Edward Snowden.

Is Edward Snowden a patriot or traitor?

  • Patriot

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Traitor

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 21.4%

  • Total voters
I understand if you're scared to vote because the US gov't is tracking us now. Don't be afraid to exercise those rights we are entitled to.
It's good to have the truth out. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call him a patriot, but certainly not a traitor.
It's good to have the truth out. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call him a patriot, but certainly not a traitor.

I feel the same way. He released information that many people "suspected", but now have confirmation. It amazes me that when people see the leaked info, it doesn't dawn on them that their personal info about their everyday lives are included in that.
He's a thief...

...you're a liar.

Only real diff is...

...you don't have enough nads to admit it.
He's a thief...

...you're a liar.

Only real diff is...

...you don't have enough nads to admit it.

Fuck off. If you want to keep up this charade of personal attacks against me or other posters in my threads, then ignore my threads and stay out of them.
I think perhaps you can be a bit of both, but he really conspired with no foreign government, so traitor may be a bit of a stretch.

Sounds like a civil action to me.
Fuck off. If you want to keep up this charade of personal attacks against me or other posters in my threads, then ignore my threads and stay out of them.

That's funny, wannabe...

...you can't even tell JohnnyBob what to do.
He is not a patriot or a traitor, he's an asshole who broke one of the biggest rules a person can break and seems very surprised that people are mad at him.
Fuck him. Hope he enjoys whatever short ass life he's gonna have in a third world Latin American shithole where everybody hates Americans.
Good move, dickwad.
I don't know if the guy is a "patriot", but given the recent vote on the NSA funding, the many amendments being filed calling for more oversight, the real discussion about expiring the Patriot Act and revelations of the abuse of the NSA database I think one thing is very true:

None of this very healthy conversation would be happening if he had not done what he did.
It was no great revelation for me; I always suspected that the government was spying on us. He's a jerk off for making an agreement on confidentiality which he violated and probably cost people their lives. I am agreeable to giving up some freedom for safety and I agree that it's good that there is now dialogue in regard to how much freedom we're are giving up.
It was no great revelation for me; I always suspected that the government was spying on us. He's a jerk off for making an agreement on confidentiality which he violated and probably cost people their lives.

"probably cost people their lives"?

Isn't that really just another "no great relevation" since you simply "suspect" that, too...

...or, can you offer any actual support for any lives being lost directly because of any of Snowden's disclosures?

I am agreeable to giving up some freedom for safety and I agree that it's good that there is now dialogue in regard to how much freedom we're are giving up.

You can "give up" all your freedom you like for your safety's sake - that's entirely your business.

...but you have no authority whatsoever to "give up" any of anyone else's freedom for whatever friggin' reason you "agree" to.

Thanks, though, for clearly exhibiting what a statist piece of sh!t you truly are...

...war be to you and your socialist "democracy".
"probably cost people their lives"?

Isn't that really just another "no great relevation" since you simply "suspect" that, too...

...or, can you offer any actual support for any lives being lost directly because of any of Snowden's disclosures?

You can "give up" all your freedom you like for your safety's sake - that's entirely your business.

...but you have no authority whatsoever to "give up" any of anyone else's freedom for whatever friggin' reason you "agree" to.

Thanks, though, for clearly exhibiting what a statist piece of sh!t you truly are...

...war be to you and your socialist "democracy".





who cares
I'm not sure how i feel. I understand that unsavory things have to be done for security reasons, but the amount of intrusion is too much. We really are at the "Big Brother" stage. There is something weird about the government wanting to punish Snowden for revealing possibly illegal and unconstitutional things that they've done. I was reading that the FBI could not investigate the Tsarnaev's because of justice department restrictions. Why do laws protect the evil ones? I've never done anything in my life, but there is no problem taking pictures of my mail and keeping track of every time I take a shit.
I voted undecided.

Because there wasn't a "neither" option.

A patriot or whistleblower is a hero who acts to stop or right an injustice without personal gain.

A traitor is a person who wages war against one's country, or whose purpose is aiding national enemies.

I don't think he meets either of those tests.

The revelations were what I expected when the so-called "Patriot Act" was authorized. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Obviously, the NSA was doing more oversight of Congress than Congress was doing of them. If you ask me, the Patriot Act should have required Constitutional ratification before taking effect, and Congress was negligent in their duties and oath of office to protect, preserve, and defend the Constitution. Likewise, the NSA was so negligent that it couldn't even defend itself against one civilian acting alone.

The fact that Congress was embarrassed and the public outrage was a good thing.
Lol, there's actually tyrannical human scum on this site who voted that this guy (who is really just a side show to the real issue which is that we live in a totalitarian surveillance state) a "traitor." Lol, this place is hillarious.
It was no great revelation for me; I always suspected that the government was spying on us. He's a jerk off for making an agreement on confidentiality which he violated and probably cost people their lives. I am agreeable to giving up some freedom for safety and I agree that it's good that there is now dialogue in regard to how much freedom we're are giving up.

Lol, lol, lol.

You volunteer to give up your freedom, moron. I'll keep mine.