Emoticon assistance


Sep 3, 2005
Seriously. How do you make the emoticons.

I know heart. : h e a r t : :heart"

I've got : e e k : :eek:


: m a d : :mad:

: c o o l : :cool:

: k i s s: :kiss:

: ) :D

; ) ;)

: ( :(

: d e v i l: :devil:

: c o n f u s e d: :confused:

: r o s e : :rose:

How do you do shy/bashful (purple face)

How do you do the cat?

click more and voila!
: r o l l e y e s :

: c a t t a i l :

Gods, thank you. I'll just have this handy thread for the next time I spend fifteen minutes trying different things and then give up.

You know, when you click on the quote button you can see what was entered to create the emoticon. That's how I learned em.


click more and voila!

So THAT'S how you fuckers know how to do this!

Well, that's really easy. I been doing it the hard way.

Thank you.

Always happy to look dumb in the pursuit of knowledge. Been doing it forever. : p r o u d :
Don't you have the side bar that you just click on the emoticon?
I do miss other ones.

I want the eyes that go like this...one wide and one squinted.


in emoticon form.
this looks like an angry asian person with brass knuckles about to punch a bitch.
this looks like an angry asian person with brass knuckles about to punch a bitch.

Not in a million years would I guess : catgrin : is that. A million monkeys typing randomly would have a better shot at it.
Why don't I have an emoticon panel? :confused:

BTW, don't forget. :nana:

: nana :

Actually I didn't have it for a good long time. Ulaven just assisted me in trying to upload photographs, which he couldn't figure out on my settings. He had me change my settings and then the emoticon panel was there.

Maybe he could help you too, I have no idea what the fuck he did. Which is why I ask questions like this and nice people help me and I immediately forget what they were talking about unless I write it down.

Which I am, right here in this thread, if I forget, I can always search "Recidiva" "emoticon" and find it.
Okay I'll be the dummkopf that asks... What is :avery: what does that mean?
Okay I'll bet the dummkopf that asks... What is :avery: what does that mean?

Avery_Chisholm was a poster who tended to overuse the eyeroll emoticon until it was just called an :avery: by other posters, if I am correct.