eight mile

really, really enjoyed it

(although I liken it Rocky, except with rapping instead of boxing)
Surprisingly, it was a good movie, and he's a much better actor that I ever expected.
i loathe him... sorry, not going near the film.

he really needs to get over this teen angst thing (IMHO)
QuickDuck said:
i loathe him... sorry, not going near the film.

he really needs to get over this teen angst thing (IMHO)

But his mama wouldn't be nice to him!

and teen angst sells these days.
I really dug it. I love baltimore's HFS radio station - if i get in the mood for that 'loose yourself' song, i turn it on, they play it within 20 minutes, and i'm good. gotta love modern overplayed tunes, huh? it was a good flick. made me never want to visit detroit.
Spinaroonie -

that is quite possibly the funniest thing I have read in weeks. I particularly liked reasons:

21. The occult connection
In the lyrics of Without Me, Eminem confesses he "created a monster." It is widely thought that he performed a ritual of Jewish mysticism to raise a Golem. From the text, it was apparently constructed of chopped liver, wheat, and hard liquor.

23. The occult connection, part 2
It is widely thought that the aforementioned Golem went on to become Andrew W.K.

Wow... thanks... wow... what incredible logic...
If you want teen angst "music", go listen to Linkin Park and the like. At least Em has talent. LP just plays power chord after power chord and they get praised for it.
This flick was very good. I mean I heard rumours that it was good, but I didn't believe them until I saw it. The Rocky comparison is a good one, and one I don't mind. Eminem has so much spirit, it's hard not to listen to him, even if he is overplayed.

A lot of people don't like him because he's white. So what? What if you never saw him? You cannot ignore his emotion, unless you match his emotion with your ignorance. I like the guy and I'll back him up.
And people who won't see the movie just because they don't like Eminem are VERY ignorant.
I liked the movie.. I like his music.

And I don't think I have to defend my right to like them..

So :p
I'm waiting till the dvd comes out. The mere thought of seeing any more than one 15 year old white boy standing in line wearing a hooded sweatshirt, a winter cap pulled down tight, a fresh pair of baggies:eek: and talking on a cell phone to his "Homies, makes me gag.......The only people that laugh at the suburban wiggers harder than I do are the black people themselves.

But any movie that opens with Bassinger boinking is worth the rental in my book.

SexySparkles said:
If you want teen angst "music", go listen to Linkin Park and the like. At least Em has talent. LP just plays power chord after power chord and they get praised for it.

In all fainess you are wrong....and Further more Linkin Park does not do 80% overdubs of old rock/soul beats/tunes. They are quite original.

That being said, I think Eminem is a great poet, who raps and rhymes in a completely unique syntax.

I am tired of hearing about his ex wife "Kim", his Mom, and his Daughter "Hailie" though.

Check out Linkin Parks Reanimation stuff....its very good.
Eight Mile.....that's the remake of Purple Rain, right?

Eminem does a great Prince!

Killswitch said:
I'm waiting till the dvd comes out. The mere thought of seeing any more than one 15 year old white boy standing in line wearing a hooded sweatshirt, a winter cap pulled down tight, a fresh pair of baggies:eek: and talking on a cell phone to his "Homies, makes me gag.......The only people that laugh at the suburban wiggers harder than I do are the black people themselves.

But any movie that opens with Bassinger boinking is worth the rental in my book.


The world is a stage and we are players. Think of them as entertainment.

QD, see it. You may be surprised. It is quite good.

dl it if you want.
I HAVE listened to LP. Unlike other people, I listen to an entire album before I judge it.

90% of what LP plays are power chords...
SexySparkles said:
I HAVE listened to LP. Unlike other people, I listen to an entire album before I judge it.

90% of what LP plays are power chords...

Ain't nothing wrong with power chords. How long has AC/DC been in the biz?