Electric Shock

Apr 1, 2003
Hey everyone, my wife and i were wondering how we can apply electric shocks to each other (most likely only her ) we are looking for electric shocks that will apply a "painful" voltage and of course a nonleathel one, we'd really appreciate comments or suggestions thanks
Links, quoted in part, see website for full text


No electricity above the waist
No electricity on broken skin
No electricity on or near eyes, ears, or mouth
No electricity on or near piercings
No electricity with anyone who has, or has ever had, a heart condition, or who has a pacemaker
No electricity with anyone who has ever been nonconsensually tortured with electricity.

Also included here is the disclaimer from the book:
Readers should be aware that electricity play is an activity which carries an inherent risk of injury or even death. While we believe that following the guidelines set forth in this book will minimize that potential, the writer and publisher encourage you to be aware that you are taking some risk when you decide to engage in electricity play, and to accept personal responsibility for that risk. The writer and publisher have endeavored to present the most comprehensive and up-to-date information available, including having the book reviewed by a selection of experts in the field; however, in spite of our best efforts, the book may still contain errors and/or omissions. Neither the author, the publisher, nor anyone else associated with the creation or sale of this book is responsible for any injury sustained.


Safety was emphasized as the initial aspect of the evening. Know the limitations was the repeated phrase. Throughout the evening safety precautions were repeated but I will summarize them here -- though as someone totally inexperienced with electricity, I may be excessively strict.. Among the most important places is the chest, for electricity should not interfere with the electrical impulses that affect the heart. Though perhaps superficial electricity may be administered to a single tit, by using BOTH tits you are using the chest as a conductor - a very bad idea. Also, with very few exceptions (to be explained below), electricity should be kept away from the head. Small amounts of electricity can permanently damage the eyes and ears.

First some principles. Anything can be a conductor of electricity, including the human body. What makes the body react to electricity is whether its accumulated charge is discharged. Discharge of electricity is accomplished through grounding. By being grounded, electricity will pass right though the body onto the grounding device. Thus, to build up an electrical charge the body needs to have a *ground fault interruption device.* This can be exploited by building up and discharging electricity.

Another principle was that of voltage versus amperage. The thing which causes danger is the level of amperes. The lower the amperage the less danger there is of causing damage.

Violet Wand. (The wand kit illustrated in the Mr. S/Fetters catalog seems to be the same that was used at this demo.) This is among the lightest types of electrical devices, using static electricity. With the violet wand the electricity goes to the surface of things, in this case one of several kinds of attachments which build up a charge and then discharge it by sending it away from the surface. In transferring charges to the body, the end attachment - that which makes contact with the skin -- can vary. The greater the surface area on the attachment, the weaker the charge; conversely the smaller amount of surface area, the greater the charge. The demonstrators brought several kinds of attachments for the wand.


There are three critical Rules of Thumb you absolutely should know before doing electricity play:

Rule 1: Absolutely do not go playing with electrical units or toys if you know you have a heart condition or pacemaker,
Rule 2: Do not let electric current cross through or near the heart, and
Rule 3: Keep the current low.
About the first Rule, be aware that some people do have heart conditions that are not known in advance. That probability may be small but each person has to make his own choices. Better to choose with information than without.

About the second Rule, distance from the heart is not the issue. The relevant criterion is whether the current crosses through or close enough to the heart muscle while trying to get from one lead to the other. Since both batteries were in your vagina, and since current tends to try to take the shortest path in terms of doing the least work to get from the negative to the positive lead (technically, the path of least resistance), you were probably at negligible risk on this score.

This rule of thumb is summarized in BDSM by the phrase: "Only below the waist!" when it comes to electricity. If all electrical play is done below the waist, then the probability of current crossing near or through the heart is greatly reduced. In other words: Do not go putting one battery lead to each nipple.

But even the "only below the waist" criterion does not replace thinking about the principle involved. That is, it's a bad idea to put one electrode of an electrical toy on one person's genitals, the other on another person's genitals, and then have the two people kiss. Not only does the current have to pass both people's hearts, but the moisture of the kiss conducts electricity well. I have heard, in fact, of a report of a death in a freakish accident that might have involved a setup like that. So: leave those play ideas in your fantasy life.

About the third Rule, I am not sure what the body can handle in terms of current. (Please note that what matters most is current, not voltage, which can be a tricky indicator of the actual current involved.) Maybe someone else can answer this. Death is not just the only issue: electricity can leave fairly serious burns. I was always told that, as a rule of thumb when it comes to BDSM, 9-Volt batteries are safe enough, but more than that is dangerous. So those D-cell batteries you used were probably beyond the commonly-advised safe range, though I have been told their voltages are very low. But thanks for doing the experiment for us. : ) It's nice to hear that you didn't fry, and we in the rest of the more timid BDSM community are always glad to have a new data point.

Much safer than batteries are (medically approved) TENS and PES units. These units, as well as some custom-made units, are based on guiding electrical current through the body and thus stimulating muscles via electrodes stuck to the skin or membranes with conducting gel. You can buy TENS and PES units through a variety of vendors such as The Stockroom; you can also get them with a medical prescription because they are routinely prescribed to alleviate muscle aches and more serious chronic aches. You can sometimes even find them at garage sales! TENS and PES units are technically safe to use even above the waist (presumably under a doctor's care), though in BDSM the standard rule of thumb remains below the waist. However, the principle involved is that the leads are so close together that the stimulating current, though it goes through whatever muscle it is nearest, will not wander far.

And the safest of electrical toys is the static-electricity-based Violet Wand, which I understand is currently out of production. These items, which began last century as quack cure-all medical devices, can leave burns but otherwise are safe enough even above the waist. Assuming, as always, that the individual has no heart conditions.


Electrical play is using electricity of one form or another to generate sensation. This is another advanced form of play which can be fatal (lethal, deadly, murderous) if done improperly. Any electrical play that involves current flowing through the body should ONLY BE DONE BELOW THE WAIST; any current above the waist or through the heart can induce immediate cardiac arrest.

There are two main kinds of electrical toys I've seen. One is a TENS unit (Trans-Electric Nerve Stimulator, or something like that); these units typically are battery-powered, with control of pulse intensity and pulse frequency, and two leads that can be attached to electric cock rings, dildoes, or what have you. These can produce sensations ranging from a mild tingle to a thrilling trembling buzz to a serious jolt. Remember, below the waist only! And I wouldn't even use any such unit unless its sole power source was a 9V (or weaker) battery; no way am I letting anything plugged into a wall socket send power through my body!

The other sort of toy is known as a "violet wand"; these rather resemble hand-held power tools with little glass bulbs sticking out of one end. When turned on, the bulb glows violet and crackles; touching it will cause static sparks to jump to your skin, with an associated "zap!" and a sharp shock. These do not send current through the body, and are safe for use anywhere except the eyes or major nerve clusters (i.e. the top of the spine)--though prolonged use will burn the skin.