elect welfare surrender right to vote

Too many people living off the backs of hard working americans

Shame on you, lazy obama people
I don't understand why you bitch so much about it as they aren't your tax dollars.

In fact the NSA & IRS told me they laugh every time they see you claiming your 20 digital sex book copies you sell a year. They wonder why you even bother reporting such an unsubstantial amount of money.

Not to worry though, there is still plenty of time to go back to college and learn how to think and write like an actual adult. I believe in you, Jen! You can do it!
I don't understand why you bitch so much about it as they aren't your tax dollars.

In fact the NSA & IRS told me they laugh every time they see you claiming your 20 digital sex book copies you sell a year. They wonder why you even bother reporting such an unsubstantial amount of money.

Not to worry though, there is still plenty of time to go back to college and learn how to think and write like an actual adult. I believe in you, Jen! You can do it!

Wow, i dont even know who you are but clearly you are obsessed with me. Good job!
The contraction of "it is" needs an apostrophe. It's an easy rule to remember, even if you aren't a published author.
I didn't think corporations had the right to vote....you're not causing them any hardship by taking away their welfare.
Remember welfare is NOT a career

Thanks for that molten gold droplet of information.

Some say; it was a complete waste of time, but, they just don’t appreciate the amount of mental effort you put into coming up with it. So thanks.

Thanks for that molten gold droplet of information.

Some say; it was a complete waste of time, but, they just don’t appreciate the amount of mental effort you put into coming up with it. So thanks.


You failed to state why people like you can refuse to work and the "state" pays your way!?!

Yes, welfare is a right

a countries first and foremost duty is to provide for the protection and well being of it's citizenry... aka a country by the people, for the people.. you should look up what commie pinko said that

that also being said, I'd like to dispell a myth that keeps getting promoted here

the average time a person is on income assistance, welfare, whatever you call it.. is 6 to 8 months

how would I know? I work in a directly related field... you get you your info from pundits telling you what to think?

do some people " make a career out of it" ? yes, a small per centage.. and they are the ones that make the news, not all the others who don't make a career out of it... there's always a right wing pundit telling us how so and so defrauded the system... but they never tell of people who use it for what is was intended.. why? because it doesnt feed your narrative

and there people who do have to be on it... if we were to get rid of welfare what would you do for the mentally disabled who can live on their own but can't hold jobs...Jen says throw them into the streets and take away thier right to vote

or the elderly, or the physically disabled

this is when the talking point collapses and is seen for what it really is... an attack on the poor
you 'elect' for the state to pay your way in life...then you highlight your inability to make good decisions.

on that point along, when you go on welfare you are clearly not of sound mind and therefore are not able to vote.

voting is a privilege ... not a right

this is where we go wrong, with your kind.
I agree with you, Jenn. I've often said that anyone who is a net receiver of Government cheese, as opposed to a net payer, should forfeit their right to vote for the duration. Why should those riding in the wagon have any right to dictate to those pulling the wagon? It's a recipe for disaster, as we can plainly see right now.
I agree with you, Jenn. I've often said that anyone who is a net receiver of Government cheese, as opposed to a net payer, should forfeit their right to vote for the duration. Why should those riding in the wagon have any right to dictate to those pulling the wagon? It's a recipe for disaster, as we can plainly see right now.


now imagine if we kicked off all the free loaders (like that kid on 60 minutes - living in CA and surfing while paying for food with his obama food stamp credit card) and gave that money to a military widow or widower so that his or her children can have a fighting chance to get out of the system :kiss:
So you'd deny the right to vote

to disabled war vets?


now imagine if we kicked off all the free loaders (like that kid on 60 minutes - living in CA and surfing while paying for food with his obama food stamp credit card) and gave that money to a military widow or widower so that his or her children can have a fighting chance to get out of the system :kiss:
I'm waiting

to hear her say that. I don't know the figures, have looked and haven't yet found them, but I wouldn't be surprised if quite a big % of US welfare beneficiaries, including medical care, are disabled war vets.

They are the exception to her bullshit narrative.....
to hear her say that. I don't know the figures, have looked and haven't yet found them, but I wouldn't be surprised if quite a big % of US welfare beneficiaries, including medical care, are disabled war vets.

I would, there just aren't that many of us relatively speaking.

I mean yea several hundred thousand is a lot of broke dicks for sure.....but there are 5 figures on straight up food stamps/unemployment style welfare and 1/3 of the country gets some sort of gov assistance.

Plus all the welfare for the rich....don't ever forget that shit.

Yea vet's are spendy, folks should remember that next time they go all team america and shit. But Wall St. Get's way the fuck more welfare than we do.
Didn't know you were a vet.

I'm sorry.

And yes, the biggest beneficiaries of government welfare by far in the UK are tax-dodging big companies. And I imagine it's much the same in the USA.

There was a recent scandal here when someone revealed that Google and Starbucks pay little or no tax to the UK government, though both make huge profits here.

I would, there just aren't that many of us relatively speaking.

I mean yea several hundred thousand is a lot of broke dicks for sure.....but there are 5 figures on straight up food stamps/unemployment style welfare and 1/3 of the country gets some sort of gov assistance.

Plus all the welfare for the rich....don't ever forget that shit.

Yea vet's are spendy, folks should remember that next time they go all team america and shit. But Wall St. Get's way the fuck more welfare than we do.
I'm sorry.

And yes, the biggest beneficiaries of government welfare by far in the UK are tax-dodging big companies. And I imagine it's much the same in the USA.

There was a recent scandal here when someone revealed that Google and Starbucks pay little or no tax to the UK government, though both make huge profits here.

Don't be sorry...it's all good, you said you weren't sure from the get go =)

Yea it's the same...Big bank boss's get bail outs with 10 figures so their 50 million dollar Christmas bonus doesn't take a hit while families lose their homes.

Those companies are for profit, not for funding the UK's social programs ( contrary to popular euro thought as to the purpose of a business. ) so if you want your Starbucks you have to cut them enough slack on taxes for them to provide it. You guys can take the tax stick to those capitalist pig's all you want...they will just pack their shit and go sell their coffee ect to someone else.