Education for Women

Bachlum Chaam

Crumpet Captivator
Feb 24, 2003
Education for Women

After being on Literotica for a while it has become apparent to myself and other right thinking men,that the ladies of Literotica have lost their way, so to that end I have decided to post a thread to help all you lovely ladies get back to the correct order in the world.
So I have decided to help you all by means of reminding you how it should be.
This was posted in the playground and lots responded to it so... enjoy

1) Ladies belong at home
2)Stay in the home cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry
3)Look after the children
4)Look after your husband as is right
5)Get marriage vows back to love honour and obey
6)Hand back the vote as it is wasted on you
7)Revoke all rights to drive motor vehicles as you plainly are unable to
8)Service your man at his behest
9)Never swear
10)Learn to accept a compliment with appropriate humility
11)Enjoy it when a man deigns to open a door for you,graciously
12)Act demurely as you are supposed to
13)Never ,ever drink pints
14)Stop nagging
15)Always walk 3 paces behind you man with pride
16)Always,always act with grace
17)Should a man wish to make a pass at you enjoy it for what it is
18)Should he pinch your arse be gratefull he wanted to

Ok ladies and gentlemen the floor is now open.
Ladies should you need any assistance with said suggestions feel free to message me.
Gentlemen should you consider any more please feel free to post them
For myself the sooner we get back to normality the better
Your servant Bachlum Chaam
LionessInWinter said:
None of that is going to happen until men learn how to pick out good-looking neckties.

What's with these solid, sherbet-colored, shiny ones lately? Ghastly, really.
Hey, I happen to like orange sherbet... or is that sherbert? sorbet? Damn these french words; where's scyrmettet when I need him?

Originally postulated by my servant, Bachlum Chaam:

Gentlemen should you consider any more please feel free to post them
Since this fails so utterly to be either humorous or provocative, I suggest you don't give up your day job, servant. Now get back in the kitchen and fix me my breakfast before I make you lick the floor again.
LionessInWinter said:
You make sherbet with milk and sorbet without it.

Really? I always wondered what the difference was! I figured sorbet was the same thing, just more expensive because the name was fancier. :D
Bach you did this last week on the Playground. I don't think this will get a better reaction here than there.
sweet soft kiss said:
Bach you did this last week on the Playground. I don't think this will get a better reaction here than there.

But it made everybody think there my lady so.....
sweet soft kiss said:
Bach you did this last week on the Playground. I don't think this will get a better reaction here than there.
ah, but we at the gb tend to ignore something this wacky as being a joke, as I'm sure it was intended to be.
my reaction... *coughbullshitcoughcough*

Sorry, not for me, that's my dad's mentality....
Sorry. I’m playing into this. I know this guys just posting for a reaction, but what pisses me off is that there are still morons out there who think this way. Not only think like this but teach it to their kids so that those adorable little boys grow up into royal ass holes and the little girls grow up in to door mats. So here it is. My response:
Fuck off retard and go back to your cave. If you have any access to children I hope they’re pulled away from you so that your stupidity doesn’t rub off on them .
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Bachlum Chaam said:
But it made everybody think there my lady so.....

Re-read the replies on that thread, B.C. Evidence would suggest otherwise.

J.B. said:
Sorry. I’m playing into this. I know this guys just posting for a reaction, but what pisses me off is that there are still morons out there who think this way. Not only think like this but teach it to their kids so that those adorable little boys grow up into royal ass holes and the little girls grow up in to door mats. So here it is. My response:
Fuck off retard and go back to your cave. If you have any access to children I hope they’re pulled away from you so that your stupidity doesn’t rub off on them .

Not only are there men who still believe this, but the reaction to them is then somehow extended to women who choose to stay home with their children. One of my co-workers is leaving work after her baby is born to be a stay-at-home Mom. The comments and remarks about her "being a good little woman" for her husband were irritating as hell.
Don’t get me wrong. I understand that there are women who would rather be a stay at home mom. And I know that’s like a million times harder. I honestly wouldn’t have the patience to do it and would probably slip in to some sort of depression or go nuts. I have no problem if you chose to be a home-maker. Don’t enforce this on anyone. Because if anyone ever tries it with me they’re in for a rude awakening.
I often wonder if this would *still* be the way of the American world if women weren't forced to get out of the kitchen to do their patriotic duty during the World Wars...
Hey women here fought tooth and nail. And were treated as lower than scum by those exact same men that said that women were too delicate and soft to ever be able to do “men only jobs”. Take a look back at what women had to go through and for how long they went thorough it so that we could vote. So that we could have a birth control pill and have a say in the amount of children we could have.
Those are some tough women. Yes, the wars helped us a lot, but we’d have gotten here eventually.
Education for Women . . .

Does this mean I flunk "Women's" Studies?
My lady,from your well put point of view I perceive you disagree with the thread,which is fine and I have no problem with not agreeing with it.
When it comes to personal abuse, then I can only think that mayhap I struck a nerve,could it be that deep down you agree with me,probably not but it would tend to make some people wonder
Your Servant Bachlum Chaam
J.B. said:

Those are some tough women. Yes, the wars helped us a lot, but we’d have gotten here eventually.

Of this I have no doubt. I'm just saying that the wars gave women a huge push out and I wonder if it would have been a more painful (for lack of a better word) process without that need.
J.B. said:
Don’t get me wrong. I understand that there are women who would rather be a stay at home mom. And I know that’s like a million times harder. I honestly wouldn’t have the patience to do it and would probably slip in to some sort of depression or go nuts. I have no problem if you chose to be a home-maker. Don’t enforce this on anyone. Because if anyone ever tries it with me they’re in for a rude awakening.

I understand what you're saying, JB.

It's all about choice and allowing women to make those choices without backlash. Too many times, i think we as women are harder on each other because the struggle to be allowed to make those choices has been so hard.
1) Ladies belong at home
2)Stay in the home cooking, cleaning and doing the laundry
3)Look after the children
4)Look after your husband as is right
5)Get marriage vows back to love honour and obey
6)Hand back the vote as it is wasted on you
7)Revoke all rights to drive motor vehicles as you plainly are unable to
8)Service your man at his behest
9)Never swear
10)Learn to accept a compliment with appropriate humility
11)Enjoy it when a man deigns to open a door for you,graciously
12)Act demurely as you are supposed to
13)Never ,ever drink pints
14)Stop nagging
15)Always walk 3 paces behind you man with pride
16)Always,always act with grace
17)Should a man wish to make a pass at you enjoy it for what it is
18)Should he pinch your arse be gratefull he wanted to

This would make a good prelude to a sci-fi novel. Umm, but remember you heard it here first.