Enhancing or Distracting?



Many times to make sex original in our writing, as well as in real life, we add something... whipped cream, in a car, ice, creative position...

My question is this: how does one keep the addition from becoming distracting when writing, yet keep the level of interest high?

For example, I was reading a story where I had to stop to figure out the mechanics of the positioning of all the bodies. Once I mentally oriented everyone, I was able to continue reading, but the flow had been interrupted... so to speak ;)...

So, enhancing or distracting: how does one walk the line in writing? Is this when an editor (or an honest friend) is more essential than ever?

:rose: b
I learned a good method in a writing class a few years back. The teacher gave us an assignment to write a short story about whatever we wanted. Not until we were done, did he tell us that the story could only have 500 words. We had to cut out lots and lots of our best lines! That's what you call "kill your darlings". Only the most necessary words were left - and the stories were really sharp - no yapping or tapestry descriptions.
I think clarity is one of the things that seperates great from good.

In your example the author wasn't clear enough in his writing or you wouldn't have had to work so hard as a reader.

My experience is that the best way to keep it clear is to keep it simple. Like Svenskaflicka said, take out all the confusing words.

It's perfectly all right to throw in a twist or two or three as long as the reader doesn't have to work at understanding it.

Group sex scenes can be the hardest to write for this very reason, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't write group sex scenes. Write the story as it should be told, but just make sure the reader can understand it once your finished.

bridgetkeeney said:
My question is this: how does one keep the addition from becoming distracting when writing, yet keep the level of interest high?

So, enhancing or distracting: how does one walk the line in writing? Is this when an editor (or an honest friend) is more essential than ever?

:rose: b

You should never have distracting writing. One of the hallmarks of a good writer is that the writing itself never disrupts the flow of the story. If you're immersed in the storyline, anything that bumps you out of it is like hitting a speedbump on a highway.

There really isn't that line that I've noticed. I've never run into it myself. So yes, this is where you need someone to tell you what's what, if you've got this problem.

There is no action you can write in to keep sex fresh. You are writing--9 times out of 10--to a very jaded audience. They've seen it all. So, change the approach. Make the characters themselves interesting and add in conflict. Use the sex to resolve the conflict.

I took one of the most cliched sex situations and managed to make it interesting despiste the fact that the sex itself wasn't very hot. I'm just not that good at writing stories that will get people off. Anyway, it was a black man raping a white woman. Happens all the time in these parts, right? I did it through characters and conflict.

My question is this: how does one keep the addition from becoming distracting when writing, yet keep the level of interest high?

just in thinking about this... i think that whatever is added into the story must, of necessity, fit. it has to be realistic enough to work and it has to be woven into the story like the fibres in a skirt.

if it's distracting, then it isn't realistic for wherever the story is at in that moment.

make sense?
If you can't make it clear wtf is going on, then don't put it in. This is why I don't write sex scenes with more than two people in: I'm simply not capable of dealing with that number of limbs and maintaining clarity.

The Earl
I think you're exactly right WSO..nicely put!

its all about flow, keeping a story rolling. you've got to keep in character all the time.make things believeable.
They can be outrageous,out of this world,complete fantasy but the reader needs to be able to believe the characters and the situation for the duration of the story.
The get out clause

In one of my stories I accidentally began an orgy scene knowing I couldn't write one.

So the protagonist merely said "needless to say I fucked every hole in the room" or words to that effect.

Well it worked for ME.

But then I am,

Re: Re: Enhancing or Distracting?

KillerMuffin said:
There is no action you can write in to keep sex fresh. You are writing--9 times out of 10--to a very jaded audience. They've seen it all. So, change the approach. Make the characters themselves interesting and add in conflict. Use the sex to resolve the conflict.

I couldn't agree with you more KM. It's what's going on in the minds of the characters that give these scenes originality and erotic content, all the rest is just choreography.
