sister he didn’t have before.

If people will share some of their thoughts or their own fantasies. I’ll share a theme I have with magic.
This topic brings to mind the "Princess Leia metal bikini " and her jiggling twins from the death star scenes of SW. 🤭
A magic fantasy. A son has a college-level internship at a museum, helping to sort and categorize new artifacts. He sorts through and finds an Aztec fertility amulet. Legend is that when soaked in moonlight for three full months, the clear crystal in the center will go blue. Any woman who wears it will go into a state of intense heat, her sensitivity increases, and she’ll forget all morality. Filled with the urge to fuck and breed. The magic won’t wear off until her pussy is inseminated ten times. Semen anywhere else will only increase her hunger. Once done, they‘ll remember everything that happened.

He decides to slip away with it to test it out. Sitting on his windowsill to get the most moonlight. In three months, he wants to test it on his sexy mother. Waits till his father is on another business trip during a long weekend. At dinner pretends the necklace is something from the museum gift shop. Not sure if it works but knows what he’s going to have to risk if it’s real. If he doesn’t cum inside her ten times, she’ll try and find someone who will.

Sees her getting flush. Tests the waters by asking suggestive questions about her past dating life. Asking more suggestive questions. When she openly answers, boldly asks about her sexual history. Soon after she’s on her knees fucking his dick then puts her on her back on the family dining table to fuck her partially dressed.

Spending the rest of the long weekend fucking like honeymooners. Having to order in food, making sure Mom is tied up in the bed so no one else sees her. He paces out how many times he cums in her pussy each day to keep going the whole weekend.

As much as I enjoy the idea of how they have wild sex the whole weekend. The moment I like to imagine the most is when he cums inside her the tenth time. Looking into her eyes as the magic wears off, like becoming suddenly sober. Remembering all the sex she’s been having with her son, how much she enjoyed it, but not understanding why she was so willing for her son. The lust, adrenaline, and confusion rushing through her. If she asks why, he could play it off that she’s the one who offered herself. Even has pictures as proof. It will take three months for the magic to recharge to try again.
straight and simple.

if i could have only one superpower, what would it be? hands down, it would be mind control....the ability to control anyone's mind and as many minds as i'd like.

not only would i make this sorry world a better place, i would thoroughly enjoy myself by living every fab=fantasy that i could ever have...even the dark fantasies.