England is FUCKED and IM DELIGHTED. EXTERMINATE ENGLAND, One "person" at a time


Jan 23, 2011
England is FUCKED and IM DELIGHTED. EXTERMINATE ENGLAND, One "person" at a time

What the He!! Is Going On in England?

The Gatestone Institute is a remarkable resource, a fount of unnerving news and analysis of other-side-of-the-pond political correctness in the face of Muslim demands. This week, Distinguished Senior Fellow Soeren Kern has a report coldly titled “UK Taxi Rapes,” and subtitled “No Woman Is Safe in a Cab.”

Great Britain is in the throes of a rape and pedophilia epidemic unlike anything the country has experienced in living memory.

Many of the sex crimes are being perpetrated by Muslim child grooming gangs responsible for drugging, raping and torturing hundreds and possibly thousands of British girls.

“Muslim child grooming gangs?!” More on that:

According to government estimates that are believed to be “just the tip of the iceberg,” at least 2,500 British children have so far been confirmed to be victims of grooming gangs, and another 20,000 children are at risk of sexual exploitation. At least 27 police forces are currently investigating 54 alleged child grooming gangs across England and Wales.

Has their country lost its marbles? And when are we going to completely lose ours?
If the Muslims have so much power in Britain, why couldn't they stop homosexual "marriage" from being rammed up the country's ass by Parliament?
The Chairman of the Gatestone Institute is serial fuckwit John Bolton - 'nuff said.:rolleyes:

you "people" always attack one person on one group




nuff said:rolleyes:
UK: Cafe Owner Forced To Take Down British Flags After They Are Deemed “Racist”…

The UK continues to circle the “multiculturalism” drain.

Via Keighley News:

A Keighley cafe owner who was ordered to remove Union flags from railings on the pavement outside her business claims a Bradford Council official told her daughter they were ‘racist’.

Janet and Chay Croden, of 1940s-themed ForTeas, say they are dumbfounded anyone would perceive them as racially offensive – although the council has denied the word was ever used by their employee.

They were ordered to remove the six flags from railings directly outside the business because they are council property and because the flags might pose a safety risk if they block visibility, which they now accept.

Mrs Croden, who lives in Cross Roads, said: “We’ve got little Union flags up in our window and no-one’s ever complained about them.”

Her daughter, Chay, who lives at Ingrow, said she was approached by a council employee while serving customers. She indicated she was busy, but said he insistently beckoned her over and demanded the flags tied to the metal railings be removed.

“He said the flags had to come down, and that they were racist and were against a by-law,” she said.
job Lost for Mentioning Racist Word “Bacon”

Do you like bacon? If so you had better keep your mouth shut about it, at least in dhimmified Britainistan. Even to mention bacon, you see, is racist:

IT contractor Clive Hunt was offered a lucrative contract by the National Health Service. But then he blew it by mentioning bacon at the recruitment firm Reed.

The married dad, from Heywood, said he wasn’t aware he had offended recruitment consultant Sharika Sacranie, 29, who he met at the firm’s offices in King Street, Manchester, to finalise paperwork, until he received a phone call from a senior manager. Mr Hunt said: “After we shook hands she said that she would come over to meet me on site with the other contractors and take us for breakfast. My parting words to her were ‘I will buy the bacon sandwiches’.

“Later, as I was driving home, Ms Sacranie’s manager called me and wanted to know about the racist remark I had made. I said I had not made one and he said I had said that I would get her a bacon sandwich. But I only made the remark because she referred to breakfast.”

Referring to this traditional breakfast is no longer permissible in Britain, because bacon is on the exceedingly long list of things Muslims don’t like and will presumably rid the world of when they have the leverage (along with beer, bikinis, dogs, etc.).

Mr Hunt added: “When the manager called me, I was driving and I got increasingly exasperated as he kept telling me I should admit to my wrongdoing for referring to bacon sandwiches. In the end I told him to ‘sod off’ and put the phone down. They have blown this out of all proportion.”

Kudos to Hunt for not apologizing for his inadvertent thought crime. He didn’t get the job, but he still has his self-respect — which is an increasingly rare commodity in liberal Britain.
Brit Thrown in Jail Over Tattoo

If he were on the liberals’ side, his tattoo would be approvingly described as “provocative.” Since the tattoo opposes liberals’ allies in their war of obliteration against Western Civilization,

A man who allegedly revealed his tattoo of a mosque being blown up at an English Defence League rally in Birmingham has been arrested.

Sean Reah, of South Shields, South Tyneside, has been arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred.

Islam is not a race, any more than moonbattery is a race. But “thought crime” doesn’t officially appear in the British legal code yet, so authorities had to improvise.

The criminal tattoo:


Hopefully he doesn’t have to stay in jail until it fades away. As liberal authorities are no doubt aware, he will have lots of Muslim company there. Shower time is not going to be fun.

Not all of his fellow inmates will be Muslim colonists:

A police spokesman said: “Police enquiries are ongoing to see whether any other offences were committed during the demonstrations.

“The wealth of exceptional quality CCTV within the area is likely to provide significant investigative opportunities to bring a large number of offenders to justice for what, at times, appeared to be serious offences.”

So that’s why there is a camera on every street corner in Airstrip One. Time to send out the Black Marias.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for authorities to investigate this London scene: