
Deb Aryon

Sep 20, 2002
I have been trying to find an editor to look at one of my pieces. Nobody seems to be out there. Would anyone we interested in a piece about a midage woman - deals with fantasies, babies, lust, motherhood. etc. thanks Deb aryon
I emailed several volunteer editors and got no response. Someone told me it doesn't exist anymore. I sent a PM to Laurel but haven't heard back yet.
your story

I'm not on the editor's list, for various reasons, but I'd be happy to take a look at it. I also asked for editors for one of my stories that I had some doubbts about, and got no response from the 6 inquiries I sent. Kind of frustrating, huh?

I am a proofreader and an editor by trade, but I don't do erotic for a living. I am new to Literotica, so would be good at checking your grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation etc., and you could depend on my accuracy there. The story line, hot stuff, etc. I am willing to comment on, but don't take my word as the only opinion-- that said-- send me your story via PM?

I assume that last post was an offer to plea for help from Deb and not me:(
New member looking for help

I have also been trying to get some editing help. I am brand new to this site and this style of writting. I would love to get some help before I put it out for all to see. Any ideas?
I don't know but if you want something don't do it as anonymous like the feedback I just received(which is funny in a way-if they'd look at some of my stuff and the fact I'm looking for somebody to help me) I'd respond if I could!
This message contains feedback for: bearlee
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


My wife and I are brand new to this site, and well, to erotica in
general. I have written a couple of things and would like to have someone
take a look at it before I post it. This kind of thing is not something
you ask your neighbor to read before you put it on. I would appreciate
any feedback I could get. Thanks

*DO NOT hit the REPLY button to respond to this email.*

Re: your story

gaigirl said:
I'm not on the editor's list, for various reasons, but I'd be happy to take a look ...

I agree with BearLee that one should offer to be an editor, but beyond that, I think it is polite to respond to the feedback and editing that is provided when it is or when it has been... it does take time, and editors are volunteers.

Know if you really want an editor before you ask. If you are really just seeking confidence, compliments and/or positive feedback, maybe editing isn't what you are looking for.
I did not intend for anything to be listed as "anonymous" but apparently it was. I apologize if that offended anyone; again I am totally new to any of this.

I do realize the role that an editor would play in the writing process and I was not seeking compliments or praise. Frankly I only wanted a fresh set of eyes to review the material for errors such as grammatical, spelling, etc.

I may be looking in the wrong area or venue in which to become involved in this type of writing. I apologize again if I offended anyone with my inquiry; I assure you it was unintentional.

It wasn't you I was thinking of when I posted.... don't know 'bout Bearlee-- but I think it's pretty fair to say you haven't offended anyone.

There is nothing wrong with asking for "feedback" as opposed to "editing". My point is that they aren't necessarily the same thing sometimes. Editing includes feedback, but I see my job as an editor as a bit more comprehensive. When someone asks for editing, I tend to think they want input on how they might make some improvements. Maybe I go overboard-- but honestly, when I as an editor have nothing to say, how can I justify the rates I charge? (Earlier I said I work as an editor in RL)

Although the editing I have done on Lit is not on a fee-paid basis, I give it my all, I do my best, and I think of it as a "job". I try to be as thorough as I can, and the work is done as a "gift". For that reason, it is nice to thank your editor, or at least acknowledge receipt of the work...